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MPAA Threatens SCENE.ORG With Lawsuit

category: general [glöplog]
I saw this earlier this morning and laughed my ass off:


Apparently they ran some scans and came up with keyword matches in a couple of very old ASCII and ANSI art packs.

Fucking hillarious.
added on the 2004-09-10 20:54:30 by radman1 radman1
It could be some ASCII`s of Batman, Spiderman and Daffy Duck that cause the problem :)
added on the 2004-09-10 21:01:54 by Zplex Zplex
now i expect pouet.net being threated for excessive "david hasselhoff" and "hasselhoff" words usage :))
lol @ mpaa
added on the 2004-09-10 21:57:50 by apricot apricot
added on the 2004-09-10 22:45:29 by rp rp
ok this is just toooooo stupid.
added on the 2004-09-10 22:55:52 by uncle-x uncle-x

Pouet needs more government snoops!
i wonder how many dutch laws they are breaking by making these false accusations against scene.org?
added on the 2004-09-10 23:13:30 by uncle-x uncle-x
That's just stupid.

I was expecting it to be related to Razor 1911 or Tristar, but Scene.org doesn't host any cracks.

I can't quite believe they'd be certain enough to press charges -I assume there's a method they use when do these keyword searches- based on the NAMES... I mean, I'm almost sure that those BBS-tros predate the show Alias...
And besides, if they're looking for "Basic", how on earth did they only find those prods?
added on the 2004-09-10 23:23:33 by crusader crusader
That's just stupid.

I was expecting it to be related to Razor 1911 or Tristar, but Scene.org doesn't host any cracks.

I can't quite believe they'd be certain enough to press charges -I assume there's a method they use when do these keyword searches- based on the NAMES... I mean, I'm almost sure that those BBS-tros predate the show Alias...
And besides, if they're looking for "Basic", how on earth did they only find those prods?
added on the 2004-09-10 23:25:50 by crusader crusader
i don't wanna say something bad about americans.. but i'm gonna do it anyway..

added on the 2004-09-11 01:17:32 by okkie okkie
Crusader: It's not about certainty. They work the way SCO and the RIAA work - F.U.D. 1 valid suit out of 100 is a good day for these thugs.

Hmm.. wonder what would happen if we uploaded a file called ALIAS_01.zip to ftp://ftp.usitc.gov/pub/incoming/. I'm sure the ITC would just love a false lawsuit.

And, Okkie and ps, don't ever, EVER, put Radman, Crusader, and I in the same category as the Motion Picture Ass. of America.
added on the 2004-09-11 03:24:36 by phoenix phoenix
Youre the only ones that are possibly even more stupid
added on the 2004-09-11 03:50:50 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
priceless :D
added on the 2004-09-11 04:09:40 by Zest Zest
and more importantly.. how did crusader manage to double post?
added on the 2004-09-11 04:53:58 by psenough psenough
Yes, how did I double post unintentionally?
I coulda sworn I posted once, and saw one post in the thread later...
Maybe ps put a time limit in, and I hit back on my browser after a long enough time?
added on the 2004-09-11 05:13:53 by crusader crusader
ok now i'll call my next demo friends just to fuck them up =) this is so fucking ridiculous.
added on the 2004-09-11 09:51:27 by nystep nystep
ps, Mr. Hasselhoff, please don't lump together all american people, don't even do this with the american people from the US of A. I know one of them personally and I call him a friend. :)
we talked about this on IRC and concluded the irony of the RIAA/MPAA trying to sue off something which is obviously not related to anything they own while (luckily, thank god) they're missing all the prods with ripped music/movie parts...
added on the 2004-09-11 10:42:59 by Gargaj Gargaj
But hey, this "ripping" is just another expression of art which should be tolerated. If it isn't, than we should think about copyrights and our culture. When music and movies are only products of an industry and not of a culture then something went wrong. Hooray for the highly developed western culture... *pukes*
"there can be no reasonable doubt about the illegality of this material."
HAHAHA i laughed my ass off
added on the 2004-09-11 15:53:58 by v3nom v3nom
Something similar occured at www.modulez.org. An spanish music association sent an e-mail to the admin warning him of "illegal material" at the ftp.

I was the author of one of these "protected rights" songs, called "you don't know how to name this song so you leave it untitled" (XD). So I wrote back to the association and asked them for the earnings of that song, because if it was registered in their archives -even if it was mine in fact- someone had been receiving my money.

Finally they recognized they were wrong. Probably their überdetection software had reported "unknown", "untitled" and "name" as forbidden words for a song title so there they had a criminal! :-o


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