Open sourcing ?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Now. We are to feel sorry for Gargaj because he spent 5 years manipulating pouet into a censored pile of shit while working on his own agenda / development without taking any extra help. Surely you can do advanced projects open source from the beginning. You just cant do the sloppy job that Gargaj evidently did.
Again, lets feel sorry for Gargaj. He spent five years of his life solely working to get a new awesome site up! Horrible Analogue. We would be much better off without your stuff and you have no right to pouet! [...]
nothing personal with you, but yes i feel really sorry if that is the thank you of the community to Gargaj who after all has carred for 5 years for this project (no matter how much he has done during this time...)
Folks please just calm down. The best thing that can come out of this is for Pouet to keep going and everyone to be able to work together. And the best way to do that is to cool off and mediate.
nothing personal with you, but yes i feel really sorry if that is the thank you of the community to Gargaj who after all has carred for 5 years for this project (no matter how much he has done during this time...)
Personally I find it hilarious. He had it coming :)
I'm seriously all calm, I don't know what's all the fuss.
I just learned that Gargaj was planning to get pouet running on "his" code when he's done, taking ownership over it.
This kind of appropriation for something that I always made sure was super opened won't happen.
Pouet can run fine on the old open code, it does not need a rewrite if it means it's becoming owned by someone.
For the credentials, pouet had the same for like 10 years, shared by a lot of people, I'm not locking out gasman particularly, I'm making sure no one who ever had access can do harm to the data.
I'm going to let anyone, Gargaj included of course, contribute back to pouet ASAP.
Please calm down.
I just learned that Gargaj was planning to get pouet running on "his" code when he's done, taking ownership over it.
This kind of appropriation for something that I always made sure was super opened won't happen.
Pouet can run fine on the old open code, it does not need a rewrite if it means it's becoming owned by someone.
For the credentials, pouet had the same for like 10 years, shared by a lot of people, I'm not locking out gasman particularly, I'm making sure no one who ever had access can do harm to the data.
I'm going to let anyone, Gargaj included of course, contribute back to pouet ASAP.
Please calm down.
This thread made me really, really sad. Honestly.
*Creating fan-page on facebook for kb-related thread-winning comments*
I'm seriously all calm, I don't know what's all the fuss.
I believe that's the core of the problem.
it does not need a rewrite if it means it's becoming owned by someone.
Gargaj proposed a deadline by which the Pouet 2.0 code would be opened. Please you actually have the very same goals :( And noone want to harm the data.
ponce: No Gargaj said that "we'll see" if he'll give the code once he's done.
I ask for a group filter on the christian outreach people. They should be highlighted now that they have fallen from glory. Very enjoyable thread. Staying tuned for more drama!

It's all about that last sentence in one of Gargaj's statements right?
I guess that's what analogue is afraid of: pouet 2.0 happens, running on gargaj's code (how should it be considered? 100% whole new work or derivative of 0.9?). And what if gargaj decides he doesn't want to open his code at that point?
we can come back to talk about whether opensource 2.0 is a good idea.
I guess that's what analogue is afraid of: pouet 2.0 happens, running on gargaj's code (how should it be considered? 100% whole new work or derivative of 0.9?). And what if gargaj decides he doesn't want to open his code at that point?
ah right the time I typed my humble contribution to the conversation, analogue said it explicitly
@analogue: OK I had misread. Let's hope maintainers and creator will find a graceful resolution when the heat has passed.
I don't think some guy(s) that have put up with having to fix-pouet-beautful for the last couple of years would just snap and destroy everything in a split second or revoke access to the - oh. wait.
Plus: Screw the frontend, as-in pouet, the real value is in the data. I guess there are backups, because I still remember the nectarine incident...
Plus: Screw the frontend, as-in pouet, the real value is in the data. I guess there are backups, because I still remember the nectarine incident...
Oh, and what kb said.
If Gargaj decides not to open source 2.0 -- how does that change anything? It changes nothing at all. If Analogue's greatest fear for Pouet is that it will die, locking out the biggest contributor to it for the last years seems like a very silly thing to do. And please -- don't back-peddle or patronize with the "password hasn't been changed in 10 years - I did it for security"-rubbish.
..and yes, kb for the win.
"i want to have pouet completely censored and moderated. there has only been one admin that really tried to do this. and now you are booting him out?! you are ruining MY pouet. pleaaasee think about the poor guy who fought cancer so you can have MY pouet soon! GIVE HIM SOME CREDIT! Bu hu"
how does that change anything?
not every body shares that point of view
Yeah, it's not like there will magically be 100 new pouet developers pushing 101 commits every day. Reality will be that the same people will work on it like they have for the last 100 years. So - other than "having a peek" at the code, there's no real benefit of opening the repository to the public. And I doubt that the "ownership" issue is a real one.
But anyway what am I defending here - I don't like what pouet is anyway :-) It's a frequented platform and a good prod database for sure - but we'll all live on without it evolving any further than it is now and will move on to the next best thing once it's necessary.
But anyway what am I defending here - I don't like what pouet is anyway :-) It's a frequented platform and a good prod database for sure - but we'll all live on without it evolving any further than it is now and will move on to the next best thing once it's necessary.
Dear Stefan, in my function as somebody who routinely posts NSFW images in Ringo's threads because it's just too much fun to see him squirm, let me tell you: Go screw yourself with something hard and spiky, and then please look for the nearest fire and fucking die in it. The ensuing hilarity will be the greatest achievement of your life. Thank you.
kb: i know. gargaj doesn't dare censor you! youre just to cool!
And on an even more serious note: Nope, Analogue is still right in the one regard that open sourcing the code is necessary. We can all see here why - it's a hobby project and people come and go as they wish. Public code and a hosting provider who's fairly neutral (and I trust on this issue) would really prevent situations like these. Because we're not exactly beyond the point where certain people could decide to let this site go down in flames and then rebuild a new one with black jack and hookers where things are run the way THEY want. Pouet as a community hub is way too important to end up as victim of some francohungarian power struggle.
kb: You win.
Analogue: :\ Not cool.
You keep saying that you mean and made Pouet open, but I don't see how it is open. I mean, the source code has been closed for 13 years, the DB is also mostly closed.
Also I don't really see howopen sourcing Pouet changes anything for 99.99% of the audience. In my experience the respective admins have been responsive and supportive of reasonable change requests. Think about the little changes I asked for to get the Attention whore script working, or the code I contributed for the Link me beautiful and the line wrapping, ...
For sure It would rock to have Pouet on a public repositories, be it solely to improve the workflow.
Hey, everyone who had access to Pouet's codebase said it was a dirty mess behind the theres one pouet user on the server and whoever has access and feels like it can do a passwd and lock the others out? ouch.
kb: You win.
Analogue: :\ Not cool.
You keep saying that you mean and made Pouet open, but I don't see how it is open. I mean, the source code has been closed for 13 years, the DB is also mostly closed.
Also I don't really see howopen sourcing Pouet changes anything for 99.99% of the audience. In my experience the respective admins have been responsive and supportive of reasonable change requests. Think about the little changes I asked for to get the Attention whore script working, or the code I contributed for the Link me beautiful and the line wrapping, ...
For sure It would rock to have Pouet on a public repositories, be it solely to improve the workflow.