Official Thread for apologising because i took it to far against h20
category: offtopic [glöplog]
This afternoon's thread i started about accusing h20 of ripping kenet and my artwork in his own was one i started in anger and disgust. i used harsh words and took it most likely too far. I really apologise for that. Im not here in this demoscene to put people down. - i know i did, but i spoke out of anger, and ppl just do stupid shit when they get angry.
i would be happy if any pouet admin could take the Official Thread for artwork ripping by h20 using random scenebrushes offline.
I am not ok with all of this though. H20, i respect u for everything u done regarding Main and stuff, and your contributions to the demoscene. I really do. This is not about i like or dont like your art, or i think yur stoopid.
I really want to settle this issue because it bugs the hell out of me. Im always available in the scene to do anything graphically, for everyone.
i do logo's and stuff for demo's, intro's, websites and cracktro's. I have a few tutorials on my website so everybody in the scene, new or veteran can learn something from it. I support the scene in a healthy way, i live for the scene (que emo music with pianos and candlelight). i respect others and i hope they threath me the same. im doing this for over 20 years, and i hope to do it another 20 years.
This afternoon i didnt do that. i fully realise that.
I dont hate u. im not mad anymore. just disappointed u did nothing but block me from your fb. To me thats almost the same as confessing.
im disappointed the reason u say is u found some brush. and then throw a fit when we didnt buy that.
Im not writing here to save my image or have ppl think im not a ranting dramaqueen about some stupid bubbles or cracked corners as people call it., i write this to give u a chance and proof me wrong. What i did, again, was not right. I hope u can forgive me and come clean to me in private, so i can forgive u.
yes i write this here because i have no clue how to contact u.
dylsectic spelling errors due to my razor lycoste, pouetizing allowed after 24:00. Cheers.
Geht doch zur Paartherapie.
The next time you're really angry try this: write a mail or post about how fucking angry you are, and when you're done, don't click send but delete it.
i usually beat up my girlfriend when im angry. in Soul Calibur 3. unless she picks Voldo.
yes i write this here because i have no clue how to contact u.
it's same like saying "i found some scene brush" ...
go and write him a mail... that shouldn't to hard for you...

That's pretty gayz
thats also pretty honorable from you alien. i respect that.
so now that were all friends again and stuff: outline? =)
so now that were all friends again and stuff: outline? =)
scenedrama at it's best
Let me sum this all up. So you hit h2o in his face, really hard, then caress him and say: sorry, I'm not mad at you?
Remember, the best way to ease things up is sex...
People forget other people are humans with feelings.
A good friend of mine helped make me realise the reality of 'its nice to be nice'
Since then when people have had ill intentions towards me I think 'ya know, I think this is a moment to rise above and invite the person around for a nice cup of tea. With milk. Its nice to be nice and offer a nice biscuit.
A good friend of mine helped make me realise the reality of 'its nice to be nice'
Since then when people have had ill intentions towards me I think 'ya know, I think this is a moment to rise above and invite the person around for a nice cup of tea. With milk. Its nice to be nice and offer a nice biscuit.
ponies indeed... but wow! \:D/

Getting slow in your old age Tjoppen?
Now where the fuck is Knoeki?
Now where the fuck is Knoeki?
It is time and we did hold back...
Pfft. I say we as if I was somehow involved in adding residue..NEVAR!
Pfft. I say we as if I was somehow involved in adding residue..NEVAR!
oh noes, no more drama :(

I also corrected the image mueslee posted:

Let me sum this all up. So you hit h2o in his face, really hard, then caress him and say: sorry, I'm not mad at you?
people seem to forget he kicked me in the balls right before that, so it was a reflex of my arm.
Alright, calm down people, calm down.
I think you might really want to reach him via mail too, Alien, just to make sure.
I think you might really want to reach him via mail too, Alien, just to make sure.
>this entire thing