fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
There is a problem with this prod: add group, please - this authors
Please, rename this prod ( to "rainbox" and change type of this prod ( to 128 byte. Thank you.
This is clickable link (
There is a problem with this prod: change platform to "ZX Enhanced"
Please rename this demo to "Kpacku Deluxe" (currently with Cyrillic symbols).
done, currently we can't add the compo category but it will be done as soon as possible
There is a problem with this prod:
Please move it to "combined 256b" (there wasn't "pc 256b" compo at CC'2015)
Please move it to "combined 256b" (there wasn't "pc 256b" compo at CC'2015)
There is a problem with this prod:
Please move it to "combined 256b" (there wasn't "pc 256b" compo at CC'2015)
Please move it to "combined 256b" (there wasn't "pc 256b" compo at CC'2015)
There is a problem with this prod: ... It is an invitation for cc 2015 but it isn't marked as such.
There is a problem with this prod: please change the compo to "zx spectrum enhanced demo"
Gasman is doing these atm, I think :)
yup, all enhanceified now
isn't "zx spectrum enhanced demo" way too long? maybe "zx enhanced demo"?
diver, +1
I just copied the name from the results file :)
^^^ please change the compo to "crazy demo" and don't follow these guys.
History in short:
TS-Conf is a configuration file for FPGA, loaded in ZX Evo board, or other devboards. It contains some Pentagon emulation core to make it advertizeable at Spectrum websites, but the thing used in demos is a sprite engine that can't be connected to any Spectrum unless as an another computer (CPU+RAM+Video).
TS-Labs made friends with diver (it resulted in diver moved from to TS-Labs's forum). Diver made a compo special for him at his local party 3BM; there was an invitation for 3BM that was released at ArtField (in Wild compo), and diver uploaded it as "ZX Spectrum" (even not Spectrum+Wild unlike he did with my demo The Link for Pentagon+addons). Diver named a compo special for TS-Labs "ZX Enhanced demo compo". The works were also uploaded as "ZX Spectrum" again. Then the same compo was made by Nyuk, diver's friend (they two are the two admins of "hype" blog that advertises TS-Config). Then - now - random made it too, for "more works".
There was a long time of protests that ended in out-of-consensus division of "ZX Spectrum" in two platforms: "ZX Spectrum" and "ZX Enhanced" (clones, addons, and - surprisingly - TS-Conf). The consensus division was in 5 parts (16, 48, 128, ATM, Enhanced), agreed by diver, and there was no TS-Conf in that division. TS-Labs personally wanted a separate platform for him. It seems he fears of being in Wild.
There was also long story when they named ATM Turbo demos "ZX Evo baseconf demos" (as if a Spectrum clone from 1991-1993 is on par with TS-Labs's emulator) and other "mistakes" like printing "ZX Spectrum Evolution" instead of "ZX Evolution" and "ZX Evo is a Spectrum" instead of "ZX Evo is a computer-constructor" (so it was called in Russian, you know it can have any firmware loaded, even Pong-conf).
In 2015, another series of "mistakes" began - using our teamname "Conscience" as an author of a pack of ripped games, uploading a TS-Conf demo as "1st in zx demo" while the actual ZX demos were in "combined demo", uploading another one as "ZX Spectrum" when - for mercy - TS-Conf was kept in "ZX Enhanced" while all the other FPGA stuff is in Wild. So they are, these mistakes. (Make them more mercy, and they will sit on your head.) There are also "jokes" ("I was joking" can acquit any lie).
This can't be explained as "individuals with coincided opinions". This is a system. The mob sits in one TS-Labs's IRC named "#z80" (not the old one that is stil at IRCNet) and in one TS-Labs's forum, they don't accuse TS-Labs for anything he did (breaking the GPL license when he made a branch of LVD's firmware, commanding the SpeccyWiki attack in December 2013, his trolling and "burn-Crimea" speech (01 mar 2014, 03 sep 2014), his double accounts at, his double standards in calling his TS-Conf "non-Spectrum" and advertising it as "Spectrum v2"), they accuse certain people that stay on their way. Today they accused me in vandalism at a party I haven't even participated. That's too far.
History in short:
TS-Conf is a configuration file for FPGA, loaded in ZX Evo board, or other devboards. It contains some Pentagon emulation core to make it advertizeable at Spectrum websites, but the thing used in demos is a sprite engine that can't be connected to any Spectrum unless as an another computer (CPU+RAM+Video).
TS-Labs made friends with diver (it resulted in diver moved from to TS-Labs's forum). Diver made a compo special for him at his local party 3BM; there was an invitation for 3BM that was released at ArtField (in Wild compo), and diver uploaded it as "ZX Spectrum" (even not Spectrum+Wild unlike he did with my demo The Link for Pentagon+addons). Diver named a compo special for TS-Labs "ZX Enhanced demo compo". The works were also uploaded as "ZX Spectrum" again. Then the same compo was made by Nyuk, diver's friend (they two are the two admins of "hype" blog that advertises TS-Config). Then - now - random made it too, for "more works".
There was a long time of protests that ended in out-of-consensus division of "ZX Spectrum" in two platforms: "ZX Spectrum" and "ZX Enhanced" (clones, addons, and - surprisingly - TS-Conf). The consensus division was in 5 parts (16, 48, 128, ATM, Enhanced), agreed by diver, and there was no TS-Conf in that division. TS-Labs personally wanted a separate platform for him. It seems he fears of being in Wild.
There was also long story when they named ATM Turbo demos "ZX Evo baseconf demos" (as if a Spectrum clone from 1991-1993 is on par with TS-Labs's emulator) and other "mistakes" like printing "ZX Spectrum Evolution" instead of "ZX Evolution" and "ZX Evo is a Spectrum" instead of "ZX Evo is a computer-constructor" (so it was called in Russian, you know it can have any firmware loaded, even Pong-conf).
In 2015, another series of "mistakes" began - using our teamname "Conscience" as an author of a pack of ripped games, uploading a TS-Conf demo as "1st in zx demo" while the actual ZX demos were in "combined demo", uploading another one as "ZX Spectrum" when - for mercy - TS-Conf was kept in "ZX Enhanced" while all the other FPGA stuff is in Wild. So they are, these mistakes. (Make them more mercy, and they will sit on your head.) There are also "jokes" ("I was joking" can acquit any lie).
This can't be explained as "individuals with coincided opinions". This is a system. The mob sits in one TS-Labs's IRC named "#z80" (not the old one that is stil at IRCNet) and in one TS-Labs's forum, they don't accuse TS-Labs for anything he did (breaking the GPL license when he made a branch of LVD's firmware, commanding the SpeccyWiki attack in December 2013, his trolling and "burn-Crimea" speech (01 mar 2014, 03 sep 2014), his double accounts at, his double standards in calling his TS-Conf "non-Spectrum" and advertising it as "Spectrum v2"), they accuse certain people that stay on their way. Today they accused me in vandalism at a party I haven't even participated. That's too far.
remove KB from Snowden

(no, not the Hungarian one)
Actually i have asked for "Enhanced demo" compo only. And it is called so at previous parties except Chaos Constructions.
There is a problem with this prod: please change group: Consciousness