Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]

Looks like a GUI bug :D
That is a very loose approximation of pi.
But of course, that's entirely relative. :)
Behold, the classified shaders!
Gaussian Blur is actually possible to mostly reverse if you have enough time and know how to do it :P.
pi = 3.141592653589
pi = 3.141592653589
Added live editing of effect values via a JSON text file, ported the GNU Rocket client to pure C#, and added Rocket->Value mapping. This should now solve most animation needs short of writing a tool :)

spoiler: the oven and the pot plant are unrelated.
gasman, what's wrong with demozoo?
screenshots ain't uploaded..
screenshots ain't uploaded..
@g0blinish: Screenshot uploading is working fine here, although you usually have to refresh the page to get them, which is a known issue.
(is no-one going to ask about the C64 behind the network switch? bah, you lot are no fun.)
(is no-one going to ask about the C64 behind the network switch? bah, you lot are no fun.)

(is no-one going to ask about the C64 behind the network switch? bah, you lot are no fun.)
The what behind the wh... oh, you. :D
I suspect gasman setup the whole scene in that picture just so he could coin in the joke :p
gasman: i laughed out loud! thanks! :D
igor: that looks nice
köszi pista!
Small demo system that allows me to make demos about stuff without going "OMG THIS IS ALL SO COMPLICATED I NEED TO WRITE SO MANY THINGS": pretty much done. :)

Haha...i just thought like: "wow, nice models there! and all the detail in the background!", then i realized it´s a picture! ;) Should go to bed i guess, brain is asleep already!
Anyway: nice effort, wonder what you´ll do with it in the future! :)
Anyway: nice effort, wonder what you´ll do with it in the future! :)
hardy: the donuts are real, the rest is 3D!
igor, killer.
kudos kb!
Igor, that does look interesting.
Igor, that does look interesting.
(is no-one going to ask about the C64 behind the network switch? bah, you lot are no fun.)
I'd like to ask about the C64 behing the network switch. :)