does ZX Spectrum platform needs to be subdivided?
category: general [glöplog]
Wow, never knew they exist =)
Still one question unsolved: can we have "Enhanced demo" in the compo list?
That's a job for Gargaj. I think it's a sensible addition (but I think the compo list in general would also benefit from some aggressive pruning...)
the whole affair is fucking ridiculous. ok, someone builds some hardware, another person builds another hardware, what's exactly the problem with that? why can't these two systems simply coexist, with people producing demos for either the one hardware or another?
Just because some people can't live without trolling others. And they unite.
They unite, and you are Alone...

Break the limits in code, not in ethics.
that's what i keep telling here. atari xl people have no such "problems".
the whole affair is fucking ridiculous. ok, someone builds some hardware, another person builds another hardware, what's exactly the problem with that?
that's what i keep telling here. atari xl people have no such "problems".
Break the limits in code, not in ethics.
All ideas just "stolen".
atari xl people have no such "problems"
then again, they have an atari...
Quote:atari xl people have no such "problems"
then again, they have an atari...
with VBXE! )
Alone Coder, tell me friend: is it a coincidence that you're leaving 3-5 random comments in random prods after each comment left in 'Synchronization' demo?
Or you do it just to take off this demo from latest comments column?
Be honest and conscientious when answering, please.
Or you do it just to take off this demo from latest comments column?
Be honest and conscientious when answering, please.
Alone Coder, tell me friend: is it a coincidence that you're leaving 3-5 random comments in random prods after each comment left in 'Synchronization' demo?
Keep calm and let Alone to study demoscene roots!
I make good comments in good prods, and bad comments in bad prods, and neutral comments in neutral prods when it's needed, especially when your sect and yourself are bumping up your prod. I saw how other people in pouet do the same for other prods when they see bumping (you know, if one bumps a prod the whole day, there's nothing to be seen in this column except that one prod).
BTW tell us please (with your trolling honesty) who's clone is MC68k?
BTW tell us please (with your trolling honesty) who's clone is MC68k?
when it's needed
By whom?
I saw how other people in pouet do the same for other prods when they see bumping (you know, if one bumps a prod the whole day, there's nothing to be seen in this column except that one prod).
BTW tell us please (with your trolling honesty) who's clone is MC68k?
It is not a clone, it is a real person and he uses his own nick.
Alone, told you:
masturbating at IRC logs make you BLIИD
masturbating at IRC logs make you BLIИD
I wish somebody in the ZX scene would do a coop with our group(s) (trilobit / quadtrip / dss / pwp / iso). email to if you're interested.
Ahaha, that was another nasty trick -- to blame Alone for gaining glops and commenting prods. Probably somebody takes too much care about popularity.
Rush for Alone
Already got two replies. Thanks! <3

ihr solltet alle echt mal weniger klostein lutschen!
YERZMYEY, thanks for an answer! generally i'm agree with you.
i think that the 3 cathegories (48k, 128k, enhanced) is enough for start. Pentagon/Scorpion/Profi/Original clones subdivision is too complicated and unclear.
Seems like after 6 years I'm still with the Diver.
There's not 16K demos except ours (and even those became rare these days), so 48/128/enhanced sounds like a good plan to stop the carnage ( ).
Btw, ZX48 or ZX128 with a diskdrive is not "enhanced" but I have more shit on my plate right now to consume, than to attend this **INTERESTING CONVERSATION**, so ^^HAVE PHUN^^.
PS: if anybody has doubts, I'd like to emphasize that Alone Coder made soooooooooooo much stuff the ZX world, both in hardware and software way. Within years. Actually I use most of HIS tools to work. Leave him in peace.
PS.2: I've got the ZX Evo. Actually I have a lot of the clones but Eva is cooooooool. If the ZX Eva TS runs all the Spectrum progs - then just leave the TS-Labs in peace too.
Actually last times I've got from the AAA the ZXM Phoenix and it rulez.
take your custom made zx spastrum whatever crap, please put it into your asses, and stfu, or gtfo.
I'd like to tell that all that stuff don't give rights to alco to point others what to do. if he will continue to do this - we won't leave him in peace. everywhere.
Cudos to Pouet admins for subdividing ZX Spectrum platform ! Obviously not everyone is happy (could it be otherwise ?), but main hurdle jumped with success. Congratulations.