I just failed my RHCE
category: offtopic [glöplog]
To everyone who posted in this thread:
well, I found out today morning that I failed it. I'm feeling like utter SHIT right now. Maybe I don't even belong here, I'm just not intelligent enough to write a demo - I just went to the Revision Party page, and had a look at the seminars, everyone's so far ahead of me.... :(
Anyway, words of consolation would be nice, but if you want to hold forth and give me a good ass-kicking, I won't say no.... (as meaty once did here, on this site...)
well, I found out today morning that I failed it. I'm feeling like utter SHIT right now. Maybe I don't even belong here, I'm just not intelligent enough to write a demo - I just went to the Revision Party page, and had a look at the seminars, everyone's so far ahead of me.... :(
Anyway, words of consolation would be nice, but if you want to hold forth and give me a good ass-kicking, I won't say no.... (as meaty once did here, on this site...)
its just a certificate man, not the end of the world. if it matters so much to you you can just study and try to have it again later.
that being said, you only get good at something if you invest yourself more into it. so if you want to be better at demomaking stuff the only way you'll "catch up" is to stop whinning and get learning and coding.
whatever level of expertise you're at there are always people better then you. all you can do is be humble on what you really can do and focus on learning how to get better at the things you want to accomplish better.
that being said, you only get good at something if you invest yourself more into it. so if you want to be better at demomaking stuff the only way you'll "catch up" is to stop whinning and get learning and coding.
whatever level of expertise you're at there are always people better then you. all you can do is be humble on what you really can do and focus on learning how to get better at the things you want to accomplish better.
what ps said, word by word.
Except for a couple of words. :) (then!=than)
And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.
couldn't be said better
Dr. Phil's Ten Life Laws
You either get it or you don't.
You create your own experience.
People do what works.
You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.
Life rewards action.
There is no reality, only perception.
Life is managed; it is not cured.
We teach people how to treat us.
There is power in forgiveness.
You have to name it before you can claim it.
You either get it or you don't.
You create your own experience.
People do what works.
You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.
Life rewards action.
There is no reality, only perception.
Life is managed; it is not cured.
We teach people how to treat us.
There is power in forgiveness.
You have to name it before you can claim it.
You seem to be depressed quite a lot, so:
1) spend less time on things that make you feel bad
2) spend more time on things that make you feel nice (but stay away from drugs!)
In your particular case: if you want to be a RHCE, re-take the test. if not, move on. But be sure to have fun either way.
1) spend less time on things that make you feel bad
2) spend more time on things that make you feel nice (but stay away from drugs!)
In your particular case: if you want to be a RHCE, re-take the test. if not, move on. But be sure to have fun either way.
.. and we've probably all failed at something or other in our lives, except Maali - he is god.
Dr. Phil's Ten Life Laws
You either get it or you don't.
You create your own experience.
People do what works.
You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.
Life rewards action.
There is no reality, only perception.
Life is managed; it is not cured.
We teach people how to treat us.
There is power in forgiveness.
You have to name it before you can claim it.
Despite the Dr. Phil part, these are actually fantastic.
"even if you succeed, you still fail at failing" - maali/god
I love you Maali.
ferris: for 80 euros/h i am happy to provide moar psychological bullshit!
now THAT'S a deal!!
Wait, Maali, you're a god?
You're doing shitty job.
You're doing shitty job.
yeah, Maali, you could have at least said:
And Maali said
"Let there be an awesome PC demo compo at Revision."
And it rained and snowed and was crappy out, and there was an awesome PC demo compo at Revision 2012.
And it was good.
And Maali said
"Let there be an awesome PC demo compo at Revision."
And it rained and snowed and was crappy out, and there was an awesome PC demo compo at Revision 2012.
And it was good.
also, nicely said psenough.
You fail? Go make a demo about it.
I'm still at the hub overhaul stage myself. We'll see if we have a functioning demo in a few years after I figuratively learn to weld, extending my metaphor further (in real life, I actually do know how to weld).
You fail? Go make a demo about it.
I'm still at the hub overhaul stage myself. We'll see if we have a functioning demo in a few years after I figuratively learn to weld, extending my metaphor further (in real life, I actually do know how to weld).

...not particularly, but I fucking love this pic.
@ferris: ever seen a naked woman? :)
[qoute]I'm just not intelligent enough to write a demo - I just went to the Revision Party page, and had a look at the seminars, everyone's so far ahead of me.... :([/quote]
The first thing i'd like to say is that seminars are made to give people informations they (mostly) don't know and enhance their skills by someone who really knows the stuff he is doing a seminar about. So he should be ahead of the audience in most cases. Don't take the seminars as a kind of benchmark. ;)
Second thing is about the first sentence of that quote.
I think that someone who thinks he isn't intelligent enough to do something he is interested in actually is above the average. He wouldn't care otherwise. In most cases it's "just" about concentration, self-assurance and endurance which isn't easily to change either but at least it's possible, it's a pita though and sometimes, depending on the mood, just not possible - for the moment.
Also, what i struggle my whole life with and have to get rid of somehow:
Don't set your goal too high and throw it away because you are getting frustrated.
I like learning by just doing and experimenting and hate following tutorials but sometimes it is really helpfull because you actually reach those points that lift you up and let you keep doing. Also there often is this "i know how to use it but i don't know how it works in detail so my brain somehow refuses using it unless i know how it's exactly working"-thing.
Sometimes getting forward is more easy by not exploring every detail and just using the stuff, exploring it afterwards. I hate that though, easy to say to others but i just can't switch that off.
And try not starting another project every day. It's hard and a mood-thing again but focusing just one or two projects until they are done is helpful. Also having a whiteboard.
Honestly i got off the point a little bit but..ok.
Keep going! Also what psenough said.
The first thing i'd like to say is that seminars are made to give people informations they (mostly) don't know and enhance their skills by someone who really knows the stuff he is doing a seminar about. So he should be ahead of the audience in most cases. Don't take the seminars as a kind of benchmark. ;)
Second thing is about the first sentence of that quote.
I think that someone who thinks he isn't intelligent enough to do something he is interested in actually is above the average. He wouldn't care otherwise. In most cases it's "just" about concentration, self-assurance and endurance which isn't easily to change either but at least it's possible, it's a pita though and sometimes, depending on the mood, just not possible - for the moment.
Also, what i struggle my whole life with and have to get rid of somehow:
Don't set your goal too high and throw it away because you are getting frustrated.
I like learning by just doing and experimenting and hate following tutorials but sometimes it is really helpfull because you actually reach those points that lift you up and let you keep doing. Also there often is this "i know how to use it but i don't know how it works in detail so my brain somehow refuses using it unless i know how it's exactly working"-thing.
Sometimes getting forward is more easy by not exploring every detail and just using the stuff, exploring it afterwards. I hate that though, easy to say to others but i just can't switch that off.
And try not starting another project every day. It's hard and a mood-thing again but focusing just one or two projects until they are done is helpful. Also having a whiteboard.
Honestly i got off the point a little bit but..ok.
Keep going! Also what psenough said.
Also messed up the [quote]quote[quote] again...
omg lol. just ignore that quote thing plz :D
metoikos: i at least delivered ONE awesome PC demo!!!! where were you? :P