Evoke 2016 - 12-14 August - Köln-Kalk
category: parties [glöplog]
If all goes well the stream will be up at https://www.twitch.tv/evoke - but you should still rather come by in person :)
so excite <3
[x] 1st entry done
I plan to travel to Evoke from the area around Ingolstadt by car. Anyone who needs a ride ... and is willing to share the expenses for some Diesel? ... :-)
Thanks slider.
And please, please, please dont mute the audience reactions in the livestream.
And please, please, please dont mute the audience reactions in the livestream.
There is nothing to mute if there is no mic :). Just kidding, we will see about that.
Also don't forget to visit Pizzeria il Futuro : Johann-Mayer-Straße 1, 51105 Köln and get any pizza with European anchovy.
[x] travel
[x] demo
[ ] pizza
[x] travel
[x] demo
[ ] pizza
Yeah, I know ... unfortunately I can not join you in front of the bigscreen. My father-in-law died today and the funeral is on next saturday. :(
So sad. Was looking forward to this Evoke for some months now ...
But I plan to be there at friday for a quick visit.
I kind of know the feeling, one of my best friends, whom I've know for 20 years passed away just a few days ago. My condoleances man! Hope to see you on friday. Oh and I hope you'll be able to watch the livestream of the democompo.
@numtek: Thanks, man.
I'll not gonna make it this year. Sorry, folks.
aka "Rheinbrücke von Donnerstag bis Montag gesperrt" ...
Das gibt sicher fast keine Rückstaus auf A1 und A3!
Das gibt sicher fast keine Rückstaus auf A1 und A3!
[x] 4k intro ready.
Partying instead of coding in the partyplace \o/
Partying instead of coding in the partyplace \o/
That just means there's enough time for another compofiller intro!
That's not even necessary, I hear the compo will be awesome this year.
So envious to everyone who gets to be there. Miss you already.
Because a lot of people asked me for the playlist. Here it is :)
Nr. Group Titel Type Party Year
1 Logicoma Almost Infinite demo Solskogen 2016
2 Prismbeings Whitespace 4k Simulaatio 2016
3 matt current Wrath demo Assembly 2009
4 ukscene allstarts Route 1066 demo Sundown 2007
5 Poo-Bain & Inque Exit Strategy 4k Revision 2016
6 sohx1 simplex demo Synchrony 2016
7 Traction Incognito 64k Assembly 2008
8 farbrausch fr-063: Magellan demo the Ultimate Meeting 2010
9 conspiracy darkness lay your eyes upon me 64k Revision 2016
10 holon luxe demo Deadline 2015
11 Still Passing demo Function 2008
12 0x4015 & yet11 2nd stage boss 4k Tokyo Demo Fest 2016
13 epoch emix demo Assembly 2015
14 unknown artist outcast 4k Assembly 2016
15 Outracks Gamma demo The Gathering 2007
16 Alcatraz Rudebox 4k Main 2009
17 the not yet rusty collective watercolour space demo Assembly 2015
18 Still Through the Cracks demo Revision 2016
19 mercury fermi paradox 64k Revision 2016
20 Synesthetics STS-05: Royal Temple Ball demo Intel Demo Compo 2007
21 Poo-Bain & Inque xanax 4k Sundown 2016
22 cocoon shapeshift demo Revision 2016
23 cncd & fairlight hold-and-modify demo Assembly 2015
The seminar Alex Scholz: Alex Scholz: Pixels and Paper Trails had to be cancelled due to the presenter not being here.
Sorry for your loss numtek… :(

“Pixels and Paper Trails” ... 64+ seminar slides done for nothing ... missed my train to Cologne this morning after a loooooong night, now sobbing under my desk :( ...

The stream is being very mean to me. twitch.tv is menopausing all of the time and when it isn't, turns out the uplink is dead. I has a sad.
evoke is a demoparty
Bochka, bass, kolbaser!