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Pouet screenshot size

category: general [glöplog]
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added on the 2015-02-14 13:38:04 by codz codz
that's better :D
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added on the 2015-02-14 17:13:15 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7
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added on the 2015-02-14 17:18:35 by noby noby
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added on the 2015-02-14 19:33:24 by panic panic
Oh come on you're not even trying.
added on the 2015-02-14 19:40:48 by Gargaj Gargaj
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added on the 2015-02-14 20:00:20 by merkur merkur
that's better :D
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Wait.. that one actually *IS* the proper screenshot for this bbstro

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added on the 2015-02-14 21:01:57 by merkur merkur
Hahaha, it is as well! I guess someone should learn to set DOSBOX up properly before complaining about screenshot sizes? :D
added on the 2015-02-14 21:07:38 by Gargaj Gargaj
ahaha :D
added on the 2015-02-14 21:17:03 by reed reed
I get the monochrome one, but with a scroller at the bottom instead of garbage. What version / config gives you the above?
added on the 2015-02-14 21:20:52 by tomaes tomaes
I get the monochrome one, but with a scroller at the bottom instead of garbage. What version / config gives you the above?

DOSBox SVN Daum - machine=svga_s3

The garbage is at the end of the scroller, right before the loop.
added on the 2015-02-14 21:24:58 by merkur merkur
Or mainline DOSBOX with machine=vgaonly
added on the 2015-02-14 21:26:38 by Gargaj Gargaj
Mhmm. I'm using Daum, but not the most recent one. And vgaonly does the same here. Time to update, I guess.
added on the 2015-02-14 21:27:43 by tomaes tomaes
Ok, done. Works. :)
added on the 2015-02-14 21:32:28 by tomaes tomaes
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added on the 2015-02-14 21:47:19 by Zavie Zavie
i miss rog!
how much would it cost to let rog announce all meteoriks candidates?!?!?!? :D
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added on the 2015-02-14 22:58:11 by friol friol
Now I get the correct screenshot.
added on the 2015-02-14 22:59:08 by friol friol
couldn't you find an older picture of gargaj?
couldn't you find an older picture of gargaj?

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added on the 2015-02-14 23:15:10 by TomoAlien TomoAlien
omg :)


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