Solskogen 2015 - Cloud-free computing
category: parties [glöplog]
loook..! fREAKS

Thanks for organizing!
I wonder if there's a recording of the stream somewhere. Where I am right now it's +7 hours compared to Norway so I just couldn't watch it live.
I wonder if there's a recording of the stream somewhere. Where I am right now it's +7 hours compared to Norway so I just couldn't watch it live.
No recording, sorry. :-)
It was _great_ once again!
@yzi, actually there is recording (non-official, so you get all the perks like network glitches, stream dies during the compo, etc...). but given that it's >20GB, splattered across 33 files, in the format that is not accepted on youtube (.ts), there will be some time before I'll manage to organise all that. hope you're not in the hurry. ;))
maybe add the productions to pouet aswell :)
HOLY BALLS what a good time. Thanks to all the usual suspects and some new ones as well. Crazy glad I didn't throw out my intro at 4:30 Saturday morning, and also was super fun participating in the live coding compo. What a cool format!! Lots of really cool entries to the compos as well, soundsystem rocked hard, livesets ruled, just a great party :)
This was probably my favorite solskogen ever, and that really means something. Awesome, awesome stuff!!!
This was probably my favorite solskogen ever, and that really means something. Awesome, awesome stuff!!!
Who did the party jingle? Sounded kinda like a VIP of Spor - Aztec (:
Who did the party jingle? Sounded kinda like a VIP of Spor - Aztec (:
It's the Calyx & Teebee remix.
Thanks to everyone who came, I had a lot of fun in between a lot of work :)
That was a real epic experience! Great party, awesome entries in the competitions, badass music+PA, and a very unique list of adventure in the Legendary Darklite Wagon. Cozy conversations and tons of new friends. And last but not least: HOLY SHIT! What a tremendous amount of delicious food?! On Satuday I was even not sure if it is s gastro festival or a demo party :D
Many many thanks for the organizers, and special thanks to Gargaj, who has convinced me in March about traveling to Norway!
Looking forward Solskogen 2016!
p.s.: I hope every of you who has promised will also come to FUNCTION'15 ;-)
That was a real epic experience! Great party, awesome entries in the competitions, badass music+PA, and a very unique list of adventure in the Legendary Darklite Wagon. Cozy conversations and tons of new friends. And last but not least: HOLY SHIT! What a tremendous amount of delicious food?! On Satuday I was even not sure if it is s gastro festival or a demo party :D
Many many thanks for the organizers, and special thanks to Gargaj, who has convinced me in March about traveling to Norway!
Looking forward Solskogen 2016!
p.s.: I hope every of you who has promised will also come to FUNCTION'15 ;-)
It really really was a good Solskogen this year. I had a really good time. Lots of fun and nice people. Lots of nice productions in the compos.
Looking forward to be part of the organizing team again next year.
And I hope everyone got home safely!
Looking forward to be part of the organizing team again next year.
And I hope everyone got home safely!
Thank you for another lovely time...
Also did anyone find the following...a Bottle of Gin, A blue towel and a Breakpoint t-shirt?
Losing the Gin is annoying, the towel I could not give a crap about but the Breakpoint T-shirt I'd really want back...I've lost enough scene party shirts.
The Towel and the T-Shirt would be in the same plastic bag. Probably with some socks.
Also did anyone find the following...a Bottle of Gin, A blue towel and a Breakpoint t-shirt?
Losing the Gin is annoying, the towel I could not give a crap about but the Breakpoint T-shirt I'd really want back...I've lost enough scene party shirts.
The Towel and the T-Shirt would be in the same plastic bag. Probably with some socks.
Apologies for the Rød Aalborg. I forgot the first rule of Rød Aalborg: You never give Rød Aalborg to people you like.
Huge thanks to Gloom, log00ber, Gargaj, Menace, Sesse, Guro and all the rest of you who works so hard to make Solskogen what it is. Thanks to Terje & Kenneth for the Darklite partywagon. That was a blast. Sorry Sesse for leaving the speakers on outside at 08.30 friday morning. That will not happen again we hope! I made some new friends this party, and got to meet a lot of old ones - it made me realize how much it sucked to miss a Solskogen last year.
And oh.. the free waffles late saturday was like christmas, halloween, new years eve and disovering masturbation for the first time - all at once.
Hope to see you all, and more, for next years edition!
Cheers, Klaus
And oh.. the free waffles late saturday was like christmas, halloween, new years eve and disovering masturbation for the first time - all at once.
Hope to see you all, and more, for next years edition!
Cheers, Klaus
Amazing party, I had a blast. Great compos, tasty food and as Klaus said, fappable waffles! Hope to see you all next year!
It was really fun to see all the cool things people are making. I had so much fun, and met super nice people wherever I went.
Thanks to everyone involved for a great party, and lots of love for the hot coffee in the morning! <3
Thanks to everyone involved for a great party, and lots of love for the hot coffee in the morning! <3
Huge thanks to everyone who showed up, and who I shared the experience with. I feel this was one of our smoothest events yet, and I hope the participants share that feeling. It was great fun making Solskogen for you once again, and I can't wait for next year.
Mine and Dozer's Copy That Floppy initiative was fun to be involved with, but I hope for a better 3.5" turnout next yeear - the c64 people took the definitive lead on that one. We'll sort the stuffage, and make it available in suitable avenues in the next days and weeks.
Also, Codice: Have you started on the actual demo yet? It's been DAYS! :)
Mine and Dozer's Copy That Floppy initiative was fun to be involved with, but I hope for a better 3.5" turnout next yeear - the c64 people took the definitive lead on that one. We'll sort the stuffage, and make it available in suitable avenues in the next days and weeks.
Also, Codice: Have you started on the actual demo yet? It's been DAYS! :)
I just want to thank everyone who came out for Solskogen this last weekend. It was a hoot to organize, thanks to the great crew, and I'm convinced that we have the best participants in "the business". No real mess, no real trouble, just a sunny good time all around. I'm furiously happy with how it went this year, our best one ever. :)
Thanks for awesome party everybody involved! Hope to travel there also next year.
Menace, I'll get back to you when the engine's ready! ;)
Menace, I'll get back to you when the engine's ready! ;)
Some post-party dumps:
Pictures on pr0n as usual. And then there's the tech goodiebag with network configuration and scripts, including this year the scripts for the stream and some ASCII schematics. (The file_id.diz viewer on didn't really pick out the README only, but hey :-) )
Pictures on pr0n as usual. And then there's the tech goodiebag with network configuration and scripts, including this year the scripts for the stream and some ASCII schematics. (The file_id.diz viewer on didn't really pick out the README only, but hey :-) )