Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]


Reminded me of

Coulda done better I know but.. meh, that's what you get getting up @ 0330

Have a nice day. :)
is that raytraced?

Sorry, couldn't resist... :D
lol ringo, why did you even show this crappy photoshop work?
Why bother?

that's what you get getting up @ 0330
that's a lame excuse. like always… ringo, ringo…
So, what's yours?

i didnt even edit any picture, so why need i a excuse? but you can't even read, like always…
Now, there's my excuse, then.
you're a criminal idiot. i don't need a excuse for something i did not.
So, tell me, what was the criiminal act by Ringo? Posting a crappy photoshopped image?
Shall we finish him off for doing that? Outrageous!!!
Ha ha ha... Poor thing.
Shall we finish him off for doing that? Outrageous!!!
Ha ha ha... Poor thing.