ANN: Hack The Lua Machine.
category: residue [glöplog]
A challenge for the skilled:
Hack my server.
If you can do it, you're God. Any gods here?
If you guys are no match, I will find proper hackers somewhere else.
PS: Your admins have a weird history of censorship. If they censor this, I'll hack their server. Nuff said.
Hack my server.
If you can do it, you're God. Any gods here?
If you guys are no match, I will find proper hackers somewhere else.
PS: Your admins have a weird history of censorship. If they censor this, I'll hack their server. Nuff said.
please someone ban this, i wanna see him hack
on another note: fuck censorship
on another note: fuck censorship
you do realize pentesting is usually paid for, right?
History of censorship on pouët?
The history of pouet is a history of a censored and suppressed vibrator. And he's not Zen about it...
Wrong scene. Come back and ask us to make a demo on it.
Go to anonymous' irc-channel and diss them. your server will be hacked in no time.
while you're at it, thay there for good.
this thread needs more Matthew Lillard.
Also, go make a demo about it.
I asked her. Tremble in fear.
: D
He'll be watering his skateboard.
poor little Plague.
He'll be watering his skateboard.
poor little Plague.