Sundown 2013
category: parties [glöplog]
Declare all your electrical items upon entry We may consider the use of desk fans or other equipment on their individual merits – however all items that will attach to the power supply have to be checked with us first, no exceptions.
What does this mean for overseas visitors? Which of the following options are okay?
* Fused BS 1363 / C13 cables instead of the original ones?
* Fused adaptors, one per device?
* One fused adaptor combined with an overseas power strip and thus multiple devices at once?
New School Executable Music
Five minutes maximum.
File size maximum: 32Kb.
Must run on Windows 7 x64.
New School Executable Music
Five minutes maximum.
File size maximum: 32Kb.
Must run on Windows 7 x64.
That is most excellent news \o/
kabuto: "disregard that info and don't worry" is the message :) Bring what you need and we'll sort it out.
It just means, anything electrical would have to be checked for safety.. it'll be fine!
Yeah - that info was from the era when everyone would bring whopping full towers, heavy ass monitors and a George Foreman grill just because.
If you do plan on wheeling in your tumble drier though, do be kind enough to run it in the kitchen.
If you do plan on wheeling in your tumble drier though, do be kind enough to run it in the kitchen.
No at-at-ataaari .sndh in chipcompo?
If Hoffman, ne7 & Syphus reckon it's okay, then it's okay.
New School Executable Music
Five minutes maximum.
File size maximum: 32Kb.
Must run on Windows 7 x64.
And might I add: SWEEET! :D
Serpent: thats defo chip, as long as we can play it on a windows machine (or you want to supply the hardware to play it) it's on.
I hope someone will be able to supply me with an internet connection, since me and my fiancée Vistoria will show up and represent SceneSat, with broadcasting equipment and everything. :)
Yes, that means that I'm even bringing stuff for video broadcasting, so come on and fix us a decent uplink, y'all. ;)
Yes, that means that I'm even bringing stuff for video broadcasting, so come on and fix us a decent uplink, y'all. ;)
h0ffman: nice! yes i was doing my first atari tune ever and thought about submitting it.. I personally replay .sndh's with winjam but there are other windows proggies that can replay them, i've heard.
Ziphoid: Glad it's official! We only have one adsl link, you could potentially use a 3G/4G connection depending on signal quality - we'll do what we can, but we're constrained by what the hall can provide us with.
Hey, Kabuto and I are teaming up this year to travel to Sundown together (via NX coach), BUT we'll be arriving on thursday 5th already! Is there anyone in or around Exeter who could pick us up / offer a place to stay until friday .. and possibly enjoy some pre-party action with us? :D
We'll be more than happy to help with the party set-up as well etc.
We'll be more than happy to help with the party set-up as well etc.
Sadly I won't be there this year but it would nice if someone could pick up the 'making the fire at the beach bigger than a squib' gauntlet - the flotsam down there hasn't really been enough for a sustained nice fire, and no you aren't allowed to steal benches or boats to burn!
So try and get a small sack of firewood and a quick-lighting log for frustration free awesome beach light & heat.
Gonna miss you guys! But i'll be having a good time either way, no sad faces! I'll be partying somewhat at my sisters big wedding do. o/
So try and get a small sack of firewood and a quick-lighting log for frustration free awesome beach light & heat.
Gonna miss you guys! But i'll be having a good time either way, no sad faces! I'll be partying somewhat at my sisters big wedding do. o/
Sunspire: I haven't got myself a place to live in Exeter yet, hehe! I'm in Australia for another week but when I get back I'll try my best to sort something for you. Shouldn't be a problem but it's best to ask my friends for help face to face when I see them. :)
Ziphoid: We managed to get an audio broadcast using my iPhone last year (3G) but unfortunately my contract has been switched to no tethered! :( I am looking into this...
So.. if anyone can supply us with a dedicated 3G or 4G dongle we could use that would really help!. I'm on the 3 network which managed a good signal for most of the party.
So.. if anyone can supply us with a dedicated 3G or 4G dongle we could use that would really help!. I'm on the 3 network which managed a good signal for most of the party.
Sadly I won't be there this year but it would nice if someone could pick up the 'making the fire at the beach bigger than a squib' gauntlet - the flotsam down there hasn't really been enough for a sustained nice fire, and no you aren't allowed to steal benches or boats to burn!
So try and get a small sack of firewood and a quick-lighting log for frustration free awesome beach light & heat.
Right outside my front door:

Will bring some :)
OMG! How do you get inside then?! ;)
Same way I made that pile in the first place, with a saw and an axe.
Someone gave me their synth yesterday...... that is all.
*accidental bump*
Get those remote entries in :)
Get those remote entries in :)
Trying to work out how to get there! A kind dogsitter in Bristol for Fri-Sun would be amazing... even more so if I could crash on their floor Thurs and Sun nights..
Next weekend wooooooooooo \o/ Can't wait, entry being finalised..
Quick update, I've managed to get the tethering on my 3G sorted so we can definitely have an audio broadcast on scenesat.
Info on live acts will be up soon...
Also remember that ALL music compos have a time limit of 5 MINUTES! So no need to "Compo Cut" your tracks :)
Info on live acts will be up soon...
Also remember that ALL music compos have a time limit of 5 MINUTES! So no need to "Compo Cut" your tracks :)