pouet 2.0 bugs me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
I use that!
also, permanent login isn't permanent here
also, permanent login isn't permanent here
There's still something fiddly with the session GC on the server - we'll continue debugging it.
thank you
also, not a bug but poueters using https://www.disconnect.me/ should likely whitelist the site or they will experience delays when loading screenshots etc
also, not a bug but poueters using https://www.disconnect.me/ should likely whitelist the site or they will experience delays when loading screenshots etc
The front-page isn't centered any more :/
Browser / OS / screenshot?
Fixed the RSS feeds.
Chrome, Windows. Happens multiple machines, but this particular one doesn't have high enough resolution screen for it to happen unless I zoom out.
How about now?
the horizontal scroll bar has appeard out of thin air in the \index.php page
yeah \o/
When will I be able to edit "country" and my website address? :)
Gargaj: Awesome, that worked. Thanks!
Exin: yes.
Also, we've fixed the perma-login AGAIN - turns out the old code needed a separate php.ini and we forgot about it :)
Also, we've fixed the perma-login AGAIN - turns out the old code needed a separate php.ini and we forgot about it :)
this not a bug but more of a suggestion, wouldn't it be good if a 404 error page existed on the server? i mean not the white and black 'not found' but one with the pouet background, links to existing pages and a table informing the user that the resources requested where not found...
Just a minor issue, but computing the age of a prod by doing
$s->AddOrder("(prods.views/((NOW()-prods.quand)/100000)+prods.views)*prods.voteavg*prods.voteup DESC");
in toplist.php line 71
is a bit awkward. Doing it this way casts MySQL dates (e.g. 2013-08-20 22:38:06) to plain numbers (here: 20130820223806) so the boost this is meant to add to new prods will vanish instantly when added just before midnight or the end of a month.
$s->AddOrder("(prods.views/((NOW()-prods.quand)/100000)+prods.views)*prods.voteavg*prods.voteup DESC");
in toplist.php line 71
is a bit awkward. Doing it this way casts MySQL dates (e.g. 2013-08-20 22:38:06) to plain numbers (here: 20130820223806) so the boost this is meant to add to new prods will vanish instantly when added just before midnight or the end of a month.
http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=4712 gives:
Fatal error: Call to a member function PrintLinkedName() on a non-object in /home/hosted/pouet/sites/www.pouet.net/groups.php on line 185
Fatal error: Call to a member function PrintLinkedName() on a non-object in /home/hosted/pouet/sites/www.pouet.net/groups.php on line 185
Kabuto: I'll look into it - admittedly I just copied those bits blindly.
Kabuto: I'll look into it - admittedly I just copied those bits blindly.
U+1F4A9 (pile-of-poo) does not work the oneliner. Perhaps because it's outside the BMP? :( :( :(
The server didn't keep its promises, though.
At least it provides us with a backdoor around the "not too meaningful, is it..."-test!
kusma: You're pretty late to the party. But thanks for helping to make it the most requested feature :D
Redhound spent last night trying to get it working but something doesn't click, we suspect the problem is in the PHP / MySQL binding but we can't upgrade just yet. :|