show us your pixel-art
category: gfx [glöplog]
Guess I'll start. This is a portrait of my friend:

wtf is that...
wtf is that...
This is a portrait of my friend

Ceci n'est pas mon amie.
sigflup, its great!
For a compo on with a very weird palette.

For a weird C64 group?! xD

For a weird C64 group?! xD

the c64 logo is great elend, good job
@elend nice!
One of my better works

Frost: Ooaahhhh... I love it so much. It looks more detailed than your other - usually very "smooth" (/antialiased) stuff. Well done, dude.
holy shit!! That's awesome!
/taps foot while waiting for Louie"500"/Lazur/Cyclone to turn up
<3 pixeljoint, i've seen many familiar names, some absolutely stunning images on there.
<3 pixeljoint, i've seen many familiar names, some absolutely stunning images on there.

For Ludum Dare Jam 22 (72h). The game is called "alone I art". So much art didn't make it to the deadline. You can check it out here Zipped version with music and minor bugfixes coming soon.
Characters were made by Tiago Franca Other than that I made all the art and helped with design.
For pixeljoin "two colors game" challenge:

^ 'votes 6' lovelly 2 col stuff there :)
I love pixeljoint, but everyone there shows up how decidely average I am :D
I love pixeljoint, but everyone there shows up how decidely average I am :D
gr9yfox: the game is obviously missing this master piece
vectory: oh man, you're right! I thought the only one missing was this amazing Tidus fanart
on topic 

pixel art rocks
I love keygen midi music!
baah, is it just a single image, or does this game exist?

Love it!

Love it!
I've been told it doesn't count as pixel art because I used anti-aliasing on the hair...