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Open sourcing pouet.net ?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
[..] a REST API, and ideally, it would be just an API with a JS client using it[..]
added on the 2013-05-06 18:23:00 by mog mog
Please open source pouet so we can undo all the man handling from gargaj.
added on the 2013-05-06 18:25:34 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Watching the ridiculousness in the fact that various members of the gargaj fanclub is asking for support for this thread on iRC. "everyone please just hop in there and write what gargaj said" *loving the drama*

BB Image

also, what nic0 said. This thread might need some anthropologist analysis.
Keep your fanclub off of it please, it's looking weird.

Seriously, Analogue? You really can't take the fact that people might disagree with your view, can you? Not sure if you noticed, but I doubt Gargaj has any say in what people think. Maybe it's just the fact that to all these people, his take on this at the moment makes eay more sense than yours?

Man I wish someone could resurrect Stil right now, at least he understood how things work..

Also, considering the fact that Gargaj just said "work on 0.9 has more or less stopped because work on 2.0 started", those percentages look correct to me..
added on the 2013-05-06 18:46:26 by leijaa leijaa
that should be *way more sense, and i bet 2.0 has a way to edit your post already so no need to implement it in 0.9!
added on the 2013-05-06 18:48:48 by leijaa leijaa
Analogue: listen - I can understand it's strange when people don't support you upon your return, but if you actually read what people say (and ignore the flame-trolls with their insane conspiracy theories or outright flame baits), can you at least try to see things from their perspective?

So - to the point: how about you comment on Gargaj's actual suggestion? It seems both reasonable and timely.
added on the 2013-05-06 18:49:45 by gloom gloom
"I'll write it again to make it clear, your code is welcome if you are giving up your ownership over it."

And stop bringing your friends from IRC.
added on the 2013-05-06 18:54:04 by analogue analogue
ps: thats your cue. where's that verbal bashing you promised?
added on the 2013-05-06 18:57:03 by leijaa leijaa
People calling anyone who disagrees with them trolls bitching about things not being seen from their perspective. Classic.
I might add, that when you don't understand/read that
- and -
When being said for the nth time, I wouldn't want to read your code Analouge, you didn't even give a damn to test your REST API.

This big whining just looks like a big mutiny to me.
The only ones who whine are you and psenough, neither of you are currently improving the situation to a slightest.
The fuck do we need that REST API for anyway? To build more frontends? To shovel JSON to XML (oh hey, the once invented HTML for that), to just have it(tm)?

- analogue 49%
- ps 41%
Yes, yes - we all clearly see you both have the biggest e-penor, and together you both are responsible for the whopping 90% of the fucking code mess Pouet is, gratz on that, good job.
added on the 2013-05-06 19:06:23 by mog mog
People who cherry pick things to attack instead of the actual issue. Classic.

..from an account that's a few days old. Epic.
added on the 2013-05-06 19:08:03 by gloom gloom
Ok 1st let me blast a bubble here about gargaj being the maintainer.
Went through my source code archive and the history of the 0.9 code base, the writers are:
- analogue 49%
- ps 41%
- gargaj 8%
- melwyn 1%
- redhound 0%
- gasman 0%
- santa 0%
- knos 0%
- NiR 0%
- stil 0%
- rez 0%

Aside from lines of code being a complete bullshit metric for this (maintenance != cranking out tons of feature code), where are those numbers pulled from, exactly? For the entire time I worked on Pouet, my access to the codebase consisted of a shared FTP login to the live site, so it seems to me that those figures come from either A) a highly dubious method of counting, or B) some version control repository that I never even knew about.
added on the 2013-05-06 19:09:20 by gasman gasman
gasman: hint
added on the 2013-05-06 19:12:02 by skarab skarab
kb's suggestion sounds a lot more reasonable to me than gargaj's imperative.

analogue: in gargaj's defense, he did do more patches after 2007, he just stopped using the log to document them afaicr. and then he decided to focus on 2.0 entirely, which was smart move in anyone's book. it's just taking too long and ominously closed.

technically speaking what gargaj did was a fork. and doing a fork doesnt give him ownership of the master. it might be more convenient not to touch it until it's done, i get that, but years of wait must end at some point. and i'd much rather see it end in 2013. remember we had this exact same thread 1 year ago.

also, i can't believe this discussion has leia agreeing with gloom and me agreeing with dubmood but: what dubmood said. gargaj is a nice guy, don't blend your personal feelings about the person with the fact that he is hoarding the development of a site for 5 years with the promise of a new version. a site which has always been intended as open and like kb said makes complete sense to be a communitary effort.

gargaj: if you are the only person in control you are a dictator, no matter how you want to put it. please do the right thing: follow kb's suggestion and talk properly with analogue about how his ideas can work with yours.
added on the 2013-05-06 19:16:34 by psenough psenough
There is this bug what prevents me of adding prods. At pouet please fix it.

I Vote for first get pouet 2.0 finished and than open source it. But how long this should take should be agreed upon between Gargaj and analoque
added on the 2013-05-06 19:18:44 by magic magic
case solved
added on the 2013-05-06 19:25:58 by SiR SiR
Ok here's something about the actual issue...

Now, as far as opensource goes, I'm ambivalent - as far as I've seen it in the last 10 years of the scene, "opensource" generally means "noone cares about this anymore, so here, leave us alone".

This indeed seems to be the approach you're taking. But maybe if the source wasn't kept closed "until it's ready", things would be different? Who knows, maybe the project wouldn't have gone on for over 5 years...

What exactly is the reasoning for doing this anyway? Especially if it's against Analogue's wishes. To me it seems like releasing the source after everything is done might work for a demo, because the source will be for porting to other platforms. But for something like Pouet it makes no sense. And I'm genuinely interested and promise to respect your right to have an opinion, not looking to fight about it.
i demand a joust. analogue with a baguette, gargaj with a bejgli. let's settle this once and for all!
added on the 2013-05-06 19:34:03 by el mal el mal
Just make a proper Pouet API/Backend and make a close-to-original html+js client as suggested by analogue. Anything else would just be re-tweaking bugs anyways. Then you, Gargaj & Fan club can have your own politicallycorrectpouet.scene.org.
added on the 2013-05-06 19:34:49 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
It would somehow be very fitting if Pouet went down in the flames of a flame war drama...
added on the 2013-05-06 19:38:24 by okkie okkie
Kusma: wow, I haven't seen that approach to software design for at least a decade -- oh, right, the post was from 2000. The currently accepted model for software design is way more centered around the concept of writing new code continously.

There's also a huge difference between writing a native application planned to live for decades than to develop web apps/pages. Things have changed insanely on the web, and developing for it should change with it.
added on the 2013-05-06 19:40:16 by gloom gloom
To add to it, after (or actually still in progress) doing a refactor on a >16k LOC mess, with almost only antipatterns - I'd have rather written it from scratch too. (and 16k LOC isn't even _that_ much actually)
added on the 2013-05-06 19:42:45 by mog mog
gloom: Calling that article dated is *so* missing the point.
added on the 2013-05-06 19:43:21 by kusma kusma
what ps said.
added on the 2013-05-06 19:43:59 by Defiance Defiance


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