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(Ex-)Demosceners in Academia

category: residue [glöplog]
nic0, no matter whether it is related to Peter's paper or not, I think Schekman is right.
added on the 2013-12-20 15:50:23 by Adok Adok
"I am just beginning my scientific career."
tsk. once you're 2.5 years into your PhD position you'll be bittered by how the scientific world actually works. now you're just a naive kid who thinks he can change the world. well, there's been hundreds of thousands of scientists before you and if you're lucky a dozen of those actually were nobel prize winners in your area of expertise. i assume you passed your statistics A and B class, so 'you do the maths' should be easypeasy!
added on the 2013-12-20 15:59:38 by el mal el mal
Here is a fresh paper published by an Australian mathematician about a unified field theory:

I can't read this as the text renders as a jumble of overlapping characters on my browser. I guess Firefox doesn't have a high enough IQ. However, the summary states that, "Albert Einstein's Relativity theories are wrong."

I find that a little hard to swallow (gulp) now that relativity has been proven correct in multiple experiments, and is a common consideration in (aero)space engineering. Heck, even GPS satellites have to have their clocks adjust on a *daily* basis because of the measurable effects of relativity.

Seriously thought, this Peter D. Rodgers person seems like a total nut job:
Schizophrenia was the psychiatrist’s horrible diagnosis when I, Peter D Rodgers, displayed symptoms. After hallucinations, hearing voices and paranoia had severely disturbed my sanity for three weeks, mental health staff injected anti-psychotics into my bum, and medicated me for six years in total. This book was written while I was zombified by medication. The diagnosis was a misdiagnosis because, truly, I was a normal, intelligent man who had been seriously poisoned with drugs by criminals. Now, I feel successful as an author and theoretical physicist
It's really sad what mental illness does to people.
added on the 2013-12-20 16:36:26 by Preacher Preacher
It's really sad what mental illness does to people.

You're right. I shouldn't have called him a "nut job". He's obviously somebody who needs -- yet won't accept -- help.
For the record, I'm talking about that Mr. Rodgers fellow, not Adok.
did we inspire you to write this? http://cdvolko.blogspot.nl/2013/12/intellektualitat-und-lebensstil.html ... i think i drank so much alcohol during my studies, i should get a nobel prize for that alone!
added on the 2013-12-20 16:46:34 by el mal el mal
Maali: No. This is an article about the narrow-mindedness of some Mensa members.
added on the 2013-12-20 17:00:10 by Adok Adok
their narrow-mindedness or yet another product from your distorted worldview? :)
added on the 2013-12-20 17:09:01 by el mal el mal
However, the summary states that, "Albert Einstein's Relativity theories are wrong."

I find that a little hard to swallow (gulp) now that relativity has been proven correct in multiple experiments, and is a common consideration in (aero)space engineering. Heck, even GPS satellites have to have their clocks adjust on a *daily* basis because of the measurable effects of relativity.

To be fair, you could say the same thing about Newton and Einstein. People often say that Einstein showed that "Newton was wrong", even though there's plenty of evidence of Newton's laws working perfectly fine in experiments and real world applications. Likewise, it's conceivable (well, sort of...) that this guy is the next Einstein, and he's come up with a model that fits the observations better than Einstein's. Nothing in science is ever "proven correct" in an absolute sense - a theory can be confirmed by experiment, but there's always a possibility of that theory being replaced by something better in future.
added on the 2013-12-20 19:52:03 by gasman gasman
I've always heard Newton's work being described a simpler subset of Einstein's theories rather than being "wrong". His work never replaced Newton's, but stands alongside. Kind of like standard model and quantum mechanics. In contrast, this guy appears to be completely poo-pooing Einstein.

But like I said, his paper displays as a jumbled mess on my computer. And to be perfectly honest, I probably wouldn't read it in entirety anyway. After all, I only have an IQ of 102. (<--True. But I've always despised multiple choice tests.)
hurray for supersymmetry!
added on the 2013-12-20 20:24:23 by el mal el mal
Here is a fresh paper published by an Australian mathematician about a unified field theory:

It seems serious to me, yet I am unable to assess its quality as I'm not a physicist.

I think it is very unfortunate that he will probably not be taken seriously by experts because he only has a Bachelor's degree.

I'm not able to assess if this is another genuine trolling attempt by our dear Adok or if he is actually as naïve as his suggestion of taking seriously that preposterous paper requires.

Anyway, as Preacher post before, ALL the crackpot-alert marks are present in first page of that "paper". Especially the unnecessary mention of the alleged superior intellect of his author.

Followed by the ridiculous claims that he "after many thousand of hours" realized that he had "surpassed considerably" Albert Einstein's papers on physics.

I'll not try to explain to Adok why this all seems like nuts because kb's post did it better that I would.

I'll not point to the fact that the author seems to be a man with, sadly, serious mental problems since his youth (as the content of his wikipedia user "Sregdor" page suggest) that surely devastated what could have been a fruitful life.

Instead, another thing seems more interesting. I wonder how Adok find that obscure paper in the first place. Knowing the recalcitrant obsession of our dear fellow about IQ mumbo-jumbo, I find reasonably plausible that the phrases "WORLD GENIUS DIRECTORY" and "World Intelligence Test", that appears in the very head of the paper, were the hook that caught the attention of our old friend.

Well, I'm curious and I wonder what that "WORLD GENIUS DIRECTORY" is, who did it and maintain it and what are the requisites to be included in such a wonderful list.

Luckily, we live in the search engines era and all (or almost all) the information (and misinformation) of the world is just a few fingertips away.

According to Wikipedia, the founder and editor of the "World Genius Directory" (a "voluntary directory of geniouses from around the world listed by IQ") is a certain Dr. Jason Betts from Tasmania.

This notorious man is member of Mensa International, Prometheus Society, Triple Nine Society, Helliq and other select clubs as the Order of the Mystic Rose.

In his homepage bio section, we can learn that he is the creator of a lot "High Range IQ Tests", such as Lux25, WIT and Mathema.

Also, he claims to be an master in Reiki. Also an expert in Acupuncture and Homoeopathy and, finally, a powerful Psychic.

So great that he was named "Australian Psychic of the Year 2008" by the Australian Psychics Association.

He earned his title of Doctor of Philosophy from the prestigious Medicina Alternativa University, sited in Sri Lanka. This joke of university perfected the art of selling diplomas about a range of pseudosciences. Being the Alma Mater of many fake M.D. and PhD around the globe.

Ladies and gentlemen: This is what I call a full pledged charlatan.

That said. I'm looking forward future posts of our dear Adok in this thread. Surely, he has a lot of things to comment about this World Genius Directory because, if you take a look to the list, you'll find that our dear Adok appears on it!

Discuss! :]
added on the 2013-12-22 01:59:38 by ham ham
*Slow Golf Clap*
Don't worry tho ham, using his mensa-fu I'm sure Adok will be able to cut thru your logic and carefully researched internet sleuthing.
Well played tho.
added on the 2013-12-22 05:27:33 by ringofyre ringofyre
It is very simple. There is not just a demoscene, there is also a high IQ community. We are in contact with each other just as you are. We also have our forums and so on. So I guess it will not be difficult for you to figure out that I am in contact with Peter Rodgers via such a forum and he has told me about his paper.

Regarding the World Genius Directory, it does not matter to me if the maintainer of this list is a serious scientist, a charlatan or a high school dropout.
added on the 2013-12-22 07:13:26 by Adok Adok
it does not matter to me if the maintainer of this list is a serious scientist, a charlatan or a high school dropout.

But surely if they were a charlatan or high school drop out that wouldn't fit with your view that all scientists are super-smart ergo they all have large IQs. How could you possibly trust your name being broadcast to the world by someone with a sub-140 score?

Also I have to ask - what do you guys do for a pubmeet? I mean surely you're all tee-total since alcohol kills braincells.
Do you all sit around sipping wheat-grass and Ginkgo biloba mocktails and talk about how utterly and amazingly intelligent you are?

Enquiring minds need to know!
added on the 2013-12-22 07:43:36 by ringofyre ringofyre
Your posting makes assumptions about my personality which have no foundation, and that is something you people here on pouet.net do very often.

To answer your questions, IQ is not related to being a scientist; there are scientists with average IQ, and there are high IQ people who are not scientists.

Here in Vienna we meet at cafés and drink coffee. It is true that members of high IQ societies usually do not drink alcohol, at least not at their meetings. But that does not mean that people who drink alcohol have a low IQ!
added on the 2013-12-22 07:51:23 by Adok Adok
Just basing it on my past interactions with you and the content of your posts (both here and on FB).

I was trying to make a joke about your prejudice and how you try to hide it - I'm sorry if you missed that.

Hey, Hemingway acknowledged that he wrote most of his best stuff off his fucking gourd.

I may even have a few under my belt as I write this!
added on the 2013-12-22 08:01:45 by ringofyre ringofyre
Btw, minus points to ham for not clicking the "DNA Repair" link.
added on the 2013-12-22 08:25:46 by ringofyre ringofyre
I have to say i'm more interested if there are (ex-)demosceners working as lumberjacks.
added on the 2013-12-22 08:33:18 by Serpent Serpent
Adok, I'm curious: In what discipline did you receive a "Dr."? I couldn't find a dissertation in your list of publications on your homepage.

@ham: Fun findings! :-)
added on the 2013-12-22 09:08:17 by Kylearan Kylearan
@ Serpent - I'm a Lumberjack!
added on the 2013-12-22 09:15:04 by ringofyre ringofyre
There is not just a demoscene, there is also a high IQ community.

added on the 2013-12-22 11:03:03 by lsl lsl
What this is like 100...00th time where we see this kind of posts from same people and they end in bad way,
Just leave him and his IQ's craps.
added on the 2013-12-22 11:36:47 by panic panic
There is also cancer, and brainfuck. Hell, I've even heard there's also a pumpkin, imagine that!
added on the 2013-12-22 11:42:20 by xTr1m xTr1m


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