Art Engine 2012
category: parties [glöplog]
no, were molesting you were the url for the livestream is! :D
Livestrewam is up, apparently! (:
Really cool livestream, i wish i could be there :/
next year? ;)
the CHIPPANZE.ORG liveact was pretty cool, judging from the stream
Some hater on the stream chat:
I guess he didn't go to Inércia Demoparty 2006:
10:05 PM artengine: Unfortunately this is not a demo party AT ALL. Sadly there's nothing really happening. Only a tiny stage and some 10 people idling around. That's why the camera is fixed at this angle.
10:06 PM artengine: :(
10:06 PM artengine: Theres not a single computer anywhere, let alone demo coding or anything.
10:06 PM artengine: Such a sad joke. demo party huh.
10:07 PM artengine: Well I have better stuff to do see ya.
I guess he didn't go to Inércia Demoparty 2006:
Stressparty 2012. All the attractions are fucking with me. :| Expect lots of fuckings in the closing ceremony.
Let me make it clear: I'm not blaming them for everyting. But I couldn't enjoy it like I wished. Too much stress... really. I need to visit an european demoparty to compensate it. :(
And, well, I hope you are enjoying the livestream of the party. Because I'm feeling much more comfortable here LOL Most of the people here don't give a damn about the demoscene. I feel demotivated to exhibit the competitions :(
So... Enjoy the compos with me online. :) It starts in 20 minutes.
So... Enjoy the compos with me online. :) It starts in 20 minutes.
Cheer up, try to enjoy it.
Get drunk, at least there won't be any witnesses to take photos and later on publish them on slengpung :)
have fun watching the whole thing on my HP:
All parties have to start somewhere, don't worry.
prince, awesome gfx! :D
Yeah! The people here cheered me up. The compos were awesome. :D I loved the wild and rbz's demo. We have a great audience here (and I'm not talking it because of the quantity)!
well if youre that stressed i guess it means there are enough visitors to keep you busy =)
i hope you didnt have to throw out drunk fucks all the time, tho ;)
i hope you didnt have to throw out drunk fucks all the time, tho ;)
Great job Danguafer.
Gfx compo was the strongest imo.
Awesome Rock Band gig at the end! Although the stream was distorted, i enjoyed it a lot! Great idea.
Gfx compo was the strongest imo.
Awesome Rock Band gig at the end! Although the stream was distorted, i enjoyed it a lot! Great idea.
Danguafer: welcome aboard the 'got to make a party next year' ship :)
Don't forget to upload everything.
congrats dangaufer!
Yeah congrat, and don't give up!
You did something awesome to make one of the first demoparty in South America :)
You did something awesome to make one of the first demoparty in South America :)
results? prods? anywhere else?
Hey! Just a quick reply 'cause I am using my phone to type... Thanks for the kind words. I am without internet access, but I am returning home this weekend. I will upload the entries and the results next week then, OK? Thanks again, everybody!
Mesmo texto que publiquei no grupo do Facebook:
AE 2012 acabou nesse domingo. Vamos reduzir o tamanho da party no próximo ano para nos trazer mais conforto... E principalmente para mim! :( Pois eu também quero participar da party! Decidiremos o local com uns 6 meses de antecedência para que todos possam participar. Nada de live acts não relacionados com a cena dessa vez. Teremos uma party pura... e é isso. Espero que todos que tenham participado dessa primeira edição tenham aproveitado. Reconheço todos os defeitos de party e tenho certeza de que ela será muito melhor na próxima edição. :) Muito obrigado por tudo!
Para os membros da cena que eu conheci através desse evento e que não estejam ainda fazendo parte do nosso grupo, nos una:
Meu facebook é:
Um abraço! :)
AE 2012 acabou nesse domingo. Vamos reduzir o tamanho da party no próximo ano para nos trazer mais conforto... E principalmente para mim! :( Pois eu também quero participar da party! Decidiremos o local com uns 6 meses de antecedência para que todos possam participar. Nada de live acts não relacionados com a cena dessa vez. Teremos uma party pura... e é isso. Espero que todos que tenham participado dessa primeira edição tenham aproveitado. Reconheço todos os defeitos de party e tenho certeza de que ela será muito melhor na próxima edição. :) Muito obrigado por tudo!
Para os membros da cena que eu conheci através desse evento e que não estejam ainda fazendo parte do nosso grupo, nos una:
Meu facebook é:
Um abraço! :)