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my theory about c.d.volko

category: residue [glöplog]
Those of you who are able to read German may check out http://science.orf.at/science/news/131521. This page reports that in Germany people will try to improve the air in class-rooms as a connection between the quality of the air and the ability to perform well intellectually has been found. So air is also a factor that determines intelligence, keops.
added on the 2004-12-30 13:54:13 by Adok Adok
Perhaps this explains why IQ correlates better with success in school than with success in life

Hi Adok!

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added on the 2004-12-30 14:04:48 by ithaqua ithaqua
I agree! Let's talk about important issues again!

In Holland, Big Bird is called 'Pino' and he is blue. Here's a picture of him with his buddies Tommie and Ieniemienie, along with an unidentified (possibly fascist) pig

ahahah. You know Havoc, I'm not even sure Adok will get your point ;) For him, all this is fine, nothing wrong at all.
added on the 2004-12-30 14:06:15 by keops keops
isnt self-voyeurism illegal in Austria? :P
added on the 2004-12-30 14:17:16 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2004-12-30 14:22:10 by keops keops
keops just made the new titlepicture for the next Hugi :P
added on the 2004-12-30 14:25:53 by el mal el mal
Come on people, let's play nice! Adok is OK! BB Image
added on the 2004-12-30 14:34:13 by havoc havoc
you just say that because "adok" rhymes on "havoc" if you speak proper english.
the sesamestreet pig is btw called Purk and has been introduced to the dutch sesamestreet last year
added on the 2004-12-30 15:12:43 by okkie okkie
i've learnt something about IQ, in the end: it's only a measurement of latent intelligence.
added on the 2004-12-30 15:13:28 by stil stil
what does latent mean?
added on the 2004-12-30 15:24:20 by skrebbel skrebbel

la·tent Audio pronunciation of "latent" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ltnt)

1. Present or potential but not evident or active: latent talent.
2. Pathology. In a dormant or hidden stage: a latent infection.
3. Biology. Undeveloped but capable of normal growth under the proper conditions: a latent bud.
4. Psychology. Present and accessible in the unconscious mind but not consciously expressed.

added on the 2004-12-30 15:51:24 by uns3en_ uns3en_
Things I have learned in this thread:

1. Holland's Big Bird is blue.

i can't agree with kb's "in germany you won't get the chance to learn english by watching english tv". in the younger ages of german cable network some tv-programs were in english (like mtv, sky or whatever they called themself). and, depends on where you live, you can receive tv from other nations who don't translate...
and don't forget the good old computer days where software wasn't localized.

AND... i didn't know that holland's big bird is blue... an educational gap... shame on me
added on the 2004-12-30 18:06:39 by scythe scythe
De Fabeltjeskrant!
added on the 2004-12-30 18:22:24 by ithaqua ithaqua


How do you speak French with a Southern Drawl?

Also, fuckings to people trying to diss Sesame Street.

Anyway, props again to releasing cool tools, and send more medics.

Maali: Wrong, [my] intelligence is NaN (*hidden hint to Adok*)

Kb: k3wl synth, and thanks for posting another Adok-stimulating thread, it's so fun to read 'serious', pretentious and wannabe-scientific replies the few times i stumble in pouet ;)
added on the 2004-12-30 19:33:55 by makc makc
fuckings to Adok, greetings to Pino/Sesamstraat
added on the 2004-12-30 20:24:56 by el mal el mal
What I have heard that French people do learn reading/writting english at school, but not speaking.

That IQ table is interesting. How big is the population sample? E.g. in the results about Greece?
added on the 2004-12-30 20:32:08 by Optimus Optimus
Yes,. my english suck. What I have heard IS, that French people do learn reading/writting english at school, but not speaking.
added on the 2004-12-30 20:33:02 by Optimus Optimus
To all those people who decided continueing to flame Adok is a lot more fun than talking about Holland's Big Blue Bird, what on earth did he do to you anyways? Kill your parents? Burn down your house? Steal your girlfriend? Crash your car? Eat your lunch? Step on your cat? Soil your shirt? Break your glasses?

I mean come on... Don't cry over spilt milk.
pat: congratulations for once again beeing able to publicly display your severe lack of scene knowledge on scene history and contemporary events. do your fucking homework and you'll figure it out.
added on the 2004-12-30 21:31:53 by psenough psenough
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added on the 2004-12-30 21:43:34 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
do your fucking homework and you'll figure it out.

Ok I quit the scene. Goodbye cruel world. It's all Elmo's fault.
no! please don't quit the scene without telling us the colour of your big bird!
added on the 2004-12-30 22:31:59 by havoc havoc


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