My first chip
category: music [glöplog]
Just finished my first chiptune :) Please let me know what you think
sounds okay for a first - carry on :)
hmmm got some strange replay error under XMPlay (??) so you perhaps used some strange tracker/effect, but after all it's a not so bad cover, try more and try to do a original song too ;)
@Rez Yeah I did notice the error, however I don't know what could've caused it.
Anyway, thanks guys :) It means alot (especially when it comes from "the rez")
Anyway, thanks guys :) It means alot (especially when it comes from "the rez")
Bogert, nice first chip, you've got the knowledge to track. What tracker do you use?
I suppose there is an error with volume enveloppe command ('>' key on a FT2 layout) on channel#4 where current instrument is number 2 and instrument for enveloppe command is set to number 1 so it plays instrument 1, you could leave this command with no specified instrument as you may want it to affect last played instrument.
If you're a chiptune lover, i would recommand listening to the following album:
I suppose there is an error with volume enveloppe command ('>' key on a FT2 layout) on channel#4 where current instrument is number 2 and instrument for enveloppe command is set to number 1 so it plays instrument 1, you could leave this command with no specified instrument as you may want it to affect last played instrument.
If you're a chiptune lover, i would recommand listening to the following album:

so you perhaps used some strange tracker
dunno if milkytracker (that's what the XM header says) qualifies as strange...
anyway, stuff like this is considered as chipmusic these days? First module OK, but first chip...?!
the 01 resets the sample settings... It's similar to using a 3xx effect on the same row.... Fuck FT2. :P
the 01 resets the sample settings... It's similar to using a 3xx effect on the same row.... Fuck FT2. :P
apparently, bbcode is for jazz musicians.
Tracking is new for me so thats why I belive that it's "strange".
I don't know what c64-style is so... Besides that I really don't think that I have knowlegde, but hey thats why I'm trying to learn it.
And hopefully you guys can teach me the c64-style :P
Btw. I use MilkyTracker yes.
I don't know what c64-style is so... Besides that I really don't think that I have knowlegde, but hey thats why I'm trying to learn it.
And hopefully you guys can teach me the c64-style :P
Btw. I use MilkyTracker yes.