A list of oldschool demoeffects...
category: code [glöplog]
@Alone: It already is on YT ;-)
I am not sure but It seems the first fractal zoom comes from this demo (91) : http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/release.php?id=23585
I can't make it run with winuae so I am not sure if it's the same effect, but from the screenshot it looks really similar (even if it was made in amos)
I can't make it run with winuae so I am not sure if it's the same effect, but from the screenshot it looks really similar (even if it was made in amos)
yes, it looks similar. thanks for the link, i cant watch it though. i suck at running amiga emulators. someone should make a video
I can confirm that the Phenomena - Zoom demo has a fractal zoomer. I got it up an running in WinUAE. According to the text in the demo it is programmed in AMOS.
thanks. cool. i remember AMOS.
what is a name of demoeffect ?

looks like a repeated copper bar + horizontal sine shifting as seen in copper master only xpose has more copper bars.
The Silents - Xpose (1992) Amiga
Angels - Copper Master (1990) Amiga
The Silents - Xpose (1992) Amiga
Angels - Copper Master (1990) Amiga
Vertical Kefrens Bars
correction: (Vertical Copper Bars || Kefrens Bars ) + siney shifting
name is differs:
and yes, screenshot from X-Pose:
and yes, screenshot from X-Pose:
that is silents bars AFAIK, and its done by selecting from a set of predefined gfx lines according to some added up sines. no horizontal shifting.
it´s alcatraz-bars! :p
see page 3 of this thread...first appeared in "Megademo 3" by Alcatraz, as Hitchhikr already said there.
Vertical rasters = Alcatraz bars, as some old farts will happily tell!
Digging up that topic as I'm looking for demos effect on Atari ST that I may not have covered here http://wp.me/p6v7IR-4Ayet :
Picking line from predefined graphics as seen in g0blinish screenshots is Silents-bars.
The display-the-same-line-and-add-to-it-every-line is a different effect, and I always used to call that one Kefrens-bars, but perhaps Alcatraz was first?
The display-the-same-line-and-add-to-it-every-line is a different effect, and I always used to call that one Kefrens-bars, but perhaps Alcatraz was first?
and I always used to call that one Kefrens-bars, but perhaps Alcatraz was first?
Not perhaps, Metalwar/Alcatraz was first!
How about neon/hdr copperbars? Who was first? Zymosis or Ephidrena? One could argue ephidrena was first because the bloom effect in the zymosis 1k is done on a twister and not on the real copperbar as in Ephidrena neonsky. Then later Spaceballs copied the neon copperbars from Ephidrena in this year's Nightlight prod!
Ah damn the zymosis intro has a part where the twister is straight so that it becomes a real copperbar after all
Quote:and I always used to call that one Kefrens-bars, but perhaps Alcatraz was first?
Not perhaps, Metalwar/Alcatraz was first!
Correct. You can hear Truck and another guy jokingly fight over this during IIRC the Revision 2017 oldskool demo stream.