"Demos are to computer games what poetry is to prose."
category: general [glöplog]
Do you know who this quotation is originally from? Jeremy Williams of the PC Demo Fan Club or somebody else?
Ich hab gehoert das Flugzeug mit den Leuten, die das interessiert, ist abgestuertzt!
The hip bone is connected to the
Leg bone
The leg bone is connected to the
Thigh bone
Leg bone
The leg bone is connected to the
Thigh bone

"demos are to computer games what mensa is to sex"
maali leads
adok is to pouet what excel is to twitter clients
I already did a Google search before posting this question and stumbled over the PC Demo Fan Club page. But this page does not answer my question.
v3nomsoup: that gives http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=7766
If it's there and you can see it — it's real.
If it's not there and you can see it — it's virtual.
If it's there and you can't see it — it's transparent.
If it's not there and you can't see it — you erased it !"
If it's not there and you can see it — it's virtual.
If it's there and you can't see it — it's transparent.
If it's not there and you can't see it — you erased it !"
Of course, the best way to get accurate information is to post something wrong and wait for corrections.
"Drew Carey is to comedy what Mariah Carey is to comedy." -Jeffrey Ross
"Hugi is to the scene what Maali's unwashed asscrack is to white tangas."
thank god for Maali rowley is only trolling around.. ;-)
TV noise is to demos what this thread is to the scene.
magic: you should see my white tangas and you know he aint trolling!
Wer hat denn den schon wieder ausm Keller gelassen.
Tiiigertanga ?!
you should see my white tangas and you know he aint trolling!
Tiiigertanga ?!
white tiger maybe...
and what about playable demos?
Playable demos are to computer games, what eddur are to prose.