Games you must play before you die
category: residue [glöplog]
Fractint + Rez + Wing Commander

must try one of those series ! even if IA is completey fucked
I'm replaying Starcraft (1) to get the pre-story for the second one that I just finished. I like it, the story is nice.
Starcraft has a great story. not as great as Homeworld but very nice.
Icewind Dale + Add on Heart of Winter (PC Game):

Not as good as Baldur's Gate series because so linear about quests but awesome soundtracks and nice atmosphere in iced landscapes.
The soundtrack for Kuldahar Town:
The soundtrack for Lonelywood Town:
I did use these songs to replace some boring songs of NeverWinter Nights.

Not as good as Baldur's Gate series because so linear about quests but awesome soundtracks and nice atmosphere in iced landscapes.
The soundtrack for Kuldahar Town:
The soundtrack for Lonelywood Town:
I did use these songs to replace some boring songs of NeverWinter Nights.
i wanted to put in some games, but i'll just agree with everything button says - I even do 2-day gaming sessions with my friend playing europa universalis 3 :)
Sylvao, great games (both series), my recommendation.
the only aspect you can improve at this game, is the graphics (which are from 2001 and were developed in 1999)

yeah all these classics, of course 90% of the games here are must-play but what about the forgotten ones.
for example

for example

I really like this thread. Gives me ideas of which games to play next. If I ever find the time and motivation to spend my time.
I am lately addicted to Borderlands. It's an FPS with RPG elements. It's addictive to go up levels or open chests with random weapons and take all loot. It's like Diablo with random dropped weapons, many combinations of their powers, but in an FPS setting. It also has nice cartoonish style, good humour and lot's of fun.

I am lately addicted to Borderlands. It's an FPS with RPG elements. It's addictive to go up levels or open chests with random weapons and take all loot. It's like Diablo with random dropped weapons, many combinations of their powers, but in an FPS setting. It also has nice cartoonish style, good humour and lot's of fun.

Albion (RPG - PC Game):

An old RPG game that can be found on abandonware

An old RPG game that can be found on abandonware
Raystorm (Taito)

A game you play before you die.
Torus Trooper (Kenta Cho)