There will be no Freax Vol. 2.
category: residue [glöplog]
I've put long years of efforts into documenting the history of the demoscene, which gave me so much during my teenage years and twenties, to the present day. Volume 1. and the Art Album was received with eager interest, and made me proud of my work. Even a second edition was printed.
However in the recent days some people, who define themselves as sceners, have told me that I should be expelled from the scene, and society itself, because I don't share their political ideals. They also told me they'll boycott my book for the same reason. We were even friends with some of these people, who now showed their true self.
One will not go to a club where he's not welcome. I've had enough of such opinion terrorists IRL, and if the scene has been taken over by them, I am not interested in it. I'll not put any more effort in finishing Freax 2., because I am not willing to fight a bunch of idiots who think they should be the conscience of society. Also, I am not writing a book for such idiots.
I hope the aforementioned idiots are now happy, they achieved a great victory against whatever menaced democracy. The other people I apologize. Good bye.
I've put long years of efforts into documenting the history of the demoscene, which gave me so much during my teenage years and twenties, to the present day. Volume 1. and the Art Album was received with eager interest, and made me proud of my work. Even a second edition was printed.
However in the recent days some people, who define themselves as sceners, have told me that I should be expelled from the scene, and society itself, because I don't share their political ideals. They also told me they'll boycott my book for the same reason. We were even friends with some of these people, who now showed their true self.
One will not go to a club where he's not welcome. I've had enough of such opinion terrorists IRL, and if the scene has been taken over by them, I am not interested in it. I'll not put any more effort in finishing Freax 2., because I am not willing to fight a bunch of idiots who think they should be the conscience of society. Also, I am not writing a book for such idiots.
I hope the aforementioned idiots are now happy, they achieved a great victory against whatever menaced democracy. The other people I apologize. Good bye.
You know a thing?
I purchased Freax Vol. 1 and, until recent days, I would recommend the book to all friends as a source of plenty of information about demoscene history.
But now I feel concerned if my 25 euros were used to thrown eggs to people or something like that.
I purchased Freax Vol. 1 and, until recent days, I would recommend the book to all friends as a source of plenty of information about demoscene history.
But now I feel concerned if my 25 euros were used to thrown eggs to people or something like that.
Because, as you already been told, an idiot. The income went to the publisher CSW Verlag. They probably haven't thrown an egg to anyone. Actually also my life is a little bit more than throwing eggs 24/7.
Still here?
nice self-victimisation.
there was not one single statement like this in the whole thread.
this rather seems like a desperate attempt to mobilise some weak support from the more passive strata of the demoscene. or perhaps a pre-emptive move because no western european publisher would touch a book by such an author anyway.
have told me that I should be expelled from the scene [...] They also told me they'll boycott my book for the same reason.
there was not one single statement like this in the whole thread.
this rather seems like a desperate attempt to mobilise some weak support from the more passive strata of the demoscene. or perhaps a pre-emptive move because no western european publisher would touch a book by such an author anyway.
The income went to the publisher CSW Verlag.
I feel better now that I know that.
I hope that, with time, you will improve your understanding of people and the world.
I do not want to mobilize anything, Mr. Communist. I just announced that you'll not be given something I wished to give. You can try to explain it to yourself, but that's just a feeble attempt.

ok, in case people decide to dig up this thread in a few years, this is where it all started.
Funny that I gave you credit for your help in Volume 1, and now you're one of those who made me come to this decision.
You are such a little whiner. Grow the fuck up man.
You want to be an asshole then just be one. Let nobody stop you.
You want to be an asshole then just be one. Let nobody stop you.
as i said, i am not particularly happy or gleeful about this. but my political and ethical consciousness did not leave me with any other choice. however, the indirect suggestion that i am the reason for freax 2 not coming out is quite preposterous and, moreover, a manipulation a "communist" would be proud of.
And I am not giving to your political blackmail. I will not finish a book just to hear you and your comrades booing at me when presenting it. And I will not give up my opinion just because you're trying to force me to, because you fail at arguing. Heck, my grandfather hasn't given up his views even when the ÁVH was beating him. I'll not be a pussy to betray his memory, even on such a small scale, because you order me to.
i didn't force anything on anyone, i didn't blackmail anyone (proof/quotes please), i don't have any "comrades", and i don't even know where this paranoid bullshit is coming from. the only thing i did in that thread was observing and commenting what tomcat was saying.

Dont let a few spoil it for the many.
I would buy Freax #2 and waiting patiently on its release! cheers!
I would buy Freax #2 and waiting patiently on its release! cheers!
dipswitch, dipswitch, you already forgot how you spoke out for the necessity of standing up for your ideals on the demoscene? It was in that topic you linked.
i don't even understand what this refers to.
I agree with magic.
(let's not make that a habit though)
(let's not make that a habit though)
and i have no problem whatsoever to be quoted on anything i wrote in the said thread, for none of what i said included anything tomcat is implying here. there were no threats, there was no blackmail, there were no boycott calls. you can read the thread yourself to get the picture.
There's this little something, that in Dutch we call "de eer aan jezelf houden".
(and needless to say, this applies to Tomcat here)
A few spoiling it for the many? I hope "the many" aren't misogynist, homophobic, aggressive nationalists either.
remember kids: pouet not equal to scene
tomcat gtfo already.