Captures of streamkillers
category: general [glöplog] needs video capture!
On the topic of STS-01 - all the 200x-era KWLMFXSTSSQNYandwhoeverelsewasusingkurli'sssystem stuff benefits heavy from using kkapture and pressing the "intercept FMOD" button - FMOD's timer only has a precision of 1024 samples resulting in all the demos running at 43Hz effectively and looking pretty bad at 60. Kkapture fixes this by intercepting that call and adding the precision needed, and IMHO all the stuff looks better with correct timing. Of course if you go for "artistic integrity", pls ignore this but I don't think the 43Hz were a consciuous choice on Kurli's side :D
kb: FWIW, when I still used FMOD in my demo code, I was acutely aware of this, but it was actually really hard to work around. IIRC, I ended up using the sync point callbacks to realign my own timer, because those actually were actually called at the precise point :-)
(Eventually I just coded up my own DirectSound code, which worked much better.)
(Eventually I just coded up my own DirectSound code, which worked much better.)
Quote:On this note, Kvasigen - Textmode in a Bottle still needs a quality capture. Any takers?
Not so sure about that :)
jmph: It has an “get AVI” button… :-P
Deeeerrrrp. Well considering I don't have a machine that can actually run the demo (no Shader 4.0 capable card in anything I have), I think I can be excused for not knowing that. :p
Is the AVI online anywhere? Can someone link me to it?
I have a good, high bitrate capture of all the STS demos, and a ton more I havn't uploaded yet, I guess I had better get around to doing it :)
Uploading STS-01 capture now, i'll post link tomorrow when done, then i'll get around to uploading all my other missing captures.
keito: Thanks, I saw the capture was up and put it in my streamkiller loop. :-) (Currently it contains: The Butterfly Effect, Michigan, Metamorf II, white one, STS-01, with a mediocre capture for Michigan and good captures of the rest. Unfortunately the hardware player I'm using as input won't take the Cognoscere or Uncovering Static captures, because it's crappy. But I've run through them using a laptop as the input, and at least it does better than YouTube on both.)
Doing well on streamkillers is, of course, impossible. The point is to avoid having to make all the other demos look crap to accomodate a potential streamkiller in the compo.
Doing well on streamkillers is, of course, impossible. The point is to avoid having to make all the other demos look crap to accomodate a potential streamkiller in the compo.
Sesse, great! I'm glad you took the initiative to just refresh my videos page :)
Concerning Uncovering Static, is the capture crappy and the reason for it not working with your hardware, or is the file itself slightly dodgy?
Concerning Uncovering Static, is the capture crappy and the reason for it not working with your hardware, or is the file itself slightly dodgy?
The hardware is crappy. :-) I believe there's nothing wrong with the file, but probably the resolution is too high for it (1920x1200).
It was about the H.264 level. Constrain it to 4.1 when encoding (I did a 720p transcode, and also cropped away the black bars), and it happily plays the video,although far from smoothly. I guess it's not the only embedded player to have such restrictions. But it's just for testing anyway, I wouldn't use it for real playout.