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Recruiting group members

category: general [glöplog]
@magic : everything was already talked about in great depth some time ago in the link suggested above by FeN :) If one reads the ping-pong comments there throroughly, which I sadly stopped doing after recognizing it is time-consuming and next to impossible to fight ill-will in general, he will most likely make his own assertions.
So no baiting/feeding here, but it is a worthy attempt I reckon ;)
win what?
it is logical if you are a founder of rsi to continue the name rsi as group (i hope some nice releases will come out of it)
added on the 2014-07-19 10:41:31 by magic magic
Thanks magic ;)
baudsurfer: Actually, i am also a very good "brand manager"! considering your recent problems with the RSI vs TRSI thing, i think you can use a brand manager. a brand manager manages a brand. in your case, this brand would be RSI. the brand manager will make sure other groups, in your case TRSI, look like puny earthlings and inferior to your own brand, in your case RSI. With a good brand manager in your demogroup, you dont even have to release demos anymore to be famous. Take for example Farbrausch. They haven't released anything lately yet still, if you look at statistics such as pouet pageviews and the number of interviews with Farbrausch members by japanese people, you can see that they are still very popular compared to other groups like Future Crew, Electromotive Force and many others!

If you are interested in a brand manager, i can look for some people who might be able to do this for you. I am currently too busy myself securing the Desire brand by posting pandas everywhere.
added on the 2014-07-19 15:53:29 by el mal el mal
added on the 2014-07-19 16:07:00 by chromag chromag
you dont even have to release demos anymore to be famous
The miracles of brand management!
added on the 2014-07-19 16:24:46 by introspec introspec
maybe someone already proposed this but.
wouldn't it be awesome if new Tristar merged with new Red Sector?
baudsurfer: on a more serious note: you don't need community managers, group leaders, or any other bullshit. I suspect the fact you're even mentioning these these things is like reading a big red "WARNING! DO NOT JOIN THIS GROUP!" to most sceners ;)

Farbrausch got famous because they made some awesome things. And they made awesome things because they made awesome things instead of deciding who is leader and who is manager and generally dicking around with things that aren't relevant to what we're here for. Which is, you know.. making demos, not managing communities.

And you know another thing? You don't need graphics guys to make something awesome. They definitely help, but they're not *required*. And if you make something awesome without them? Show it to them, they'll be much more inclined to help you make the next awesome thing.

So yeah, in summary: all you need is a brand manager.
added on the 2014-07-19 16:46:37 by psonice psonice
Slummy: Ms. Nightgown/RSI is at your service!
added on the 2014-07-19 17:50:01 by okkie okkie
Do they have to follow a naming convention like Nextempire?
added on the 2014-07-19 18:23:15 by Gargaj Gargaj
@Maali : when you state that "[you are] also a very good 'brand manager'", I take it I wasn't very far-off in labeling some of your activity as a form of community management, hence confirming the function does exist after all :)
And yes, a brand manager could be useful judging the way you present it (it is a form of involvement) although it does resemble in part to what I embodied in the term community manager above, so if you do know anybody in that field, please let me know. For the rest, as always it is no easy task to isolate your nevertheless appreciated nordic sense of humor, but being famous or comparing yourself to some other group seems rather pointless. Lastly, this subtle feud with Farbrausch you seem to bear could also have its own thread.

@psionice : I hope you are not over-generalizing a personal perception for almost every group bigger than 3 nowadays has irc oppers, facebook and twitter account holders, or even "that guy" that will go on forever on pouet raving how "awesome" *this group is. Unlike yourself, I see no red flag in admitting this, except maturity. As for your unexpected middle part, I have nothing to say except you are making false assumptions such as "they made awesome things instead of deciding who is leader and who is manager" hinting this is/could be the case in our group, which is untrue. If you are fan of Farbrausch (you mentioned the word "awesome" 6 times talking about them in a single post), it's ok by me don't worry :) It is not really the style I crave the most in the demoscene but I did appreciate very much the textured tunnel fr-0.1: constant evolution from Ryg. I also obviously disagree that a graphic artist is not necessarily needed in the long run.

@gargaj : no.
NE was an anachronic experience about picking up disseminated enthusiasts not from the scene, with very uneven levels and different social and cultural backgrounds, and at the end succeeding in bringing almost all of them to integrate top-10 scene groups just a few years later (asd, trsi, flt etc) with nobody being able to identify them. This is for RSI is for keeps.
baudsurfer: since the trsi/rsi issue is a bit complex as it is and since it triggers this kind of behavior from trsi members why not create a new group and release anything under that label? i mean the prods i've seen so far are really cool and don't need the rsi label to support them :)
added on the 2014-07-19 18:56:16 by Defiance Defiance
@Defiance : simply put "legitimacy".
More thoroughly put : it is my way of staying "real" to personally not dissociate past from present experiences. Everybody has their own thing and that is mine. Thank you still for the compliment about prods and you are probably correct in sating that they do not need the rsi label to support them, but as explained above, I believe that is besides the point :)
or maybe TRSI is just jealous that RSI releases better shit than them?
added on the 2014-07-19 20:12:16 by el mal el mal
In 1995 nah-kolor was à subgroup of trsi.

Perhaps RSi needs à new sub group ;-)

@baudsurfer, how and when did u found RSi? Whats the historical story About this?
added on the 2014-07-19 21:15:52 by magic magic
Baudsurfer, I don't understand how you can be so clueless and such an awesome democoder at the same time. Do your brains concentrate all their energy on certain parts of the day? Do they switch to a different mode when you're staring at NASM output instead of a web browser?

I hope you take this as both an insult and a compliment, because that's what it is. I hope you can use the compliment to invalidate the insult in the future.

Ok, now, open whatever program it is you hack your intros in, and activate the genius part of you. Just the genius part. And hold on to it. Then click a browser window on Pouet.net! Quick! Stay a genius! Hnnngggg hold on to it, hold on! Good. What do you see? Right! Demos! Made by people like you. Creative, smart people who want to make awesome stuff. What matters about the demos? Their atmosphere, the skills exposed, the creativity, the look, the feel, the attitude. Right? Ohh you're slipping, hold on to that genius! Yes, that's it. Look at the top of the month, on the left. Think about why those prods are in the top of the month. Then think again about the pointless group name war nonsense you're having with other, lesser geniuses, on the internet. Think again about the top prods. Group wars. Top prods.

What are demos about? Think about that. I know you can think, because you made stuff I never will.
added on the 2014-07-19 21:37:14 by skrebbel skrebbel
I agree with skrebbel.
I think your thread should instead read something like:
"Hey guys, I recently returned to the demoscene as you may know. And although I enjoy these 32b/64b/128b/256b one-man intros, I would like to go for a slightly more ambitious project. Any coders, musicians, graphics artists interested in doing a co-op?"
added on the 2014-07-19 22:01:12 by Scali Scali
let magic join rsi. he is teh shit for sure.
added on the 2014-07-19 22:57:13 by SiR SiR
No Thanx... Scoopex can merge with rsi though: SRSI
added on the 2014-07-19 23:41:56 by magic magic
by magic:
No Thanx... Scoopex can merge with rsi though: SRSI
Just create and merge with a third group, Osly.
added on the 2014-07-20 00:05:48 by xTr1m xTr1m
@psionice : I hope you are not over-generalizing a personal perception for almost every group bigger than 3 nowadays has irc oppers, facebook and twitter account holders, or even "that guy" that will go on forever on pouet raving how "awesome" *this group is.

Seriously, which groups do this? I don't use Facebook, but on twitter I don't know any *group* accounts. Group members sometimes have one, but that's not the same thing. And "that guy"? The only person I can think of like that is magic and hugi :D

I can't see why any half-decent group would need any of that, and if they did try some self-promotion like that it'd probably backfire (see magic and hugi ;)

Unlike yourself, I see no red flag in admitting this, except maturity. As for your unexpected middle part, I have nothing to say except you are making false assumptions such as "they made awesome things instead of deciding who is leader and who is manager" hinting this is/could be the case in our group, which is untrue. If you are fan of Farbrausch (you mentioned the word "awesome" 6 times talking about them in a single post), it's ok by me don't worry :)

I wouldn't say I'm a farbrausch fan - if any, that would be ASD. I use them as an example since they're the most famous group, and have made some really groundbreaking prods (the product, debris, kkrieger etc.). From that, they've become pretty famous even outside the scene. Without, so far as I know, community managers ;)

My point there with the 6 awesomes was simply this: we're here to make some awesome demos, build up an awesome group, and have fun. To do that, all you need is some people who get on well and enjoy making stuff. Put them in a place together for a while, cool products emerge.

That's all there is, you don't need any hierarchy, or people doing specific jobs. Make cool things, have fun doing it, people will want to join you.

You're already making some cool things, but they're cool to us coders, not so much to musicians/gfx people. See what scali said - maybe you could put something together that will tempt people to join + work on it?
added on the 2014-07-20 00:34:29 by psonice psonice
My eyes are getting RSI from reading this thread.
added on the 2014-07-20 00:56:05 by ringofyre ringofyre
Then don't
added on the 2014-07-20 01:22:58 by Tomoya Tomoya
Psionice: Have you seen hugi#38 ? Its awesome! ;) ;) ;) ;)
added on the 2014-07-20 08:29:28 by magic magic


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