category: general [glöplog]
+1 for Rush Hour review

I've taken the time out to do another demo review. It's taken me a while to upload it because I can only seem to get 3G on my Telstra dongle - also the heat has been intense!
Please enjoy
I've taken the time out to do another demo review. It's taken me a while to upload it because I can only seem to get 3G on my Telstra dongle - also the heat has been intense!
Please enjoy
rog, make a bit longer review. I love the down under accent.
you're who?
Sweet geezus, this is one of the most epic scene trollings ever. I would love to know who is behind these.
Better than the typical adokesque type of trolling and attention whoring. But this too shall pass.
waooo (ʘ‿ʘ)
i always wanted to know how ringofiyre looks like ;)
graet! (and +1 for angry demoscene nerd)
this is just awesome. plz continue.

epic :D

I'm afraid this is amusing.
more more more! :D
But this too shall pass.
No it won't. Stuff like this will be shared for generations to come. Oh wait they are already born, my mistake :)
i always wanted to know how ringofiyre looks like ;)
Not I said the fly. But even I have to admit - he's fucking classy.
Maybe he's related to the other Aussie bloke mentioned here who Adok reckons has disproved Einstein...
Somehow reminds me of Herman Samso's pouet prod comments. Excellent 20sec review format. :)
This is probably one of the best things I've ever seen. Thanks Rog, and please keep going!
What kusma said. :)
What StingRay said :)
He's also sponsoring Assembly!
That makes sense. These videos are so epic they will generate an infinite amount of ad-driven revenue. I'm already looking forward to a new episode :)