Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
DUB <3
We had a new recording setup this year, and as a result of that we had to convert the raw captures to playable format with an ffmpeg script to playable format for the beam.
The script accepted two names, <src>.mov, <dest>.mov. At one point, while converting several recordings, I managed to rewrite the *DESTINATION* file name, but not the source name. This meant, we had the Ghostown slideshow twice, under two file names, and the Unique demo was missing... And it this unfortunately went unnoticed until the entry was about to shown.
And because the raw captures were on an SSDs lying on my desk, in the Rec. Room, I had to run for it...
We have a completely new recording setup this year in the recording room, which improved the image quality for classic platforms a lot (IMO), especially for Amiga, and has even more potential in it, but we have to improve our new workflow, because as it is now, it's extremely fragile and error prone. (Not specifically this scripting thing, in general...)
Yeah, so.. what exactly went wrong there? (:
We had a new recording setup this year, and as a result of that we had to convert the raw captures to playable format with an ffmpeg script to playable format for the beam.
The script accepted two names, <src>.mov, <dest>.mov. At one point, while converting several recordings, I managed to rewrite the *DESTINATION* file name, but not the source name. This meant, we had the Ghostown slideshow twice, under two file names, and the Unique demo was missing... And it this unfortunately went unnoticed until the entry was about to shown.
And because the raw captures were on an SSDs lying on my desk, in the Rec. Room, I had to run for it...
We have a completely new recording setup this year in the recording room, which improved the image quality for classic platforms a lot (IMO), especially for Amiga, and has even more potential in it, but we have to improve our new workflow, because as it is now, it's extremely fragile and error prone. (Not specifically this scripting thing, in general...)
we will be hanging out in the outside tent with our cards for sale (remember nobody makes a profit, and if we do, well, Scenesat gets some love) - we will also host a small tournament :)
Today I tried to find you (but was not successful so far). The device would be important today as in the last two days my son stayed at the hotel (we've got "some" car issues... life happens :) ). I'm sitting in the front line, left with CNS team. I'll try to find you again, but if you read this please also try to check me in the first line! Thanks!
Today I tried to find you (but was not successful so far). The device would be important today as in the last two days my son stayed at the hotel (we've got "some" car issues... life happens :) ). I'm sitting in the front line, left with CNS team. I'll try to find you again, but if you read this please also try to check me in the first line! Thanks!
Seven: I've got it! Your wife gave it to us! Will give it back tomorrow. Many many MANY thanks! :)
High quality releases. High quality people to talk to. High quality Revision. I love it.
@charlie: ah, sucks that that happened, but I think y'all handled it well ^^ I'm sure it'll be better next year.
Due to us hitting the capacity limits of our streams servers yesterday (1200 viewers!) we are now adding more stream relay servers. There will be some downtime on the streams for the next half an hour, afterwards we then finally should have enough capacity.
Last night, during the last compo, my head almost got smashed by the top speaker on the right. It wasn't fixed that well and crashed to the floor right next to me. Had I sat 30cm more on the right, it would have hit me. Weighs 30 kg I estimated. Thanks to the Orga who was there in a second and helped with fixing, I dont know your name.
Stream servers are upgraded. Reload Servers are used in a round-robin fashion. In case you have problems, try reloading the page.
scamp: I can't get the RTMP direct link to work; VLC, MPlayer and rtmpdump all return “NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound”. The Flash player works but can't keep up properly with the stream, thus the desire for using something else :-)
And that's the same for all four streams, by the way.
Great streaming music compo. So much variety.
attendez qu'il s'il vous plaît

Our organizers seem to have fun, too!

Sesse: Then you most likely are using old outdated links that no longer work. Reload for updated RTMP links.
Post-party note to self: start discussion about the practice of hiding author names for music compos but not for graphics.
Also when the music compose are posted to the party FTP it reveals the artists in the file names. So you can figure out who did it even before voting closes. I'm not going to change my votes, but if you're worried about name voting (hence doing it anonymously in the first place), perhaps those tracks shouldn't be posted to the FTP until after voting closes.
even without reading the name i already recognize many gfx or music artists... both by style and tools used
Yeah, but there are some people who don't know or don't recognize and I think it defeats the purpose to present them anonymously then upload them attributed to the FTP. They did the same thing last year too. It's a bit silly.
attributed to the FTP before voting closes*
Could Bacter please release his setlist? It was awesome.
TFT! Please come to the infodesk! There is something wrong with you. Again.
scamp: Nopes, my comment was made after the change to new RTMP links. And I've reloaded a few times to try the different srevers.