Top 5 of Books that Explain the World
category: residue [glöplog]
My Top 5 of Books that Explain the World:
1. A History of Western Philosophy (Bertrand Russell)
2. The Logic of Scientific Discovery (Karl Popper)
3. The Open Society and Its Enemies (Karl Popper)
4. Human Action (Ludwig von Mises)
5. The Prince (Nicolo Machiavelli)
And yours?
A quick Google search has provided sources where these books can be downloaded for free (they are not protected by copyright any more, so don't worry, it's legal). I have not checked whether the versions of the books available at these sites are correct but I hope so. In case you notice something that seems wrong, please inform me.
1. A History of Western Philosophy (Bertrand Russell)
2. The Logic of Scientific Discovery (Karl Popper)
3. The Open Society and Its Enemies (Karl Popper)
4. Human Action (Ludwig von Mises)
5. The Prince (Nicolo Machiavelli)
1. A History of Western Philosophy (Bertrand Russell)
2. The Logic of Scientific Discovery (Karl Popper)
3. The Open Society and Its Enemies (Karl Popper)
4. Human Action (Ludwig von Mises)
5. The Prince (Nicolo Machiavelli)
And yours?
A quick Google search has provided sources where these books can be downloaded for free (they are not protected by copyright any more, so don't worry, it's legal). I have not checked whether the versions of the books available at these sites are correct but I hope so. In case you notice something that seems wrong, please inform me.
1. A History of Western Philosophy (Bertrand Russell)
2. The Logic of Scientific Discovery (Karl Popper)
3. The Open Society and Its Enemies (Karl Popper)
4. Human Action (Ludwig von Mises)
5. The Prince (Nicolo Machiavelli)
Neil Postman - Amusing Ourselves to Death
Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations
Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex
Oswald Spengler - The Decline of the West
William Golding - The Lord of the Flies
Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations
Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex
Oswald Spengler - The Decline of the West
William Golding - The Lord of the Flies
missing some george orwell and cory doctorow in those lists
I'd say Huxley was a lot closer to the mark than Orwell, thus I included Postman's brilliant analysis. As for Doctorow, yawn.
Anyone here using goodreads?
Most important:
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore
It's not a top 5, but the Alice Miller books explain very well some "mechanisms" of the world, or life. Call it as you wish.
ALICE MILLER can also give you the path to the interior peace.
ALICE MILLER can also give you the path to the interior peace.
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica by Sir Isaac explains a lot of the world as we know it!

rob: i'm using goodreads atleast. same email as listed on my homepage, feel free to add me :) i know a few more sceners use it aswell.

The Doors of Perception & Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (short story) - Philip K Dick
Another Country - James Baldwin
The Dice Man - Luke Reinhart
Dune (series) - Frank Herbert.
Since Adok put in the "hard-to-read" ones -
Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant.
Lift your game guys (and girls).
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (short story) - Philip K Dick
Another Country - James Baldwin
The Dice Man - Luke Reinhart
Dune (series) - Frank Herbert.
Since Adok put in the "hard-to-read" ones -
Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant.
Lift your game guys (and girls).

Good thread.
I don't have enough books that I could say they influenced me.
But I can look at the suggestions and find more.
I don't have enough books that I could say they influenced me.
But I can look at the suggestions and find more.