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demos for arcade machines

category: code [glöplog]
these weeks i were experimenting coding on z80-based arcade machines (via Boriel's ZX-Basic Compiler, for now) - how interesting would be coding demos for arcade machines, or did anyone try to do this?
Sounds like an amazing idea to me! I'm not aware that this have been done, ever!
added on the 2014-10-31 22:04:27 by ramon ramon
Sounds awesome to me. Go for it!
added on the 2014-10-31 22:32:14 by Preacher Preacher
Cool idea, the only one (68000 + z80 arcade board) that I am aware of is this NeoGeo demo: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=59253
this one maybe
added on the 2014-10-31 23:32:01 by yzi yzi
or rather as a hyper-click-able hyper-link
added on the 2014-10-31 23:32:59 by yzi yzi
I've had this idea ever since I owned a Viper Phase One cab and the board was sporting a 80386 as the main CPU and Z80 as the sound chip.

Some viable HW platforms I've looked closer into are the Pacman board and the Bubble Bobble board. Maybe some day...
added on the 2014-11-01 09:19:59 by visy visy
For me the dual 68k boards are something of a fantasy, not that I could code anything anymore...
but this idea sounds great :)
added on the 2014-11-01 09:42:57 by leGend leGend
these weeks i were experimenting coding on z80-based arcade machines (via Boriel's ZX-Basic Compiler, for now)

rofl, are you serious?
added on the 2014-11-01 09:45:28 by g0blinish g0blinish
these weeks i were experimenting coding on z80-based arcade machines (via Boriel's ZX-Basic Compiler, for now)

rofl, are you serious?

yes, really serious!!! :o) http://www.boriel.com/wiki/en/index.php/ZX_BASIC:Released_Programs#Arcade_Systems

it's amazing for prototyping ideas fastly, and also allows you to code in 100% assembly if you want, and it creates a .asm conversion if you want as well (plenty of ix, actually, but it might be useful for some complex calculations that we might have no idea how to do that directly in assembly) - anyway, what i was doing there is to figure out what these machines are capable of, to know a bit more of them! ;) - just consider it as a very useful tool, even if you're not going to use it primarily! :)
@ramon, @Preacher, @Weyland_Yutani, @yzi, @visy : thanks for the feedback, i'm really curious to see any and each progress of it anyhow!!! :) (and i'm curious about how soon 'arcade' field will appear on the Prods page - perhaps 'arcade' will be 'wild' until then?)
it's amazing for prototyping ideas fastly, and also allows you to code in 100% assembly if you want, and it creates a .asm conversion if you want as wel

I bet you spend a lot of time to make fast demo. I used once SDCC for one algo.
added on the 2014-11-01 14:36:13 by g0blinish g0blinish
Definately doable. Howerver final effect depends on board's features. Back in the days I did this:
BB Image
Obviously I didn't test it on real System 1 board but I don't see a reason it shouldn't work. It's pretty simple since it was meant as a proof of concept. Then I started messing with Bomb Jack board, got bored and got into something else. :)
added on the 2014-11-01 18:27:19 by st_ st_
@st_ - excellent, i really imagined someone started something, and you confirmed! it's really great to know! thanks!!! ;)
@g0blinish - i think that enjoying and having fun is a very important part in the whole process too! ;)
Once I was working on Taito/SETA's "Seta 1st Generation" board - "Twin Eagle Revenge of Joe's brother" reverse-engineering the ROMs. Added some features, unlimited lives and etc.

Please contact me, if you read this. Your old mail is not working anymore.=/..
added on the 2015-08-14 14:13:44 by sim sim
imagine a demo on a pinball machine. insta-win, right? :D you could make the mechanics part of the soundtrack!
added on the 2015-08-14 15:06:50 by jco jco
Isnt that machine just somekind of japanese porn or not?

If you havent played Galaxy Forces, do so :)
added on the 2015-08-14 20:18:58 by leGend leGend
BB Image
added on the 2015-08-14 20:25:14 by leGend leGend
A demo to run on an R360 would be great


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