RIP Steve Jobs
category: offtopic [glöplog]
An apple a day keeps the doctor away......not
Nope.... just Chuck Testa
In the TV news they only stated him as the "inventor" of the mac, ipod and so on. But they didnt say a word about the approx. 5 million Apple 2 compatibles....
Oh no! What a sign of gross incompetence from the TV news people! Imagine that, not mentioning the unauthorized clones that nobody gives a fuck about!
He also invented DRM and application censorship. Why no one talks about that ?
He invented jack shit.
zerkman: because he didn't invent those things of course.
oh, and he pushed planned obsolescence to a new level, too.
Gloom: I mean, it wasn't only the Lisa and Macintiosh that sold poorly in the beginning that they still kept on producing Apple 2's and even introducing new models after the original model, which inspired the home computer as we know it to be now, does it? I mean, the last Apple 2c's were produced 1990, 6 years after the introduction of the Macintosh.
Or maybe it wouldnt just be fair, since Woz did the main work, but Woz hasnt got anythyng to do with Apple after he left in the mid 80's.
Or maybe it wouldnt just be fair, since Woz did the main work, but Woz hasnt got anythyng to do with Apple after he left in the mid 80's.
zerkman: you made my day :D
@zerkman: you are a poor ignorant and attentionwhore troll.
you know it's like in real life, everything's gonna be all right, and finally it happens...
@rez: I can also be serious when I want to. I'm just already fed up with all the sentimentality around Job's death. It seems almost everybody lost their parents at the same time.
Jobs may have done great stuff in his early years at Apple (up to the power macs), but when he started selling mp3 players and high priced PC's, it was the beginning of a never ending descent. Hardware and software started to become more and more closed and controlled. Very unlike the openness that was the spirit (and made the success) of the Apple II.
Apple closed and controlled products don't allow hacking anymore, while the hacker spirit was what made Apple possible.
Jobs may have done great stuff in his early years at Apple (up to the power macs), but when he started selling mp3 players and high priced PC's, it was the beginning of a never ending descent. Hardware and software started to become more and more closed and controlled. Very unlike the openness that was the spirit (and made the success) of the Apple II.
Apple closed and controlled products don't allow hacking anymore, while the hacker spirit was what made Apple possible.
zerkman has the leading.
zerkman: so - for you, Apple was a company that was obligated to create new platforms that are free to be altered, changed and hacked with as you see fit? Because I hate to brake it to you, but Apple was about creating consumer technology. If you don't agree that Apple has changed consumer technology, overall, for the better, then you've automatically disqualified yourself from any and all future discussion on the subject.
In other news: flaming Apple for being successful is just as lame today as it was yesterday. The only difference is that doing it today, in such a spiteful way, has the added effect of being disrespectful as well.
I enjoy my first-class consumer products very much. I have the option to do as much sudo pico as I want but unlike with the vast majority of open source bullshit, it works out of the box and I can press a button and it does exactly what it says on the tin.
@zerkman: I don't feel "closed and controlled" under my tuned osx, and I can do everything I want, more easily than all the others I used in my life. The independant/freeware community is strong on Mac too and (stop me if I am wrong) the overall quality of software is better in term of design and "look professional" IMHO.
we are on, please do not put all Mac users in the "rich hipsters lamer" bag.
we are on, please do not put all Mac users in the "rich hipsters lamer" bag.
Exactly what preacher said.
Zerkman: what you describe as a 'never ending descent' started with a company on the edge of bankruptcy. It ended with the biggest, most successful company in the world - an ascent so spectacular it's now a standard case study in business school. There's a small clue in there somewhere that you might be wrong, that perhaps you have your head up your ass and have managed to somehow totally miss what has actually happened in the real world.
Zerkman: what you describe as a 'never ending descent' started with a company on the edge of bankruptcy. It ended with the biggest, most successful company in the world - an ascent so spectacular it's now a standard case study in business school. There's a small clue in there somewhere that you might be wrong, that perhaps you have your head up your ass and have managed to somehow totally miss what has actually happened in the real world.
zerkman: Jobs left Apple long before PowerPC came into the picture. Also Wozniak was the one responsible for the Apple II; he was the real genius of the two founding Steves. Jobs never designed hardware.

@gloom and others: okay, so you have no arguments except "they are successful so they are right" or "stop being disrespectful". usual fanboy bullshit.
I thought pouet was filled with hackers. You know, the kind of people that expect more from a computer than just being a platform for consuming content.
I thought pouet was filled with hackers. You know, the kind of people that expect more from a computer than just being a platform for consuming content.
You can find the hackers on Slashdot. Pouet is full of people who do stuff with their computers.
@radiantx: I agree, the real genius was Wozniak.
And yes, it's true Jobs wasn't in Apple when they did the powerpc move.
And yes, it's true Jobs wasn't in Apple when they did the powerpc move.
I thought pouet was not filled with useless lamers who released nothing in years except some rants and anger in comments.
zerkman: talk less, release more.
I think a lot of talented people here and their "too-much-priced-lame-consumer-computer" are more 1337 "hackers" than you will ever be.
zerkman: talk less, release more.
I think a lot of talented people here and their "too-much-priced-lame-consumer-computer" are more 1337 "hackers" than you will ever be.