ASSEMBLY Summer 2011
category: parties [glöplog]

truck's big mouth is not only without *any* form of foundation other than wasting lots of cash on flying from party A to B, it also got quite painful during the demo compostudio
know when to stop (or in this case: shut the hell up)
know when to stop (or in this case: shut the hell up)
So the FLT intro was basically distance fields with marching cubes?
At least it looked like it because rough tesselation.
At least it looked like it because rough tesselation.
hope we'll get some info @ directtovideo about it. not sure if it's mc but yeah there was *something* in the effect that looked like polygonization.
So I was watching the 4k compo on asmtv, was a couple minutes late so I started watching right in the middle of something. And I was like it's amazing what people do in 4k nowadays. Next one was really impressive too.. It took me until the start screen of the 3rd one to figure out that Finland was an hour ahead in time and I was actually watching the demo compo...
I can't believe no one said "SHUT THE TRUCK UP"!
Comedy GOLD.
Comedy GOLD.
you could see some were at least mildly irritated though ;)
What really annoyed me about trucks behaviour was that he basically told Navis to shut up while he was one of the only ones contributing with really interesting stuff to the discussion... And then truck continues to play with his mobile ringtones in the background afterwards.. *facepalm*
maybe have less people in the room, spend less time on introductions and have more interesting people with insight and stuff to say instead of just trolling the talks. (the smash-rant was priceless though)
maybe have less people in the room, spend less time on introductions and have more interesting people with insight and stuff to say instead of just trolling the talks. (the smash-rant was priceless though)
We had fun watching the compo stream. So much fun actually that during the show two policemen walked (unannounced) into my appartment. we were like.. wtf.
fuckings to whoever stole my bag of food at bzm, shame on you!
I would say big respect to Navis for keeping it cool despite being interrupted on many occasions, being criticized on what was a pretty good but mildly derivative demo - and also I have to say dotwaffle did a great job managing the compostudio comfortably - not to mention reigning in the more trollsome of behaviour. It was also good that he made sure everyone got a say too.
I do think Truck went a bit too far on occasion, but you can't have a party without him really. The man is incapable of one word answers and is the master of digressing into reeling off mentally recalled lists of sceners and minority parties.
I also thought Franky was hilarious, and appreciate Setok's uncompromising asking of direct questions.
I do think Truck went a bit too far on occasion, but you can't have a party without him really. The man is incapable of one word answers and is the master of digressing into reeling off mentally recalled lists of sceners and minority parties.
I also thought Franky was hilarious, and appreciate Setok's uncompromising asking of direct questions.
Yeah, fourteen people in the room is definitely too much, especially when half of them are barely related to the compo. Finding the right mix of people for a compostudio session is hard; you want people to have something interesting to say (either by sheer pre-knowledge, or by having prepared something) _and_ be relatively good at saying it. :-)
I have to second ruairi here — I was impressed by Navis keeping it cool after being stopped like that (and actually not saying anything for a while). It's a shame, though, because that was when it started to get interesting.
I have to second ruairi here — I was impressed by Navis keeping it cool after being stopped like that (and actually not saying anything for a while). It's a shame, though, because that was when it started to get interesting.
Truck :D
Wow. I think I'm becoming too old. Two days without sleep is a killer.
Great party, missed Boozembly :D
Wow. I think I'm becoming too old. Two days without sleep is a killer.
Great party, missed Boozembly :D
I do think Truck went a bit too far on occasion, but you can't have a party without him really. The man is incapable of one word answers
There is a difference between getting to have a say and the right to horse around a little (it is a party after all). Being downright rude is something enterily different though. I recall Navis was speaking about the animation morphing when interrupted right? That's exactly the stuff I actually wanted to hear about, instead of some backstory about Smash that could've been told in 10 seconds ;) And not just me.
(a difference between say/horsing and being rude, that is.. mweh need coffee). and that'll be the last thing i say about this, time for the prize ceremony :)
Feeling a bit empty, but still got plenty of cleaning up to do here. Really liked the party and massive respect to everybody who participated in the compos.
Handy videos of all entries now available at
our archive.
Handy videos of all entries now available at
our archive.
Any photos of prize ceremony, please?
Plenty of photos coming as soon as our photographers get through sorting their shots.
All photos will be on the gallery
All photos will be on the gallery
well, that was fun!
abyss: that was fun.. im glad the 64k issue kindof "resolved itself" :)
is the quiz show online somewhere?