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variform 2

category: residue [glöplog]
wtf did we just see?
added on the 2012-04-09 00:52:20 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
variform 2
added on the 2012-04-09 00:52:51 by scicco scicco
BB Image
added on the 2012-04-09 00:56:39 by noby noby
I have no Stream and I must Scream.
added on the 2012-04-09 00:58:55 by Optimus Optimus
best demo ever
added on the 2012-04-09 11:05:21 by wullon wullon
Is it a joke or is it real?
Somewhere I hear about 20 Amiga demos but that was a stupid rumor :P
I hope this one is real..
added on the 2012-04-09 11:14:59 by Optimus Optimus
motherfucking real.. needs a final though
added on the 2012-04-09 11:32:05 by el mal el mal
Discuss it here.
added on the 2012-04-09 15:19:00 by w00t! w00t!
Best demo ever!
For your pleasure, a pruned down compo log (removed mostly people bitching about video stream dying) from #revision:

01:49 <+muf> lolfinns
01:49 < l1nkman> a working stream ist leider geil
01:49 <+Krill> variform2
01:49 <+Krill> wtf
01:49 <+vscd[NPL]> This year I like the volume, overall. Not too loud, not to less... except from knoekis liveshow. Was too loud.
01:50 < sacha> !np
01:50 <+muf> perkeletors
01:50 < SceneSat> sacha: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:50 < jESSiKA> Krill
01:50 < ne7> :D
01:50 * Sil is trying not to doze off... :)
01:50 < CONS> best time for the stream to drop out :D
01:50 < ne7> arse i'm missing a new bit o' kewlers
01:50 < movi> Variform 2?
01:50 < meaty> more assembly security guards?
01:50 < hornet_lpt> wait... what???!??
01:50 < aMUSiC> shit I want to see thiiiis
01:50 < ne7> :D
01:50 < moozooh> nooooo, variform 2 :(((
01:50 < PijMleko> __ __ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ _ __ __
01:50 < PijMleko> \ \ / / | | | | | \| | / _ \ / __||_ _|| _ \| __| /_\ | \/ |
01:50 < PijMleko> \ V / | |_| | | .` || (_) | \__ \ | | | /| _| / _ \ | |\/| |
01:50 < PijMleko> |_| \___/ |_|\_| \___/ |___/ |_| |_|_\|___|/_/ \_\|_| |_|
01:50 < [4mat]> heh I thought they were joking
01:50 < ne7> haha i really thought jugi was kidding
01:50 < T_S_RTX1911> can't watching.....
01:50 < bfx> jesus rose and we missed it
01:50 < ryg> what compo is running right now?
01:50 < moozooh> likewise
01:50 < Sofa1312> scenesat radio still broadcasting
01:50 < [EviL]> ryg: check later on some of the oldschool stuff
01:50 < meaty> do dee doo de dooo crystal scene
01:50 < moozooh> pc demo
01:50 < ne7> ryg; pc demo m8
01:50 < Toffeeman> Fuck we missing a Kewlers demo ?
01:50 < Salinga> someone just take a strong kick against the servers. always helps.
01:50 < Geri> rainbow_dash.3ds
01:50 < Sofa1312> scenesat radio still broadcasting!!
01:50 < ne7> ryg; amiga is after i think
01:51 < jugi> we are going to watch the .exe. stream now workgin for us
01:51 < hornet_lpt> oh ffs
01:51 <+vscd[NPL]> Variform2!!
01:51 < T_S_RTX1911> I want see my demo streaming too :(
01:51 < DeeKay> terror
01:51 < bfx> looking for democompo jpgs
01:51 * k8o gets a beer
01:51 < PijMleko> Y U NO STREAM?!
01:51 < TheMe> sounds like ART now (audio only)
01:51 < IC> sounds like ear death
01:51 < pyksy^> mmmmm beer
01:51 < ne7> jugi; *grin* exe stream is much easier
01:51 <@Bombe> YES!
01:51 <@Bombe> THEY ARE BACK!
01:51 < m0d> !np
01:51 < Sofa1312> my god :D
01:51 < SceneSat> m0d: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:51 < movi> sounds like SSCHEISSE
01:52 < ne7> !np
01:52 < pyksy^> :D
01:52 < SceneSat> ne7: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:52 < moozooh> sob sob
01:52 < meaty> pyksy^: i like the beer concept! *sip*
01:52 < m0d> piss seriously taken
01:52 < hornet_lpt> :/
01:52 < m0d> :D
01:52 <+Amiga-Aktivist> boring
01:52 <+AMike> track....bleading ear
01:52 < meaty> lol elongated intro
01:52 < TheMe> modems!
01:52 < pyksy^> meaty: same here! cheers! *glugga*
01:52 <+Sil> noise demo?
01:52 <+xylo> lol
01:52 < Motion> TheMe; lol
01:52 < radi^int> could anyone sitting at the partyplace make stenotyping demos here please?
01:52 < movi> SCHEISSE DEMO
01:52 < DeeKay> fuck this shit
01:52 <+bstrr> stupid finnish noise
01:52 <+vscd[NPL]> I told you, NVIDIA ONLY!!!
01:52 < kaneel> I so feel the joke, no variform2 for people not attending :(
01:52 < m0d> sil we're like :XD
01:52 <+muf> cue rave music
01:52 <+Amiga-Aktivist> stop this shit!
01:52 <+Graf_icker> lauter!
01:52 <+arBmind> ... and nothing happens
01:52 <+xylo> hehe
01:52 <+GT^rev> immer wieder ein furchtbarer song ;)
01:52 <+bstrr> nosfe go away :)
01:52 < Revasco> this is the new mfx
01:52 < ryg> glitchy soundtrack, people jeering
01:52 < noplan> youporn.com is bettter :D
01:52 < Motion> maybe we can reset the modem with a string ATH+
01:52 < ryg> glitchy object on screen (conjecture!)
01:52 < AceMan> kurwa kurwa kurwa
01:52 < m0d> this is a nice fuck you to the bitchers
01:52 < Salinga> variform 2 sounds like a noisedemo
01:52 < ryg> text overlay (conjecture!)
01:52 < hornet_lpt> gnnnn
01:52 < bfx> mfx too powerful for your computers
01:53 < hornet_lpt> )/)!)?(/!?&!)"(/&!"!
01:53 < meaty> good as this might be, it doesn't really remind me of variform
01:53 <+muf> ah finally someone is putting that PA to good use
01:53 < wo_ist_fred> stream down ??
01:53 <+muf> :D
01:53 < ryg> scroller, unlimited bobs (conjecture!)
01:53 < Reveclosion^V-M> yes
01:53 < DeeKay> crap
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> shit
01:53 < Infant> fuck this shit
01:53 < ryg> voice synth
01:53 <+Krill> toom uch noise, too little content
01:53 < CME> sanfte töne
01:53 <@Bombe> Best demo ever!
01:53 <+Wayne[revision]> utter
01:53 < CONS> sounds a little like a joke
01:53 <+Krill> not a worthy follow-up.
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> what the fuck is this
01:53 <+bstrr> stream down would mean sparing you this piece of crap
01:53 * DeeKay wonders what the kewlers hype is about
01:53 < bfx> glenz vector rotozoom
01:53 <+md`rv2012> winnardemo!
01:53 <+muf> is this some kind of finnish curse?
01:53 <+random_> YES
01:53 <+AMike> next please...
01:53 <+muf> :D
01:53 < hornet_lpt> this had better be crap! ;)
01:53 < wo_ist_fred> BEFORE compo
01:53 < fluor_> im taking my pants on in streamprotest! sofasceners unite!
01:53 <+BlackStar_EoP> ...
01:53 < Infant> I've barfed stuff that was better than this
01:53 <+bstrr> hej hornet
01:53 <+Wayne[revision]> total epilepsy
01:53 < jugi> kurli sends fuckings to everyone @ revision :)
01:53 <+muf> PERKELE
01:53 <+Amiga-Aktivist> stop this shit!
01:53 < hornet_lpt> hej bstrr
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> must use lotsa weet to like this
01:53 <+Kevman> Man
01:53 < bfx> fuckings to the world
01:53 < m0d> ____
01:53 < m0d> _| _ \
01:53 < m0d> (_) | | |
01:53 < m0d> _| |_| |
01:53 < m0d> (_)____/
01:53 < rc55> Maybe if we all take our pants off the stream will come back
01:53 <@FRaNKy-Rev> !massive
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> weed
01:53 < pixelpapst> bstrr, but audio is still streaming :-(
01:53 * SceneSat agrees with FRaNKy-Rev that Kewlers - Variform 2 is a MASSIVE tune!
01:53 < nitro^RV12> aechz
01:53 <+AMIGA> everything is possible with 3000 GHZ :)
01:53 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - ingen stream... det har bare at være ring'!!! :D
01:54 <+muf> fuckings to finns :D
01:54 * plasma takes his pants off
01:54 < YADA> lamerdemo?
01:54 <+h0f> you dont want the stream
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> .--_....._-------,
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> |----------------| /
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> | |/
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> '----------------'
01:54 <+bstrr> hornet_lpt, det er nosfe der er lam
01:54 < bfx> pants OFF
01:54 <@cyraxx^revision> well.
01:54 <+AMike> SCHEISSE
01:54 <+h0f> this is shite!!!
01:54 <+bstrr> ultralame
01:54 < TheMe> translation: this is shitty rhyming
01:54 <+Kevman> Please end.
01:54 < meaty> THIS is the sequel to variform?
01:54 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> terrible
01:54 <+Mosaulp> stop
01:54 <+Sil> this is truelly shite...
01:54 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> stop it!
01:54 <+echo^a1k> brain fuck demo
01:54 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - men er han ring'?
01:54 <+bstrr> orgaz, stop this shit
01:54 <+Mosaulp> this
01:54 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> !stop
01:54 < meaty> not really the same theme :-D
01:54 <+bstrr> hornet_lpt, ja
01:54 <+Wayne[revision]> skip that pls
01:54 < PijMleko> the radio stream is kinda scary, is that some kind of numeric station?
01:54 < wo_ist_fred> whats up now on the bigscreen ?
01:54 <+krun> wtf
01:54 <@Bombe> bstrr, shut up.
01:54 < FLD> !awesome
01:54 * SceneSat sees the awesomeness that Kewlers - Variform 2 holds, according to FLD!
01:54 <+D-Force> kewlers should have stayed away!
01:54 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - nice
01:54 <+bstrr> Bombe, what?
01:54 <+h0f> why the fuck was this last?
01:54 < meaty> ok, make it stop
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> My brain gets formatted....
01:54 <+xylo> !like
01:54 < Salinga> well, it doesnt sound like I am missing something.
01:54 * SceneSat sees that xylo likes Kewlers - Variform 2!
01:54 < SOFASCNR^zZz> night
01:54 <+xylo> hahaha
01:54 <+bstrr> Bombe, you like this crap?
01:54 <@Bombe> bstrr, "shut up."
01:54 < m0d> you guys are SOOO PICKY first you're like NO STREAM and then you're like STOP SHITTING IN MY EYES IN THE COMFORT OF MY OWN HOME!!!
01:54 <+Graf_icker> lauter!!!!!
01:54 <+h0f> i love kewlerz but this is fucking shit
01:54 <+bstrr> Bombe, make me
01:54 <@Bombe> bstrr, that's not the point.
01:54 <+D-Force> nosfe influences
01:54 < Zao`> I'm sure it's amusing if you're finnish, but meh...
01:54 <+AMike> are minus votes possible?
01:54 <+xylo> LOL
01:54 <+tubo^party> gonzo gong sh\o\old save us all
01:55 <+Graf_icker> LOUDER !!!!!
01:55 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - skete der noget med din amigaaaaa-ting?
01:55 <+Oerg866> afhklafkökfkkhakläjfaöläjoköä#öaäökljakljklaffkfjklahsfkldkfhdkkgadölhöadkgdkdaghadadadölgjdgladgölgdäaldjgaädgldgjdald
01:55 <+D-Force> finally
01:55 <+spiked-maniac> when does the hurting stop!
01:55 <+vscd[NPL]> You lucky ones with no stream!
01:55 < meaty> um
01:55 < bfx> gonzo gooooooong
01:55 < Zao`> What's worth less, no vote or 1 star?
01:55 <+bstrr> hornet_lpt, ja, den er klar til at blive vist
01:55 < Aaaamiiiigaaaaa> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwPAuhpNYrQ&feature=relmfu
01:55 < ne7> m0d; true that
01:55 < nitro^RV12> thank god
01:55 <+muf> successful troll is successful
01:55 <+muf> :D
01:55 < Reveclosion^V-M> should feed the hamsters in their wheels for streaming video
01:55 < gregg> finally some good music
01:55 < pigpen> yum yum yum, earcancer
01:55 <+Oerg866> a am ami amig amiga
01:55 <+Wayne[revision]> finally over everyone shouts :)
01:55 <+Krill> lolwat
01:55 < PijMleko> it's over
01:55 < YADA> mennyetek mar hazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
01:55 < ne7> oh is that the end of the compo?
01:55 <+Krill> no killer.
01:55 <+AMIGA> liked 1 PC demo
01:55 < aBHO> :)
01:55 < easy_john[rus]> all stream still dead
01:55 < ne7> jugi; :D
01:55 < Sofa0908> kurwa...
01:55 < Infant> now
01:55 < cce> kurwastream
01:55 <+vscd[NPL]> Farbrausch kommt in der AmigaCOMPO!
01:55 <+tonya> lucky you streamers......
01:55 < hornet_lpt> hrmpf
01:55 < SOFASCNR^zZz> !np
01:55 < bfx> rick astley landed at germany
01:55 < lft> so THAT's why they switched the order
01:55 < SceneSat> SOFASCNR^zZz: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:55 <+spiked-maniac> so fucking cool intro voice but then .... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
01:55 < pingo_> sanntidseffekt
01:55 < aBHO> of course the stream was dead right when the demo i participated in was running
01:56 < bfx> omg a second rick astley has landed at germany
01:56 < DeeKay> seriosly, worst PC democompo evar
01:56 < Salinga> compo over?
01:56 < pyksy^> well well well
01:56 < MT-Felice> night all
01:56 < hornet_lpt> I'm a weapon of choice?
01:56 < Motion> until the stream is good.
01:56 < Super-Hans> aBHO, same happened to me. ;O
01:56 < gregg> AMIGA!
01:56 < hornet_lpt> awwwwww
01:56 < _sajko> !np
01:56 < SceneSat> _sajko: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:56 < gregg> no, seriously, AMIGA!#
01:56 < FLD> there were only 3 good demos, none of them were shown
01:56 < easy_john[rus]> ne7: not from any place on the earth we can get to party. :(
01:56 <+Sil> ah...nice warm breeze
01:56 <+mu6k> earrrape has just been defined by mfx
01:57 <+Para^revision> I think I just saw god
01:57 <+AMIGA> need some beers!
01:57 <+mu6k> FUCK
01:57 < bfx> demoscene cancelled
01:57 < Toffeeman> pc demo over seriously ?
01:57 < pixelpapst> ekenic: PC Demo compo over ?
01:57 < nonamehjb> pc demo over now?
01:57 < PijMleko> world is cancelled
01:57 < Sofa1312> END OF PC DEMO COMPO
01:57 <+random_> pc scene is fucking dead
01:57 <+v3nom^infoteam> und ich hab mich schon so auf variform 2 gefreut...
01:57 < mib_nzloz2> AMIGAAAAAAAAAAA
01:57 <+random_> i have heard
01:57 < Sofa1312> noname: yes
01:58 < CONS> somehow i feel lucky not to have seen the last one
01:58 < zabutom> PCs have long setup times.
01:58 < plek|bypass> come on
01:58 < Grachev> Toffeeman: It was awesome until now :\
01:58 < wysiwtf> damn
01:58 < PijMleko> CONS: true that
01:58 < wo_ist_fred> right toffeeman
01:58 < DeeKay> deffo the worst compo in recent years
01:58 < Magic^Nah> cons: i hear the lost one.. ouch!
01:58 <+mu6k> fuck
01:58 < ddl|outrun> bah
01:58 < [MOS]DJMarauder> Toffeeman> deffo the worst stream in recent years<-- sure but no time to complain... time to help
01:58 < DeeKay> 20 entries, not a single one kicking ass
01:58 < bfx> stream was very good i am running it well on winuae
01:58 < wigyori> ddl|outrun: i'll see when it can encode 720p ;p
01:58 < wysiwtf> once you swallowed the "fuck you" that was sent by kewlers
01:58 < Salinga> Toffeeman: Jepp. Probably the first time for two or three years the streams were unstable from bp/rv?
01:58 <+random_> yes pretty shocking pc compo
01:58 < Ham^SFL> :/
01:58 < wysiwtf> are pretty awesome piece of demo remains
01:58 < plek|bypass> hold and modify
01:58 < _sajko> no farbrausch entry?
01:58 <+random_> good that the rest of compos were good
01:59 <+FeNriZ> first time demo to which you can dance.. thx kewlers
01:59 < Sesse> hey guys
02:37 < wysiwtf> variform2: best artsy fartsy demo ever
02:45 < mrdoob> variform2 anyone?
02:46 <+AEquoreus> Variform 2 was a /bezczelnosc/
added on the 2012-04-10 12:41:14 by el-bee el-bee
..and the timestamps are of course finnish time.
added on the 2012-04-10 12:46:18 by el-bee el-bee
best irc-log ever
added on the 2012-04-10 14:21:04 by nosfe nosfe
irc log noise demo anyone? ;)
added on the 2012-04-10 15:00:51 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
think i sleept and missed it
bittin, the organizers apparently should've played it more louder then
added on the 2012-04-10 16:59:53 by nosfe nosfe
kewlers killed the pc scene. rez was right!

01:56 < DeeKay> seriosly, worst PC democompo evar
01:57 <+random_> pc scene is fucking dead
01:58 < DeeKay> deffo the worst compo in recent years
added on the 2012-04-10 17:43:23 by phoenix phoenix
how could they pull off killing the scene with all the sofa sceners sitting at home complaining how the stream wasn't good enough?
added on the 2012-04-10 23:42:20 by nosfe nosfe
my favorite part is where they keep calling it mfx
added on the 2012-04-10 23:51:54 by Gargaj Gargaj
nosfe wins the thread, with Gargaj a close second.

I think I laughed more than I did at the ASD-spoof. In a way, it was awesome.

oh and as for the IRC . . .


hee hee hee

Now next year if I don't go, I bet there will be lots of awesome entries.
^^ I didn't write that. It was Kurly!
added on the 2012-04-13 16:12:26 by jugi jugi
vote variform 2 for scene awards!
added on the 2012-04-13 19:42:10 by nosfe nosfe
what bittin said. I thought I watched the whole PC-demo compo, yet I have absolutely no memory of ever having watched variform 2. Wtf alzheimer? Hypnotoad? Agent K?
added on the 2012-04-13 21:57:53 by xTr1m xTr1m
so why did you thumb it down then?
added on the 2012-04-13 22:40:14 by el mal el mal
yeah, it's lame to thumb down demos you haven't even watched!
unless they are on atari.
added on the 2012-04-15 00:12:41 by nosfe nosfe


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