Alien's pixel tshirt factory has been officially opened for demoscene and normal mortals
category: general [glöplog]
Well just a quick announcement:
My little humble shop for some little demoscene worshipping via the medium of tshirts has been opened for public. Im opening this shop as a (fan)service for demosceners, nothing too crazy, some more designs will be added in the future, and , as a special celebration, if u do want to order something, u get everything with a 20% reduction if u fill in the Voucher "SUPER20" (runs untill 4 september).
I make little to none money on this, and everything i do earn with it, will be donated to a good charity fund...
(the alien retro mancave console and cartridges preservation program.)
thank u!
My little humble shop for some little demoscene worshipping via the medium of tshirts has been opened for public. Im opening this shop as a (fan)service for demosceners, nothing too crazy, some more designs will be added in the future, and , as a special celebration, if u do want to order something, u get everything with a 20% reduction if u fill in the Voucher "SUPER20" (runs untill 4 september).
I make little to none money on this, and everything i do earn with it, will be donated to a good charity fund...
(the alien retro mancave console and cartridges preservation program.)
thank u!
nice one. needs more bubbles and scenebrushes, tho! ;-P
need more tshirt
\o/ Awesome, Alien! Any plans to take on custom shirts? With a logo designed too I mean :)
i plan to add more , in the future, less grouplogo orientated, but i need to pixel them first :)
finally demoscene shirts sold by a sane person.
and they look great, too!
*buys 2*
and they look great, too!
*buys 2*
they look great! awesome logos, good shirt colors!
the only thing that seems a bit strange to me is why someone would wear a shirt with a logo of a group she/he is not part of. it's kind of imposter/"groupie"-like.
the only thing that seems a bit strange to me is why someone would wear a shirt with a logo of a group she/he is not part of. it's kind of imposter/"groupie"-like.
What's wrong with being a fan of a group and wearing their shirt? I'd wear a dips ASCI shirt too :)
And yaaaaaaaay, hope Kenet and Co start one too =)
And yaaaaaaaay, hope Kenet and Co start one too =)
Thanks for zje shop! Nice idea and great shirts!
Now we need a demo about how to add more t-shirts... :p
*buys 2* next month :) (preloading and genesis project)
oh wait .... ^^ what dipswitch said ^^ ]:o)
Now we need a demo about how to add more t-shirts... :p
*buys 2* next month :) (preloading and genesis project)
oh wait .... ^^ what dipswitch said ^^ ]:o)
create a t-shirt with a 8bit penis and write "loading... please wait!"
yeah wat mog said, while i can understand dipswitch's point, its why i wear an iron maiden or metallica (*vomits*) t-shirt for example, without being part of the band itself =)
and were all fucking rockstars. just saying.
and were all fucking rockstars. just saying.
we're all rockstars
but not many of us are hawks
but not many of us are hawks
T-shirts are sooo lame. How about buttons and batches for a studded demoscene cut-off denim jacket? ;)
dipswitch: Musicians (read groupwhores) can get all their shirts at one place!
Glorious pink Megahawks-shirt, I could use one of those.
Need tank top Megahawks for next summer... But it's a bit awkward indeed because of what dipswitch says.. but who cares!
ive had some questions about the quality and such , and i honestly couldnt tell it before, so i orded a bunch myself,
desire shirt wrapped around a godly body
close up of print, no holes or weird artifacts other than some color distortion from my flashlight on ma cellphonie
sucks that is says titan though.
with pukebird.
so, overall, im happy myself. 8/10, shirts feel nice and fit my xxl body.
if anyone has a disappointing feeling from the (spread)shirts, id like to hear that aswell, please.

close up of print, no holes or weird artifacts other than some color distortion from my flashlight on ma cellphonie

sucks that is says titan though.

so, overall, im happy myself. 8/10, shirts feel nice and fit my xxl body.
if anyone has a disappointing feeling from the (spread)shirts, id like to hear that aswell, please.
what that logo reads actually titan?
Meh, whatever. I'll just wait until the PSD comes out.
by serpent:
Need tank top Megahawks for next summer... But it's a bit awkward indeed because of what dipswitch says.. but who cares!
Well you could fix that by adding a small patch that says "I love" above the logo. ;)
A bra or slip for my girlfriend would be nice, o wait demoscener don't have a girlfriend! :D
A bra or slip for my girlfriend would be nice, o wait demoscener don't have a girlfriend! :D
wrong. demoscener has AMIGA!!!!1
Hmm looks like quite some good silk screen print actually. Nice?!