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Are demos a social object? If yes, then in which way?

category: residue [glöplog]
in other words : Which feature of your demo makes it worthwile in the eyes of the friends of your audience?

For example, the popular demo is popular because of the good vibes it gives to the audience and so watching it makes people happy, so showing it to your friends reflect positively on you, so improve your social status.

So, what does this do to your social status then?
added on the 2012-09-08 23:14:11 by D.Fox D.Fox
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added on the 2012-09-08 23:22:52 by ___ ___
Space Ponies!
added on the 2012-09-08 23:30:31 by D.Fox D.Fox
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added on the 2012-09-09 13:55:49 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2012-09-09 14:01:16 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
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added on the 2012-09-09 15:22:59 by ___ ___
this demo surely was a social event:
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Molotov mainos by mfx
added on the 2012-09-09 17:54:19 by v3nom v3nom
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added on the 2012-09-09 20:19:13 by Tjoppen Tjoppen


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