iPad as a scene platorm
category: general [glöplog]

I have a cheap nokia, and I have a few J2ME demos on it.
Android and jailbroken iOS here. best of both worlds.
The main problem with Android as a development platform is that it's a complete and utter abomination.
If safari on the ipad ends up with webgl support, then that could be a possbility for making stuff without going through appstore roulette.
got a SE with J2ME demos :p
Who buys Apple has sex with the devil.
And that's a bad thing how exactly?
androis is open, yeah. but google will remote delete everything they want.
(as already shown)
We're now in the comedy situation where microsoft's tablets are the most open :)
The new GPU + CPU in the ipad 2 make it a lot more appealing for demos I think. My latest iphone app will be ideal for it (and is quite demoish, i'll post up some codes on the free stuff for sceners thread :) so I'll pick one up. I'll see if it can handle a raymarcher :)
The new GPU + CPU in the ipad 2 make it a lot more appealing for demos I think. My latest iphone app will be ideal for it (and is quite demoish, i'll post up some codes on the free stuff for sceners thread :) so I'll pick one up. I'll see if it can handle a raymarcher :)
And that's a bad thing how exactly?
Well, he is a dude. That may not be bad for some of you, but it ain't my thing, really. He also has horns. That's also not my thing.
Also people should stop worshipping devil, because they think it's only thing from bible and must be the super anti-christ. The devil is something plain bad and one who does not oppose it, is not worth to even think of calling himself a human.
Am I calling myself Human? No!
How can you with a clear conscience buy Apple products, and even like somone here suggest "just throw it awa and buy the next generation"? Are you still calling yourselfe a human? If your answer is "Yes", i'm sorry that i have to tell you that you belong to the strain of apes that is degenrating, and not evolving. The future will make this even more clear when the strains have gone further apart. It's all due to a failure in evolution (well, techincally it's not, but from a philosophic viewpoint it clearly is) that rendered mechanismns useless and created a strange substrate of human strains that interact in a strange way, that is not very devil.
I'm sorry that this explanation is very confused but it's not easy to make a good one.
Am I calling myself Human? No!
How can you with a clear conscience buy Apple products, and even like somone here suggest "just throw it awa and buy the next generation"? Are you still calling yourselfe a human? If your answer is "Yes", i'm sorry that i have to tell you that you belong to the strain of apes that is degenrating, and not evolving. The future will make this even more clear when the strains have gone further apart. It's all due to a failure in evolution (well, techincally it's not, but from a philosophic viewpoint it clearly is) that rendered mechanismns useless and created a strange substrate of human strains that interact in a strange way, that is not very devil.
I'm sorry that this explanation is very confused but it's not easy to make a good one.
crosbow: they sell computers. You know, those things you use to post on pouet with. Like the one you're using right now. In fact apple's computers tend to be among the most long lasting, and they keep their value extremely well compared to other makes.
So by your own argument, you're worse than the apple buyers. Either that, or you just won an award for stupid hypocrisy, take your pick ;)
So by your own argument, you're worse than the apple buyers. Either that, or you just won an award for stupid hypocrisy, take your pick ;)
Yes, i use a computer. But my computer use to last 10 years or something.
While Apple fanboys get their new iPhone every year, and the new iPad ofcourse, too.
While most PC user's will fix it. Apple won't fix a "contamined" device (aka it was in the same room with a cigarette). Apple is not a product, but a life style. It is the lifestyle of the typical fecesbook user. Decadence. Degeneration of man. Apple is a catalysator.
While Apple fanboys get their new iPhone every year, and the new iPad ofcourse, too.
There's no need to repair a apple product. If it breaks you throw it away or get replacement or just buy the next generation anyway cause they announced something better.
While most PC user's will fix it. Apple won't fix a "contamined" device (aka it was in the same room with a cigarette). Apple is not a product, but a life style. It is the lifestyle of the typical fecesbook user. Decadence. Degeneration of man. Apple is a catalysator.
Yes, i use a computer. But my computer use to last 10 years or something. While Apple fanboys get their new iPhone every year, and the new iPad ofcourse, too.
While most PC user's will fix it. Apple won't fix a "contamined" device (aka it was in the same room with a cigarette). Apple is not a product, but a life style. It is the lifestyle of the typical fecesbook user. Decadence. Degeneration of man. Apple is a catalysator.
You are comparing a telephone with your PC here. And even so, Apple repair phones that break, we have quite a lot of them at work and so far no problems with warranty.
And ten year old computer? Bah, my Atari ST is 26 years, so certainly you consider yourself a degenerating ape now? I mean, change computer every ten years seems to be a lifestyle thing, when my ST is still working as if it was new.
Yes you're full of shit.
crossbow: you think there are no PC owners who buy a new pc every year, or even upgrade it every 6 months and throw out the old stuff? Are they MS fanboys who sleep with the devil? Instead of making whatever point you were trying to make, you're just showing how extremely biased against particular companies you are, in an extremely hypocritical way... which is basically the definition of a fanboy. Take a long, hard look in the mirror some time.
Of all the iphone owners I know, I'm the only one who upgrades every year. That's because I develop for it, I have to. Have I thrown out last year's one? No, it's right here in use on my desk. Before that, my original 2g one lasted a couple of years, and I'd probably still have it now if I didn't need a 3gs for compatability. What happened to my 2g? I sold it after 18 months (at a profit too \o/), so far as I know it's still in use.
Of all the iphone owners I know, I'm the only one who upgrades every year. That's because I develop for it, I have to. Have I thrown out last year's one? No, it's right here in use on my desk. Before that, my original 2g one lasted a couple of years, and I'd probably still have it now if I didn't need a 3gs for compatability. What happened to my 2g? I sold it after 18 months (at a profit too \o/), so far as I know it's still in use.
evil: Oh, nice! You post from a Atari ST? Good job! If not please reconsider your statement. Also I don't deny I'm an ape. But I face it. And don't try to justify anything. And atleast minimize the effects that come from it.
psonice: I take Apple as an prime example. And see how it works? All the Apple fanboys rage if you say anything against it! Other companies are bad aswell. What kind of applications do you develop for the iPhone if I might ask?
psonice: I take Apple as an prime example. And see how it works? All the Apple fanboys rage if you say anything against it! Other companies are bad aswell. What kind of applications do you develop for the iPhone if I might ask?
The only people who worry about fanboys are other fanboys (and I say that as a former fanboy, but hey we were 13 then and it was amiga vs. atari, a battle that really mattered because atari sucked ;)
iPhone apps: a mix of my own and clients, my own lately tend to be realtime video processing fun things. Last one was a bit demoish: http://vimeo.com/irt/vk (reminds me, i should put some codes on the free stuff thread :)
iPhone apps: a mix of my own and clients, my own lately tend to be realtime video processing fun things. Last one was a bit demoish: http://vimeo.com/irt/vk (reminds me, i should put some codes on the free stuff thread :)
Also people should stop worshipping devil, because they think it's only thing from bible and must be the super anti-christ. The devil is something plain bad and one who does not oppose it, is not worth to even think of calling himself a human.
Am I calling myself Human? No!
How can you with a clear conscience buy Apple products, and even like somone here suggest "just throw it awa and buy the next generation"? Are you still calling yourselfe a human?
nice rant, broISAIDNICERANT!!!!
How about we all point and laugh at the original post for suggesting a keyboard-centric thing like a tracker for something like an iPad? Platform wars are boring.
psonice: No! What am i fanboying now? Tell me.
And aslong as you don't make braincancer causing "casual games" or "fun apps" your soul is not lost yet!
And aslong as you don't make braincancer causing "casual games" or "fun apps" your soul is not lost yet!
The only problem is that an iPad costs fucking 600€!!!! (Give or take 100)
There are similar systems from good ol' china which cost a 3rd. ....and since the iPad comes most probably from china too, you pay at least 200€ directly to the likes of Steve Jobs who wank them selves with your money as cleenex. Ok, there's always someone who will do that with your money, so...*cough cough* But who am i to decide what's right and what's wrong. :)
But there are also other nice quirks, you can tell your friends if you got one of these.:
-They are heavy. So its not very practical to to use as a fan.
-althrough it has bluetooth and if you pay additional 100€ that it is UMTS capable, you are unable to use a Bluetooth headset for any kind of vocal communication besides the built in options.
-You get most Religous Apps for free
-You can't use a decent pen to use it as some kind of Graphic tablet, except if you stick some kind of sponge into it. ...And who doesnt like drawing Spongebob with a Spongebob?
Isnt that some rant? :D
There are similar systems from good ol' china which cost a 3rd. ....and since the iPad comes most probably from china too, you pay at least 200€ directly to the likes of Steve Jobs who wank them selves with your money as cleenex. Ok, there's always someone who will do that with your money, so...*cough cough* But who am i to decide what's right and what's wrong. :)
But there are also other nice quirks, you can tell your friends if you got one of these.:
-They are heavy. So its not very practical to to use as a fan.
-althrough it has bluetooth and if you pay additional 100€ that it is UMTS capable, you are unable to use a Bluetooth headset for any kind of vocal communication besides the built in options.
-You get most Religous Apps for free
-You can't use a decent pen to use it as some kind of Graphic tablet, except if you stick some kind of sponge into it. ...And who doesnt like drawing Spongebob with a Spongebob?
Isnt that some rant? :D