Programming tutorials
category: code [glöplog]
IMHO the most interesting type of text that can be found in a diskmag is programming (coding) tutorials. Unfortunately recently released diskmags contained almost none of them. I would like to change that, so: Please tell me what topics you would be interested in learning about, and I will see if I manage to find somebody to write about them.
Micropolygon rendering.
Automatic article generator.
Polynomial-time solutions for the travelling salesman problem.
Implementing a solution to the halting problem in 4k without Crinkler and with chipmusic.
The quadrature of the circle and the cubication of the sphere in software rendering.
I'd also be interested in an article that proves P = NP, but I'm afraid I believe P != NP is more likely. :)Polynomial-time solutions for the travelling salesman problem.
That seems to be an interesting topic indeed, from what I found about it on Wikipedia.Micropolygon rendering.
I would like a Java article for children
Untz mapping.
What's that? Never heard about it, and Google doesn't know it either.Untz mapping.
Nazi mapping.
affine kickdrum bumpvoxels
Nazi mapping.
Cross gammadion patterns for labyrinth tessellation for children.
Genetic algorithms and natural selection of hybrid plasma beauty generator.
the spinning cube effect
Megapolygon rendering.
Rich client platform on the server.
per-pixel lightning with outstanding maps (normal maps are so 2003!) and spectacular reflections
realtime gaytracing?
Paralax scrolling!
Predicting where the viewer will look in order to reduce rendering detail in out-of-focus areas for more framerate!
Graga: reading crytek's papers are we?
lexicographic sort of infinite sets of non countable irrational-dimension polyhedrons in linearitmic timespace continuum, with hypnoglow.
Realtime crosslinking of interchangeable Heisenfram terminals using redundant melacortz-ramistat 14-kiloquad interface modules