category: offtopic [glöplog]
beeing caught while stealing on a partyplace could cause a european wide lifetime-perm-ban at all parties.
for sure thieves wille be permbanned at all german parties...
for sure thieves wille be permbanned at all german parties...
Wasn't Roy kicked out of SAC btw? Where are the other SAC members?
this thread has a great cast but is still not dramatic enough! where is roy?!!
missing the point anyone? :)
Getting him to stop selling a piece of artwork based (partly) on your work, fine. But - please correct me if I'm wrong - now you're asking him to remove a logo that appears on his site alongside the statement that his BBS was affiliated with Razor 1911? If Farbrausch greeted you by showing your logo in their demo (like they did on Rove and Magellan) would you demand that they remove it? Or does this rule only apply to people you don't like?
If Warner Bros demanded that all copies of Second Reality be removed from the internet because of the "ten seconds to transmission" sample (which is ripped from the 1989 Batman movie), we'd all be calling them asshats. What you're asking is about 10 times more asshat-ish than that.
Ever since the Timbaland incident it seems like "spot the copyright infringement" has been some kind of competition on the scene: "ZOMG Black Eyed Peas used a square wave bass line that sounds like a gameboy!!!" It's good that people are looking out for these things, but we need to start asking ourselves "Is this really any worse than what people are doing *on* the scene every day?" before unleashing the hounds.
added on the 2011-04-01 11:35:39 by gasman
Exactly... which is why I'm saying that "wanting his products pulled from Deviantart" is fair, and "scouring his website for every single logo and demanding its removal" isn't.
added on the 2011-04-01 13:46:22 by gasman
You summed my thought up in your second quote. Yes, selling something someone else did without even creditting is something not normal. I must admit that asking him to remove stuff from his website is a way too stupid request, my bad, I went too far.
gasman: you have to understand Irokos though, after all, Razor is his gr... wait...
added on the 2011-04-01 11:53:02 by Gargaj
Grandfather? oh fuck, poor me :(
Grandfather? oh fuck, poor me :(
I'm in. Grandad up for some dp fun?
I retract my earlier retraction.

I think I missed the point plek.
But yet, destined for greatness and armed with valor, you whipped out that little number of a chart! Thanks :)
as always: im only average...damn
Ehrm ....
This is on YOUTUBE :
Since when we ( the so called demoscene ) care about people doing
things on demomakers ...
If iam right we ignore those demomaker guys since 1991´s Databecker DEMOMAKER is out !
Sorry this guy is a shame for the group SAC ( i remember that name in a professional way )
And this youtube video is the ABSOLUTE PROOF ! he give a shit about copyright etc ...
Paranoia by Roy/SAC
From: sacreleases | Feb 2, 2011 | 185 views
Oldskool Demomaker demo by Roy/SAC in 2011
This is on YOUTUBE :
Since when we ( the so called demoscene ) care about people doing
things on demomakers ...
If iam right we ignore those demomaker guys since 1991´s Databecker DEMOMAKER is out !
Sorry this guy is a shame for the group SAC ( i remember that name in a professional way )
And this youtube video is the ABSOLUTE PROOF ! he give a shit about copyright etc ...
Boohooo someone uses my logo i did for a warez group without permission, boohoo.
as always: im only average...damn
Wasn't meant that way. Should aim for my level of achievement - that way you rarely get disappointed. ;)
Boohooo someone uses my logo i did for a warez group without permission, boohoo. added on the 2011-04-02 23:47:11 by Hatikvah
Oh, a cynical zombie.
Hi Alien.. I created the collage mainly for myself several years ago. It's using for the most part my own stuff with the exception of your Razor logo and the TRSI logo by J.o.e., both in an altered form.
I would like to keep your logo in there and also don't mind to share any revenue that comes from it with you. As others already stated, not many were sold, but as I said, I did it mainly for myself and don't care if I sell any more of them or not.
I would like to keep your logo in there and also don't mind to share any revenue that comes from it with you. As others already stated, not many were sold, but as I said, I did it mainly for myself and don't care if I sell any more of them or not.
"Hello, I am willing to give you part of the profit I made with the stuff I stole from you, but I never stole it for anyone but myself, that's why I put these stolen works in a webshop"
C'mon Roy, have some honour, make a proper apology, give the guy all profits (coz really, that collage-"work" is nothing compared to his excellent logo), let him decide if the thing can ever be sold again, and properly credit Alien and Joe anywhere the collage is used (or remove it completely, your choice). If you're smart, you'll do the same with any other scene stuff you've been recycling without permission asap, unless you don't give a toss about your reputation being dragged deeper through the mud on this site, and potentially in other places as well. What you're offering now just gives the impression that you don't want to understand the implications of what you did.
C'mon Roy, have some honour, make a proper apology, give the guy all profits (coz really, that collage-"work" is nothing compared to his excellent logo), let him decide if the thing can ever be sold again, and properly credit Alien and Joe anywhere the collage is used (or remove it completely, your choice). If you're smart, you'll do the same with any other scene stuff you've been recycling without permission asap, unless you don't give a toss about your reputation being dragged deeper through the mud on this site, and potentially in other places as well. What you're offering now just gives the impression that you don't want to understand the implications of what you did.
"and don't care if I sell any more of them or not." sums it up I gues...
unless you don't give a toss about your reputation being dragged deeper through the mud on this site
Boohooo someone uses my logo i did for a warez group without permission, boohoo.
lol+1 :)
not many were sold
don't care if I sell any more of them
here we have someone who likes to completely fuckup his alter ego, and wants to be stigmatized by the scene.
but already happened. im interessted:
I´d like to know how many collages you sold Roy.
ah an dubmood: sorry for bitchin, i just switched the sides.
I could hug you havoc.
cheeky fucker.
I don't care much about the issue in this thread since I am not concerned but:
Well to me this question is irrelevant. As a copyright owner yes you can allow whoever you want to use your work and not the others. And yes that can be people you like vs people you don't.
It's still your work, and you still frigging decide who you allow to use your work.
If Farbrausch greeted you by showing your logo in their demo (like they did on Rove and Magellan) would you demand that they remove it? Or does this rule only apply to people you don't like?
Well to me this question is irrelevant. As a copyright owner yes you can allow whoever you want to use your work and not the others. And yes that can be people you like vs people you don't.
It's still your work, and you still frigging decide who you allow to use your work.
The only one in this thread that beats Roy in the -retarded ignorant unable to grasp the concept- category is plek.
roy why dont you return the money to whoever bought your crap?
Lekker belangrijk.
There's a small difference between using your logo in a demo to greet you, and using it in a commercial work. The first is showing you respect, nothing else. The second is disrespecting you and profiting from it.
Now, if rove had been a pay-per-view fucktro...
Now, if rove had been a pay-per-view fucktro...