Assembly 2014
category: parties [glöplog]
Yzi: Last few years it has been like that, before that it was significant amount of money. So yes i am getting rid of teosto too to compete on Revision/Assembly etc.
Sorry for not being 100% clear. The rule about copyright associations like Teosto and GEMA applies obviously to music submitted to the compos (music compos, realtime compos). You can of course be part of Teosto and enter into a compo as a programmer of a 4k intro.
Oh. I assumed the word 'musical' before compos, my mistake, I stand corrected :)
Sofasceners in and around Leipzig/Germany join us:

Are the slots between the compos a break FROM beer and schnaps?
Oh Saga, you obviously haven't been to TRSAC, yet ;)
It's safe to say that this will be the 2014 installment of the Dresden Scene Meeting, only that it is in Leipzig.
It's safe to say that this will be the 2014 installment of the Dresden Scene Meeting, only that it is in Leipzig.
Saga: :D
Assembly TV is setting up...

So is Yle showing any demoscene stuff, or only this "e-sport" bullshit?
hopefully they stream some demoscene compos too - we count on the timetable above. Otherwise we will have only beer and snaps.
We're also on the lookout for some extra guests on AssemblyTV for pretty much every compo both thursday, friday and saturday. You are allowed to 'guest' more than 1 compo.
If you have an opinion about the entries in a competition and are willing to discuss them, drop me a note on the known channels (or here in the thread) so we can put you on the list.
(fyi : being a studio guest does not grant you free ASM entry automagically so you should have that covered by yourself :) )
If you have an opinion about the entries in a competition and are willing to discuss them, drop me a note on the known channels (or here in the thread) so we can put you on the list.
(fyi : being a studio guest does not grant you free ASM entry automagically so you should have that covered by yourself :) )
franky: I'm up for it, provided there's a proper supply of narc- cooling fans in the studio.
Team Angry and Bitter Foreigners is currently looking into ways of smuggling additional cooling fans into Finland.
Yzi, Dirtie: AssemblyTV is the primary stream producer. We'll be of course streaming compos. YLE's stream as well as the live TV broadcast will be about specific eSports tournament.
abyss: cool, looking forward, cheers and good luck
one more day! \o/
Hello from the oldskool area :-)
(BTW, Assembly actually checks your luggage? That's the first party ever I've heard that actually does this.)
(BTW, Assembly actually checks your luggage? That's the first party ever I've heard that actually does this.)
So is Yle showing any demoscene stuff, or only this "e-sport" bullshit?
It's e-sport bullshit... counterstrike. Who cares..
Abyss & co: only offers the "cash at the door" payment option ... am I overlooking something about remote entries ticket ?