category: residue [glöplog]
Εβλεπα διαφορες μορφες να κινουντε.μαυρες και ασπρες.Αλλα δεν ηταν φαντασματα.Ηταν κατι σαν σκιες.Τις παρατιρουσα... μπενανε και βγενανε... εξαφανιζονταν και εμφανιζονταν αλλες... σε μια στιγμη οπως ειχα χαζεψει ειδα μια ασπρη σκια να ειναι πανω στην γονια και να με κοιταει.Τωρα θα μου πειτε πως το ειξερες πως σε κοιταγε ? Τι να σας πω δεν ξερω... απλα ειχα την εσθιση πως με κοιταγε... εγω το κοιταγα αλλα μετα κοιταξα αλλου... μετα απο λιγα δευετερολεπτα ειχε φυγει...τωρα θα ακουσετε και το πιο τρελο.Οπως κοιταζα τις σκιες να κανουν τις βολτες τους, εβλεπα κατι να περναει και να τα περνι ολα.Δηλαδη κοιταχτε.Οπως κοιταζα τις σκιες να περνανε εβλεπα κατι σαν μια χοντρη γραμη να περναει και να περνει ολες τις σκιες παραμαζομα.Ελπιζω να καταλαβατε τι θελω να πω.Και πριν λιγες ωρες, οπως καθομουν στον υπολογιστη με επιασε ενας πονος στο αντερο... παω στην τουαλετα για να χε.xD .Οπως εκει καθομουν πεσανε 2 μπουκαλια κοκαλολας.Εχω μαζεψει καμποσα εδω στο δωματιο μου.Τα εχω ολα σε σακουλες αλλα ειχα αφισει 2 μπουκαλια απεξω.Και οπως εκει καθομουν πεσανε.Λιγο παραξενο δεν ειναι ?
Και τώρα πίσω στην πραγματικότητα. Την δεύτερη πραγματικότητα. ;-)
Έτσι (για) Να Το Ξέρετε
(Just So You Know)
Έτσι (για) Να Το Ξέρετε
(Just So You Know)
The BASS code solves the nonlinear Euler or Navier-Stokes equations in chain-rule curvilinear form.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Just so you wurst.
Just so you wurst.
I saw several forms moving to. Aspres.Al and black? All was not something like a ghost ta.Itan skies.Tis? Paratiro ysa ... Ben and go out ... ontan eliminated and other fa dan ... at a time as I gaze saw a white shadow to be more fertile and have a koitaei.T? time will tell me how the eixeres that was looking at; What can I say I do not know ... I got just that with the esthisi was looking ... I looking but after look elsewhere ... defetero after a few minutes had gone ... now 61? a listen to the most trelo.Opo? As I watched the shadows to make their walks, I saw something passing and the passing ola.Dilad? that looked. as we look shadows pass I saw something like a thick letters to passes and pass all shades paramazo ma.Elpizo understand what I TE po.Kai few hours ago, as I sat in the calculation of caught me a pain in the anteri ... go to the bathroom to che.xD. As I sat there, fell into a 2 bottle kokalola s.Echo GATHERED quite a few here in the room mou.Ta have everything in a bag but I had posted a apexo.Kai bottle 2-As I sat there pesane.Li? UR not strange;
was that optimus' latest blog?
according to google translate!
this thread is dead
Wait, there may be some life in it yet..
Also, clones don't have souls.
Like twins.
Like twins.
Miss thread.
Very very strange. I wake up at irregular hours in London. I mean, strange.
I might sleep in normal hours (00:00 - 02:00) and then I wake up at 07:30. Today I slept (03:00) I think and now I wake (06:30). I fill wasted. Normally if I slept such hours I would wake 10:00 - 11:00.
Greek text was just another copy paste from some random forum. I copy paste things that sound hilarious. There are greek paranormal forums where everyone has his crazy story. That story, the way it was described was hilarious. There are many paranormal forums in greece. And many paranormal magazines.
I might sleep in normal hours (00:00 - 02:00) and then I wake up at 07:30. Today I slept (03:00) I think and now I wake (06:30). I fill wasted. Normally if I slept such hours I would wake 10:00 - 11:00.
Greek text was just another copy paste from some random forum. I copy paste things that sound hilarious. There are greek paranormal forums where everyone has his crazy story. That story, the way it was described was hilarious. There are many paranormal forums in greece. And many paranormal magazines.
Miss thread.

no comment.
Count the PS.PS2.PS3.ratios.
NOTE. The Original 60 GB and 20 GB Playstation 3's had the PS2 Hardware Built onto the Motherboards (Why they were so Expensive). When the 2nd Gen 80 GB came out, it included a PS2 Software Emulator. It ran MOST of the PS2 Games. The Software CPU was 100% Complete, but the GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) was only 86% complete. That is why SOME PS2 Games (Final Fantasy 12) will not work and reboots the PS3. The Games are Touching the GPU in places NOT complete and therefore, not Emulated. Saying all this, the PS3 Emulated the PS2 just Fine, but Sony Pulled PS2 Emulation from the PS3 and started to manufacture MORE PS2 figuring that the PS2/PS3 Emulation caused a bit of a Resurgence of PS2 Game Sales and Caused Developers to Renew their bid to make PS2 Games. This was short lived due to Sony Removing the PS2 Emulation on the PS3. Funny thing is 2 years after Sony Pulled the Plug on PS2 Emulation for the PS3, they submitted a U.S. Copywright for a Completed Software Emulated GPU for the PS2 on the PS3. They Still deny that the PS3 will ever get PS2 Emulation. Also keep in mind that Every Single PS3 to date will play PS1 Games with no problems. Sony still pisses me off for removing Linux Support.
This thread turns 6 in just a little over a month. So it finally can go to school to become more educated.
So that it knows.
So that it knows.
"A demo is a form of interactive electronic art and not generated in real time," says Stamnes, who we met in 1987 at age 11.
Any scener got tumblr?
Will add few people.
I am so empty of links right now.
Where is that thread discussing scener's blogs?
Will add few people.
I am so empty of links right now.
Where is that thread discussing scener's blogs?
Any of You used Z88?
I wonder, what if nowadays one bangs together a 4MHz ARM, some SRAMS/MRAMS and ChLD display, adds SD card support...
On paper it seems, all together could run 180h on two AA cells
i just wonder, how hard would it be to code system and apps from schratch
yes, and I've heard of NEO2
just so You know.
I wonder, what if nowadays one bangs together a 4MHz ARM, some SRAMS/MRAMS and ChLD display, adds SD card support...
On paper it seems, all together could run 180h on two AA cells
i just wonder, how hard would it be to code system and apps from schratch
yes, and I've heard of NEO2
just so You know.
SSAO makes games & demos look like old kraftwerk music videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBGNlTPgQII JSYK
Shadows and lights bleeding everywhere!!
Shadows and lights bleeding everywhere!!