A party without alcohol???
category: residue [glöplog]

World Health Organization data on drinking:

How is it that Greenland, Western Sahara and Svalbard have no data.
I reckon they all too pissed to report in.
I reckon they all too pissed to report in.
How is it that Greenland, Western Sahara and Svalbard have no data.
I reckon they all too pissed to report in.
Perhaps, I seem to remember drug use being quite a problem in Greenland at some point. However, they have a total population the size of a medium sized town so perhaps no one have bothered counting.
Alcohol sucks, most of it is not tasty enough for me to comfortably drink. Especially beer, ewwww.
A Party without alcohol is like a girl with no tits.
drinking from tits must be the greatest thing ever
There's a "your mom" joke hiding here, I can feel it.
Optimus: Someone had to be first. This is mostly because of a bad education...
There's a "your mom" joke hiding here, I can feel it.
That's what she said!
Was going into the random ladies thread but what's not like about a beautiful preggers woman quaffing champagne?
Yeaaaaaah! The world has come a long way, or maybe I've become dumber because I find spam increasingly funny these days. Pudotin pikkuhousut kohteessa Helsinki.
Sceners don't need money. They work for alcohol.
thread me necroful?