variform 2
category: residue [glöplog]
wtf did we just see?
variform 2

I have no Stream and I must Scream.
best demo ever
Is it a joke or is it real?
Somewhere I hear about 20 Amiga demos but that was a stupid rumor :P
I hope this one is real..
Somewhere I hear about 20 Amiga demos but that was a stupid rumor :P
I hope this one is real..
motherfucking real.. needs a final though
Discuss it here.
Best demo ever!
For your pleasure, a pruned down compo log (removed mostly people bitching about video stream dying) from #revision:
01:49 <+muf> lolfinns
01:49 < l1nkman> a working stream ist leider geil
01:49 <+Krill> variform2
01:49 <+Krill> wtf
01:49 <+vscd[NPL]> This year I like the volume, overall. Not too loud, not to less... except from knoekis liveshow. Was too loud.
01:50 < sacha> !np
01:50 <+muf> perkeletors
01:50 < SceneSat> sacha: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:50 < jESSiKA> Krill
01:50 < ne7> :D
01:50 * Sil is trying not to doze off... :)
01:50 < CONS> best time for the stream to drop out :D
01:50 < ne7> arse i'm missing a new bit o' kewlers
01:50 < movi> Variform 2?
01:50 < meaty> more assembly security guards?
01:50 < hornet_lpt> wait... what???!??
01:50 < aMUSiC> shit I want to see thiiiis
01:50 < ne7> :D
01:50 < moozooh> nooooo, variform 2 :(((
01:50 < PijMleko> __ __ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ _ __ __
01:50 < PijMleko> \ \ / / | | | | | \| | / _ \ / __||_ _|| _ \| __| /_\ | \/ |
01:50 < PijMleko> \ V / | |_| | | .` || (_) | \__ \ | | | /| _| / _ \ | |\/| |
01:50 < PijMleko> |_| \___/ |_|\_| \___/ |___/ |_| |_|_\|___|/_/ \_\|_| |_|
01:50 < [4mat]> heh I thought they were joking
01:50 < ne7> haha i really thought jugi was kidding
01:50 < T_S_RTX1911> can't watching.....
01:50 < bfx> jesus rose and we missed it
01:50 < ryg> what compo is running right now?
01:50 < moozooh> likewise
01:50 < Sofa1312> scenesat radio still broadcasting
01:50 < [EviL]> ryg: check later on some of the oldschool stuff
01:50 < meaty> do dee doo de dooo crystal scene
01:50 < moozooh> pc demo
01:50 < ne7> ryg; pc demo m8
01:50 < Toffeeman> Fuck we missing a Kewlers demo ?
01:50 < Salinga> someone just take a strong kick against the servers. always helps.
01:50 < Geri> rainbow_dash.3ds
01:50 < Sofa1312> scenesat radio still broadcasting!!
01:50 < ne7> ryg; amiga is after i think
01:51 < jugi> we are going to watch the .exe. stream now workgin for us
01:51 < hornet_lpt> oh ffs
01:51 <+vscd[NPL]> Variform2!!
01:51 < T_S_RTX1911> I want see my demo streaming too :(
01:51 < DeeKay> terror
01:51 < bfx> looking for democompo jpgs
01:51 * k8o gets a beer
01:51 < PijMleko> Y U NO STREAM?!
01:51 < TheMe> sounds like ART now (audio only)
01:51 < IC> sounds like ear death
01:51 < pyksy^> mmmmm beer
01:51 < ne7> jugi; *grin* exe stream is much easier
01:51 <@Bombe> YES!
01:51 <@Bombe> THEY ARE BACK!
01:51 < m0d> !np
01:51 < Sofa1312> my god :D
01:51 < SceneSat> m0d: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:51 < movi> sounds like SSCHEISSE
01:52 < ne7> !np
01:52 < pyksy^> :D
01:52 < SceneSat> ne7: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:52 < moozooh> sob sob
01:52 < meaty> pyksy^: i like the beer concept! *sip*
01:52 < m0d> piss seriously taken
01:52 < hornet_lpt> :/
01:52 < m0d> :D
01:52 <+Amiga-Aktivist> boring
01:52 <+AMike> track....bleading ear
01:52 < meaty> lol elongated intro
01:52 < TheMe> modems!
01:52 < pyksy^> meaty: same here! cheers! *glugga*
01:52 <+Sil> noise demo?
01:52 <+xylo> lol
01:52 < Motion> TheMe; lol
01:52 < radi^int> could anyone sitting at the partyplace make stenotyping demos here please?
01:52 < movi> SCHEISSE DEMO
01:52 < DeeKay> fuck this shit
01:52 <+bstrr> stupid finnish noise
01:52 <+vscd[NPL]> I told you, NVIDIA ONLY!!!
01:52 < kaneel> I so feel the joke, no variform2 for people not attending :(
01:52 < m0d> sil we're like :XD
01:52 <+muf> cue rave music
01:52 <+Amiga-Aktivist> stop this shit!
01:52 <+Graf_icker> lauter!
01:52 <+arBmind> ... and nothing happens
01:52 <+xylo> hehe
01:52 <+GT^rev> immer wieder ein furchtbarer song ;)
01:52 <+bstrr> nosfe go away :)
01:52 < Revasco> this is the new mfx
01:52 < ryg> glitchy soundtrack, people jeering
01:52 < noplan> is bettter :D
01:52 < Motion> maybe we can reset the modem with a string ATH+
01:52 < ryg> glitchy object on screen (conjecture!)
01:52 < AceMan> kurwa kurwa kurwa
01:52 < m0d> this is a nice fuck you to the bitchers
01:52 < Salinga> variform 2 sounds like a noisedemo
01:52 < ryg> text overlay (conjecture!)
01:52 < hornet_lpt> gnnnn
01:52 < bfx> mfx too powerful for your computers
01:53 < hornet_lpt> )/)!)?(/!?&!)"(/&!"!
01:53 < meaty> good as this might be, it doesn't really remind me of variform
01:53 <+muf> ah finally someone is putting that PA to good use
01:53 < wo_ist_fred> stream down ??
01:53 <+muf> :D
01:53 < ryg> scroller, unlimited bobs (conjecture!)
01:53 < Reveclosion^V-M> yes
01:53 < DeeKay> crap
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> shit
01:53 < Infant> fuck this shit
01:53 < ryg> voice synth
01:53 <+Krill> toom uch noise, too little content
01:53 < CME> sanfte töne
01:53 <@Bombe> Best demo ever!
01:53 <+Wayne[revision]> utter
01:53 < CONS> sounds a little like a joke
01:53 <+Krill> not a worthy follow-up.
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> what the fuck is this
01:53 <+bstrr> stream down would mean sparing you this piece of crap
01:53 * DeeKay wonders what the kewlers hype is about
01:53 < bfx> glenz vector rotozoom
01:53 <+md`rv2012> winnardemo!
01:53 <+muf> is this some kind of finnish curse?
01:53 <+random_> YES
01:53 <+AMike> next please...
01:53 <+muf> :D
01:53 < hornet_lpt> this had better be crap! ;)
01:53 < wo_ist_fred> BEFORE compo
01:53 < fluor_> im taking my pants on in streamprotest! sofasceners unite!
01:53 <+BlackStar_EoP> ...
01:53 < Infant> I've barfed stuff that was better than this
01:53 <+bstrr> hej hornet
01:53 <+Wayne[revision]> total epilepsy
01:53 < jugi> kurli sends fuckings to everyone @ revision :)
01:53 <+muf> PERKELE
01:53 <+Amiga-Aktivist> stop this shit!
01:53 < hornet_lpt> hej bstrr
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> must use lotsa weet to like this
01:53 <+Kevman> Man
01:53 < bfx> fuckings to the world
01:53 < m0d> ____
01:53 < m0d> _| _ \
01:53 < m0d> (_) | | |
01:53 < m0d> _| |_| |
01:53 < m0d> (_)____/
01:53 < rc55> Maybe if we all take our pants off the stream will come back
01:53 <@FRaNKy-Rev> !massive
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> weed
01:53 < pixelpapst> bstrr, but audio is still streaming :-(
01:53 * SceneSat agrees with FRaNKy-Rev that Kewlers - Variform 2 is a MASSIVE tune!
01:53 < nitro^RV12> aechz
01:53 <+AMIGA> everything is possible with 3000 GHZ :)
01:53 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - ingen stream... det har bare at være ring'!!! :D
01:54 <+muf> fuckings to finns :D
01:54 * plasma takes his pants off
01:54 < YADA> lamerdemo?
01:54 <+h0f> you dont want the stream
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> .--_....._-------,
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> |----------------| /
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> | |/
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> '----------------'
01:54 <+bstrr> hornet_lpt, det er nosfe der er lam
01:54 < bfx> pants OFF
01:54 <@cyraxx^revision> well.
01:54 <+AMike> SCHEISSE
01:54 <+h0f> this is shite!!!
01:54 <+bstrr> ultralame
01:54 < TheMe> translation: this is shitty rhyming
01:54 <+Kevman> Please end.
01:54 < meaty> THIS is the sequel to variform?
01:54 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> terrible
01:54 <+Mosaulp> stop
01:54 <+Sil> this is truelly shite...
01:54 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> stop it!
01:54 <+echo^a1k> brain fuck demo
01:54 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - men er han ring'?
01:54 <+bstrr> orgaz, stop this shit
01:54 <+Mosaulp> this
01:54 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> !stop
01:54 < meaty> not really the same theme :-D
01:54 <+bstrr> hornet_lpt, ja
01:54 <+Wayne[revision]> skip that pls
01:54 < PijMleko> the radio stream is kinda scary, is that some kind of numeric station?
01:54 < wo_ist_fred> whats up now on the bigscreen ?
01:54 <+krun> wtf
01:54 <@Bombe> bstrr, shut up.
01:54 < FLD> !awesome
01:54 * SceneSat sees the awesomeness that Kewlers - Variform 2 holds, according to FLD!
01:54 <+D-Force> kewlers should have stayed away!
01:54 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - nice
01:54 <+bstrr> Bombe, what?
01:54 <+h0f> why the fuck was this last?
01:54 < meaty> ok, make it stop
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> My brain gets formatted....
01:54 <+xylo> !like
01:54 < Salinga> well, it doesnt sound like I am missing something.
01:54 * SceneSat sees that xylo likes Kewlers - Variform 2!
01:54 < SOFASCNR^zZz> night
01:54 <+xylo> hahaha
01:54 <+bstrr> Bombe, you like this crap?
01:54 <@Bombe> bstrr, "shut up."
01:54 < m0d> you guys are SOOO PICKY first you're like NO STREAM and then you're like STOP SHITTING IN MY EYES IN THE COMFORT OF MY OWN HOME!!!
01:54 <+Graf_icker> lauter!!!!!
01:54 <+h0f> i love kewlerz but this is fucking shit
01:54 <+bstrr> Bombe, make me
01:54 <@Bombe> bstrr, that's not the point.
01:54 <+D-Force> nosfe influences
01:54 < Zao`> I'm sure it's amusing if you're finnish, but meh...
01:54 <+AMike> are minus votes possible?
01:54 <+xylo> LOL
01:54 <+tubo^party> gonzo gong sh\o\old save us all
01:55 <+Graf_icker> LOUDER !!!!!
01:55 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - skete der noget med din amigaaaaa-ting?
01:55 <+Oerg866> afhklafkökfkkhakläjfaöläjoköä#öaäökljakljklaffkfjklahsfkldkfhdkkgadölhöadkgdkdaghadadadölgjdgladgölgdäaldjgaädgldgjdald
01:55 <+D-Force> finally
01:55 <+spiked-maniac> when does the hurting stop!
01:55 <+vscd[NPL]> You lucky ones with no stream!
01:55 < meaty> um
01:55 < bfx> gonzo gooooooong
01:55 < Zao`> What's worth less, no vote or 1 star?
01:55 <+bstrr> hornet_lpt, ja, den er klar til at blive vist
01:55 < Aaaamiiiigaaaaa>
01:55 < ne7> m0d; true that
01:55 < nitro^RV12> thank god
01:55 <+muf> successful troll is successful
01:55 <+muf> :D
01:55 < Reveclosion^V-M> should feed the hamsters in their wheels for streaming video
01:55 < gregg> finally some good music
01:55 < pigpen> yum yum yum, earcancer
01:55 <+Oerg866> a am ami amig amiga
01:55 <+Wayne[revision]> finally over everyone shouts :)
01:55 <+Krill> lolwat
01:55 < PijMleko> it's over
01:55 < YADA> mennyetek mar hazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
01:55 < ne7> oh is that the end of the compo?
01:55 <+Krill> no killer.
01:55 <+AMIGA> liked 1 PC demo
01:55 < aBHO> :)
01:55 < easy_john[rus]> all stream still dead
01:55 < ne7> jugi; :D
01:55 < Sofa0908> kurwa...
01:55 < Infant> now
01:55 < cce> kurwastream
01:55 <+vscd[NPL]> Farbrausch kommt in der AmigaCOMPO!
01:55 <+tonya> lucky you streamers......
01:55 < hornet_lpt> hrmpf
01:55 < SOFASCNR^zZz> !np
01:55 < bfx> rick astley landed at germany
01:55 < lft> so THAT's why they switched the order
01:55 < SceneSat> SOFASCNR^zZz: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:55 <+spiked-maniac> so fucking cool intro voice but then .... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
01:55 < pingo_> sanntidseffekt
01:55 < aBHO> of course the stream was dead right when the demo i participated in was running
01:56 < bfx> omg a second rick astley has landed at germany
01:56 < DeeKay> seriosly, worst PC democompo evar
01:56 < Salinga> compo over?
01:56 < pyksy^> well well well
01:56 < MT-Felice> night all
01:56 < hornet_lpt> I'm a weapon of choice?
01:56 < Motion> until the stream is good.
01:56 < Super-Hans> aBHO, same happened to me. ;O
01:56 < gregg> AMIGA!
01:56 < hornet_lpt> awwwwww
01:56 < _sajko> !np
01:56 < SceneSat> _sajko: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:56 < gregg> no, seriously, AMIGA!#
01:56 < FLD> there were only 3 good demos, none of them were shown
01:56 < easy_john[rus]> ne7: not from any place on the earth we can get to party. :(
01:56 <+Sil> ah...nice warm breeze
01:56 <+mu6k> earrrape has just been defined by mfx
01:57 <+Para^revision> I think I just saw god
01:57 <+AMIGA> need some beers!
01:57 <+mu6k> FUCK
01:57 < bfx> demoscene cancelled
01:57 < Toffeeman> pc demo over seriously ?
01:57 < pixelpapst> ekenic: PC Demo compo over ?
01:57 < nonamehjb> pc demo over now?
01:57 < PijMleko> world is cancelled
01:57 < Sofa1312> END OF PC DEMO COMPO
01:57 <+random_> pc scene is fucking dead
01:57 <+v3nom^infoteam> und ich hab mich schon so auf variform 2 gefreut...
01:57 < mib_nzloz2> AMIGAAAAAAAAAAA
01:57 <+random_> i have heard
01:57 < Sofa1312> noname: yes
01:58 < CONS> somehow i feel lucky not to have seen the last one
01:58 < zabutom> PCs have long setup times.
01:58 < plek|bypass> come on
01:58 < Grachev> Toffeeman: It was awesome until now :\
01:58 < wysiwtf> damn
01:58 < PijMleko> CONS: true that
01:58 < wo_ist_fred> right toffeeman
01:58 < DeeKay> deffo the worst compo in recent years
01:58 < Magic^Nah> cons: i hear the lost one.. ouch!
01:58 <+mu6k> fuck
01:58 < ddl|outrun> bah
01:58 < [MOS]DJMarauder> Toffeeman> deffo the worst stream in recent years<-- sure but no time to complain... time to help
01:58 < DeeKay> 20 entries, not a single one kicking ass
01:58 < bfx> stream was very good i am running it well on winuae
01:58 < wigyori> ddl|outrun: i'll see when it can encode 720p ;p
01:58 < wysiwtf> once you swallowed the "fuck you" that was sent by kewlers
01:58 < Salinga> Toffeeman: Jepp. Probably the first time for two or three years the streams were unstable from bp/rv?
01:58 <+random_> yes pretty shocking pc compo
01:58 < Ham^SFL> :/
01:58 < wysiwtf> are pretty awesome piece of demo remains
01:58 < plek|bypass> hold and modify
01:58 < _sajko> no farbrausch entry?
01:58 <+random_> good that the rest of compos were good
01:59 <+FeNriZ> first time demo to which you can dance.. thx kewlers
01:59 < Sesse> hey guys
02:37 < wysiwtf> variform2: best artsy fartsy demo ever
02:45 < mrdoob> variform2 anyone?
02:46 <+AEquoreus> Variform 2 was a /bezczelnosc/
01:49 <+muf> lolfinns
01:49 < l1nkman> a working stream ist leider geil
01:49 <+Krill> variform2
01:49 <+Krill> wtf
01:49 <+vscd[NPL]> This year I like the volume, overall. Not too loud, not to less... except from knoekis liveshow. Was too loud.
01:50 < sacha> !np
01:50 <+muf> perkeletors
01:50 < SceneSat> sacha: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:50 < jESSiKA> Krill
01:50 < ne7> :D
01:50 * Sil is trying not to doze off... :)
01:50 < CONS> best time for the stream to drop out :D
01:50 < ne7> arse i'm missing a new bit o' kewlers
01:50 < movi> Variform 2?
01:50 < meaty> more assembly security guards?
01:50 < hornet_lpt> wait... what???!??
01:50 < aMUSiC> shit I want to see thiiiis
01:50 < ne7> :D
01:50 < moozooh> nooooo, variform 2 :(((
01:50 < PijMleko> __ __ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ _ __ __
01:50 < PijMleko> \ \ / / | | | | | \| | / _ \ / __||_ _|| _ \| __| /_\ | \/ |
01:50 < PijMleko> \ V / | |_| | | .` || (_) | \__ \ | | | /| _| / _ \ | |\/| |
01:50 < PijMleko> |_| \___/ |_|\_| \___/ |___/ |_| |_|_\|___|/_/ \_\|_| |_|
01:50 < [4mat]> heh I thought they were joking
01:50 < ne7> haha i really thought jugi was kidding
01:50 < T_S_RTX1911> can't watching.....
01:50 < bfx> jesus rose and we missed it
01:50 < ryg> what compo is running right now?
01:50 < moozooh> likewise
01:50 < Sofa1312> scenesat radio still broadcasting
01:50 < [EviL]> ryg: check later on some of the oldschool stuff
01:50 < meaty> do dee doo de dooo crystal scene
01:50 < moozooh> pc demo
01:50 < ne7> ryg; pc demo m8
01:50 < Toffeeman> Fuck we missing a Kewlers demo ?
01:50 < Salinga> someone just take a strong kick against the servers. always helps.
01:50 < Geri> rainbow_dash.3ds
01:50 < Sofa1312> scenesat radio still broadcasting!!
01:50 < ne7> ryg; amiga is after i think
01:51 < jugi> we are going to watch the .exe. stream now workgin for us
01:51 < hornet_lpt> oh ffs
01:51 <+vscd[NPL]> Variform2!!
01:51 < T_S_RTX1911> I want see my demo streaming too :(
01:51 < DeeKay> terror
01:51 < bfx> looking for democompo jpgs
01:51 * k8o gets a beer
01:51 < PijMleko> Y U NO STREAM?!
01:51 < TheMe> sounds like ART now (audio only)
01:51 < IC> sounds like ear death
01:51 < pyksy^> mmmmm beer
01:51 < ne7> jugi; *grin* exe stream is much easier
01:51 <@Bombe> YES!
01:51 <@Bombe> THEY ARE BACK!
01:51 < m0d> !np
01:51 < Sofa1312> my god :D
01:51 < SceneSat> m0d: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:51 < movi> sounds like SSCHEISSE
01:52 < ne7> !np
01:52 < pyksy^> :D
01:52 < SceneSat> ne7: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:52 < moozooh> sob sob
01:52 < meaty> pyksy^: i like the beer concept! *sip*
01:52 < m0d> piss seriously taken
01:52 < hornet_lpt> :/
01:52 < m0d> :D
01:52 <+Amiga-Aktivist> boring
01:52 <+AMike> track....bleading ear
01:52 < meaty> lol elongated intro
01:52 < TheMe> modems!
01:52 < pyksy^> meaty: same here! cheers! *glugga*
01:52 <+Sil> noise demo?
01:52 <+xylo> lol
01:52 < Motion> TheMe; lol
01:52 < radi^int> could anyone sitting at the partyplace make stenotyping demos here please?
01:52 < movi> SCHEISSE DEMO
01:52 < DeeKay> fuck this shit
01:52 <+bstrr> stupid finnish noise
01:52 <+vscd[NPL]> I told you, NVIDIA ONLY!!!
01:52 < kaneel> I so feel the joke, no variform2 for people not attending :(
01:52 < m0d> sil we're like :XD
01:52 <+muf> cue rave music
01:52 <+Amiga-Aktivist> stop this shit!
01:52 <+Graf_icker> lauter!
01:52 <+arBmind> ... and nothing happens
01:52 <+xylo> hehe
01:52 <+GT^rev> immer wieder ein furchtbarer song ;)
01:52 <+bstrr> nosfe go away :)
01:52 < Revasco> this is the new mfx
01:52 < ryg> glitchy soundtrack, people jeering
01:52 < noplan> is bettter :D
01:52 < Motion> maybe we can reset the modem with a string ATH+
01:52 < ryg> glitchy object on screen (conjecture!)
01:52 < AceMan> kurwa kurwa kurwa
01:52 < m0d> this is a nice fuck you to the bitchers
01:52 < Salinga> variform 2 sounds like a noisedemo
01:52 < ryg> text overlay (conjecture!)
01:52 < hornet_lpt> gnnnn
01:52 < bfx> mfx too powerful for your computers
01:53 < hornet_lpt> )/)!)?(/!?&!)"(/&!"!
01:53 < meaty> good as this might be, it doesn't really remind me of variform
01:53 <+muf> ah finally someone is putting that PA to good use
01:53 < wo_ist_fred> stream down ??
01:53 <+muf> :D
01:53 < ryg> scroller, unlimited bobs (conjecture!)
01:53 < Reveclosion^V-M> yes
01:53 < DeeKay> crap
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> shit
01:53 < Infant> fuck this shit
01:53 < ryg> voice synth
01:53 <+Krill> toom uch noise, too little content
01:53 < CME> sanfte töne
01:53 <@Bombe> Best demo ever!
01:53 <+Wayne[revision]> utter
01:53 < CONS> sounds a little like a joke
01:53 <+Krill> not a worthy follow-up.
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> what the fuck is this
01:53 <+bstrr> stream down would mean sparing you this piece of crap
01:53 * DeeKay wonders what the kewlers hype is about
01:53 < bfx> glenz vector rotozoom
01:53 <+md`rv2012> winnardemo!
01:53 <+muf> is this some kind of finnish curse?
01:53 <+random_> YES
01:53 <+AMike> next please...
01:53 <+muf> :D
01:53 < hornet_lpt> this had better be crap! ;)
01:53 < wo_ist_fred> BEFORE compo
01:53 < fluor_> im taking my pants on in streamprotest! sofasceners unite!
01:53 <+BlackStar_EoP> ...
01:53 < Infant> I've barfed stuff that was better than this
01:53 <+bstrr> hej hornet
01:53 <+Wayne[revision]> total epilepsy
01:53 < jugi> kurli sends fuckings to everyone @ revision :)
01:53 <+muf> PERKELE
01:53 <+Amiga-Aktivist> stop this shit!
01:53 < hornet_lpt> hej bstrr
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> must use lotsa weet to like this
01:53 <+Kevman> Man
01:53 < bfx> fuckings to the world
01:53 < m0d> ____
01:53 < m0d> _| _ \
01:53 < m0d> (_) | | |
01:53 < m0d> _| |_| |
01:53 < m0d> (_)____/
01:53 < rc55> Maybe if we all take our pants off the stream will come back
01:53 <@FRaNKy-Rev> !massive
01:53 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> weed
01:53 < pixelpapst> bstrr, but audio is still streaming :-(
01:53 * SceneSat agrees with FRaNKy-Rev that Kewlers - Variform 2 is a MASSIVE tune!
01:53 < nitro^RV12> aechz
01:53 <+AMIGA> everything is possible with 3000 GHZ :)
01:53 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - ingen stream... det har bare at være ring'!!! :D
01:54 <+muf> fuckings to finns :D
01:54 * plasma takes his pants off
01:54 < YADA> lamerdemo?
01:54 <+h0f> you dont want the stream
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> .--_....._-------,
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> |----------------| /
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> | |/
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> '----------------'
01:54 <+bstrr> hornet_lpt, det er nosfe der er lam
01:54 < bfx> pants OFF
01:54 <@cyraxx^revision> well.
01:54 <+AMike> SCHEISSE
01:54 <+h0f> this is shite!!!
01:54 <+bstrr> ultralame
01:54 < TheMe> translation: this is shitty rhyming
01:54 <+Kevman> Please end.
01:54 < meaty> THIS is the sequel to variform?
01:54 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> terrible
01:54 <+Mosaulp> stop
01:54 <+Sil> this is truelly shite...
01:54 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> stop it!
01:54 <+echo^a1k> brain fuck demo
01:54 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - men er han ring'?
01:54 <+bstrr> orgaz, stop this shit
01:54 <+Mosaulp> this
01:54 <+FaCtOR6^RvSN^BD> !stop
01:54 < meaty> not really the same theme :-D
01:54 <+bstrr> hornet_lpt, ja
01:54 <+Wayne[revision]> skip that pls
01:54 < PijMleko> the radio stream is kinda scary, is that some kind of numeric station?
01:54 < wo_ist_fred> whats up now on the bigscreen ?
01:54 <+krun> wtf
01:54 <@Bombe> bstrr, shut up.
01:54 < FLD> !awesome
01:54 * SceneSat sees the awesomeness that Kewlers - Variform 2 holds, according to FLD!
01:54 <+D-Force> kewlers should have stayed away!
01:54 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - nice
01:54 <+bstrr> Bombe, what?
01:54 <+h0f> why the fuck was this last?
01:54 < meaty> ok, make it stop
01:54 <+vscd[NPL]> My brain gets formatted....
01:54 <+xylo> !like
01:54 < Salinga> well, it doesnt sound like I am missing something.
01:54 * SceneSat sees that xylo likes Kewlers - Variform 2!
01:54 < SOFASCNR^zZz> night
01:54 <+xylo> hahaha
01:54 <+bstrr> Bombe, you like this crap?
01:54 <@Bombe> bstrr, "shut up."
01:54 < m0d> you guys are SOOO PICKY first you're like NO STREAM and then you're like STOP SHITTING IN MY EYES IN THE COMFORT OF MY OWN HOME!!!
01:54 <+Graf_icker> lauter!!!!!
01:54 <+h0f> i love kewlerz but this is fucking shit
01:54 <+bstrr> Bombe, make me
01:54 <@Bombe> bstrr, that's not the point.
01:54 <+D-Force> nosfe influences
01:54 < Zao`> I'm sure it's amusing if you're finnish, but meh...
01:54 <+AMike> are minus votes possible?
01:54 <+xylo> LOL
01:54 <+tubo^party> gonzo gong sh\o\old save us all
01:55 <+Graf_icker> LOUDER !!!!!
01:55 < hornet_lpt> bstrr - skete der noget med din amigaaaaa-ting?
01:55 <+Oerg866> afhklafkökfkkhakläjfaöläjoköä#öaäökljakljklaffkfjklahsfkldkfhdkkgadölhöadkgdkdaghadadadölgjdgladgölgdäaldjgaädgldgjdald
01:55 <+D-Force> finally
01:55 <+spiked-maniac> when does the hurting stop!
01:55 <+vscd[NPL]> You lucky ones with no stream!
01:55 < meaty> um
01:55 < bfx> gonzo gooooooong
01:55 < Zao`> What's worth less, no vote or 1 star?
01:55 <+bstrr> hornet_lpt, ja, den er klar til at blive vist
01:55 < Aaaamiiiigaaaaa>
01:55 < ne7> m0d; true that
01:55 < nitro^RV12> thank god
01:55 <+muf> successful troll is successful
01:55 <+muf> :D
01:55 < Reveclosion^V-M> should feed the hamsters in their wheels for streaming video
01:55 < gregg> finally some good music
01:55 < pigpen> yum yum yum, earcancer
01:55 <+Oerg866> a am ami amig amiga
01:55 <+Wayne[revision]> finally over everyone shouts :)
01:55 <+Krill> lolwat
01:55 < PijMleko> it's over
01:55 < YADA> mennyetek mar hazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
01:55 < ne7> oh is that the end of the compo?
01:55 <+Krill> no killer.
01:55 <+AMIGA> liked 1 PC demo
01:55 < aBHO> :)
01:55 < easy_john[rus]> all stream still dead
01:55 < ne7> jugi; :D
01:55 < Sofa0908> kurwa...
01:55 < Infant> now
01:55 < cce> kurwastream
01:55 <+vscd[NPL]> Farbrausch kommt in der AmigaCOMPO!
01:55 <+tonya> lucky you streamers......
01:55 < hornet_lpt> hrmpf
01:55 < SOFASCNR^zZz> !np
01:55 < bfx> rick astley landed at germany
01:55 < lft> so THAT's why they switched the order
01:55 < SceneSat> SOFASCNR^zZz: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:55 <+spiked-maniac> so fucking cool intro voice but then .... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
01:55 < pingo_> sanntidseffekt
01:55 < aBHO> of course the stream was dead right when the demo i participated in was running
01:56 < bfx> omg a second rick astley has landed at germany
01:56 < DeeKay> seriosly, worst PC democompo evar
01:56 < Salinga> compo over?
01:56 < pyksy^> well well well
01:56 < MT-Felice> night all
01:56 < hornet_lpt> I'm a weapon of choice?
01:56 < Motion> until the stream is good.
01:56 < Super-Hans> aBHO, same happened to me. ;O
01:56 < gregg> AMIGA!
01:56 < hornet_lpt> awwwwww
01:56 < _sajko> !np
01:56 < SceneSat> _sajko: Now playing: SceneSat LIVE: Kewlers - Variform 2
01:56 < gregg> no, seriously, AMIGA!#
01:56 < FLD> there were only 3 good demos, none of them were shown
01:56 < easy_john[rus]> ne7: not from any place on the earth we can get to party. :(
01:56 <+Sil> ah...nice warm breeze
01:56 <+mu6k> earrrape has just been defined by mfx
01:57 <+Para^revision> I think I just saw god
01:57 <+AMIGA> need some beers!
01:57 <+mu6k> FUCK
01:57 < bfx> demoscene cancelled
01:57 < Toffeeman> pc demo over seriously ?
01:57 < pixelpapst> ekenic: PC Demo compo over ?
01:57 < nonamehjb> pc demo over now?
01:57 < PijMleko> world is cancelled
01:57 < Sofa1312> END OF PC DEMO COMPO
01:57 <+random_> pc scene is fucking dead
01:57 <+v3nom^infoteam> und ich hab mich schon so auf variform 2 gefreut...
01:57 < mib_nzloz2> AMIGAAAAAAAAAAA
01:57 <+random_> i have heard
01:57 < Sofa1312> noname: yes
01:58 < CONS> somehow i feel lucky not to have seen the last one
01:58 < zabutom> PCs have long setup times.
01:58 < plek|bypass> come on
01:58 < Grachev> Toffeeman: It was awesome until now :\
01:58 < wysiwtf> damn
01:58 < PijMleko> CONS: true that
01:58 < wo_ist_fred> right toffeeman
01:58 < DeeKay> deffo the worst compo in recent years
01:58 < Magic^Nah> cons: i hear the lost one.. ouch!
01:58 <+mu6k> fuck
01:58 < ddl|outrun> bah
01:58 < [MOS]DJMarauder> Toffeeman> deffo the worst stream in recent years<-- sure but no time to complain... time to help
01:58 < DeeKay> 20 entries, not a single one kicking ass
01:58 < bfx> stream was very good i am running it well on winuae
01:58 < wigyori> ddl|outrun: i'll see when it can encode 720p ;p
01:58 < wysiwtf> once you swallowed the "fuck you" that was sent by kewlers
01:58 < Salinga> Toffeeman: Jepp. Probably the first time for two or three years the streams were unstable from bp/rv?
01:58 <+random_> yes pretty shocking pc compo
01:58 < Ham^SFL> :/
01:58 < wysiwtf> are pretty awesome piece of demo remains
01:58 < plek|bypass> hold and modify
01:58 < _sajko> no farbrausch entry?
01:58 <+random_> good that the rest of compos were good
01:59 <+FeNriZ> first time demo to which you can dance.. thx kewlers
01:59 < Sesse> hey guys
02:37 < wysiwtf> variform2: best artsy fartsy demo ever
02:45 < mrdoob> variform2 anyone?
02:46 <+AEquoreus> Variform 2 was a /bezczelnosc/
..and the timestamps are of course finnish time.
best irc-log ever
irc log noise demo anyone? ;)
think i sleept and missed it
bittin, the organizers apparently should've played it more louder then
kewlers killed the pc scene. rez was right!
01:56 < DeeKay> seriosly, worst PC democompo evar
01:57 <+random_> pc scene is fucking dead
01:58 < DeeKay> deffo the worst compo in recent years
01:56 < DeeKay> seriosly, worst PC democompo evar
01:57 <+random_> pc scene is fucking dead
01:58 < DeeKay> deffo the worst compo in recent years
how could they pull off killing the scene with all the sofa sceners sitting at home complaining how the stream wasn't good enough?
my favorite part is where they keep calling it mfx
nosfe wins the thread, with Gargaj a close second.
I think I laughed more than I did at the ASD-spoof. In a way, it was awesome.
I think I laughed more than I did at the ASD-spoof. In a way, it was awesome.
oh and as for the IRC . . .
hee hee hee
Now next year if I don't go, I bet there will be lots of awesome entries.
hee hee hee
Now next year if I don't go, I bet there will be lots of awesome entries.
^^ I didn't write that. It was Kurly!
vote variform 2 for scene awards!
what bittin said. I thought I watched the whole PC-demo compo, yet I have absolutely no memory of ever having watched variform 2. Wtf alzheimer? Hypnotoad? Agent K?
so why did you thumb it down then?
yeah, it's lame to thumb down demos you haven't even watched!
unless they are on atari.
unless they are on atari.