NHibernate anyone?
category: code [glöplog]
I wish people hated ME that much on the internet, it must create a lot of character!
psonice: I'm so gullible ;)
redirect all your non-scene questions to:
There are a gazillions of mortals/goats/cats&dogs who are willing to answer such simple questions in hope to get some points. I for one answer only to ppl who really get down to the metal and need help from the experts.
There are a gazillions of mortals/goats/cats&dogs who are willing to answer such simple questions in hope to get some points. I for one answer only to ppl who really get down to the metal and need help from the experts.
so stack overflow is the site to go to find a rollerderby playing, java coding, wrestling Girlfriend? :)
so stack overflow is the site to go to find a rollerderby playing, java coding, wrestling Girlfriend? :)
Exactly... It will solve your nooob nhibernate/java questions for free, and maybe it will be your Girlfriend. Noone said it'll be a female you're talking to though.
so stack overflow is the site to go to find a rollerderby playing, java coding, wrestling Girlfriend? :)
Exactly... It will solve your nooob nhibernate/java questions for free, and maybe it will be your Girlfriend. Noone said it'll be a female you're talking to though.
wtf: retry galore!
Adok > did you try to ask on Facebook?
I need no help, my gf does.
Oh, Adolf and Eva... sounds cool. Maybe the first man was not called Adam, but Adolf!
Oh, Adolf and Eva... sounds cool. Maybe the first man was not called Adam, but Adolf!
If Adolf comes to power again, who wants to live voluntarily in a CC?
I guess Maali?
I guess Maali?
what a lovely sense of humor you got Adolf does your gf has same thing?
If Adolf comes to power again, who wants to live voluntarily in a CC?
Adok: Leader of the free Hugi world?

⇒⇔∈∋∃∀∨∧∪∩⊃& amp;#8834;⊆⊇αβδ ;
Well that was fun!
Everybody can't stomach that Adok has a girlfriend and they don't, so it must be imaginary, wow :)
adok: i'd be thrilled to check your CC out next time i'm taking a train.. i bet it has more stars than an F1 motel :P
I wonder when will Adok have his first imaginary kid ...
wow... adoks livejournal is very impressive so far. speechless.
some kind of mixture between kaspar hauser and immanuel kant it seems.
some kind of mixture between kaspar hauser and immanuel kant it seems.
Date: 2011-01-31 01:20
Subject: IQ test at http://www.iqsociety.org/
Security: Public
According to the IQ test at http://www.iqsociety.org/ my IQ is so high that it cannot be even measured (i.e. > 140). Seems like I got all answers right...
post a comment
A rocket launching otw ......... *Booom!!*
"your resistance only makes my iq higher!"
i like the line of reasoning: "people say my weakness is how i deal with people, so im gonna read a book about that".. next step would be setting up a RCT on pouet!