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category: residue [glöplog]
Started up a small forum for our group, feel free to join and discuss everything regarding the demoscene. Really need some members.




It's about the board, not about how many prods we have released on Pouet.
someone else could have "released" your prods on pouet..
so why would anyone gather on a (empty) board of a group with no notable prods?
does that make any sense to YOU?
The biggest interest is to create not only a community where we can share this phenomenal interest, but to discuss everything regarding this demoscene area on a new level. Too much is always better then too little, therefor I made this forum for people with interest to communicate and share ideas, prods and codes.

The forum is almost not dependent to the group itself, and that is the important part.
You're advertising a forum for sharing prods, code and ideas.. on a well established and popular site for sharing prods, code and ideas? Why would anyone want to move form this site, which is busy and full of prods + discussion to a site from a fairly unknown group that's empty?

I don't want to say it's a pointless waste of time, but you might want to market it a little better. What's your forum got to offer that say this site is lacking?
added on the 2010-11-04 15:27:28 by psonice psonice
Welcome to Scenic.

A forum for Sceners.

We have a large database to fill with lots of interesting posts about the Scene and the art of demo-making.

The site will always be there for those who need it.

Thank you.

take a look at this thread to see how unnessary forums are welcomed here.
added on the 2010-11-04 15:27:32 by v3nom v3nom
There are enough forums for that already. Make demos not threads.
added on the 2010-11-04 15:27:52 by xernobyl xernobyl
BB Image
added on the 2010-11-04 15:31:03 by xernobyl xernobyl
psonice: As I said, im not competing. Why are there so many warez forums when warez-bb exists? Why are there so many uploading services when rapidshare exists?

v3nomsoup: Im not competing with anyone or anything, you got it wrong.

xernobyl: At least I didn't make all those threads about different forums.
Why are there so many warez forums when warez-bb exists?


Why are there so many uploading services when rapidshare exists?

added on the 2010-11-04 16:02:23 by psonice psonice
Yeah, have a warez forum about sharing the internet, and making it free is so much based on money. Everything they might have is a little donate button on the right noone cares about, or combing home some few dollars from the internet traffic. I mean, come on?
Good luck with that.
added on the 2010-11-04 16:30:48 by xeron xeron
Well, rapidshare most certainly tries as hard as possible to get me to pay them for my illegal downloads :) No idea about the wares forums, it's not the kind of place I'd bother visiting, but pretty much all of the warez related sites I've seen in recent years have a strong money making component, either advertising or pushing subscriptions to newsgroup sites. I'm sure there's some places people have set up because they're actually involved with this stuff instead of just cashing in :)

But anyway, point is simply this: if you want people to get interested + involved, we need some reason to do so, preferably something more tempting than "this new place is empty, let's move there instead of here".
added on the 2010-11-04 16:42:00 by psonice psonice
psonice: That is partially my point, but one must understand that I do not try to compete with Pouet in terms of people "moving" to my site instead of hanging out here.

I hang out here a lot, and I will most certainly continue to do so. Pouet is awesome and I never denied it in any term. But the perpose of announcing my forum here is to have "yet another" place, really do not bother if people hang out at 1000 demoscene forums, but just to have a somewhat new discussion board that I welcome to anybody.
I think what people are trying to tell you is that they don't mind the "competition", but that you'll most likely fail in your ventures.
added on the 2010-11-04 19:32:13 by gloom gloom
cool avatar, tho ;)
added on the 2010-11-04 19:40:50 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
yeah, i was thinking that too :)

And yeah, what gloom said, kind of. Whether you're intending to compete or not, we, your intended new forum inhabitants don't have unlimited time and patience, and we pick the best sites to visit. You're therefore competing whether you like it or not. I've no problem with that, but if you're competing you have to aim to win in some way.

This site has prods, ideas and discussion. It has plenty of all of those. It has lots of people here, including lots of active sceners, plenty of passive ones, and many of the real elite. If we discuss something here, there's going to be lots of replies from lots of interesting people.

Your new forum won't offer any of that until it's busy, and without that you're not competing, and very few people will find a reason to bother. If few people bother, the site will fade away and die.

So if you want to start up a new forum, you'll need to find something that will tempt us to give it a go. I've no idea what that might be, but there's tons of stuff "wrong" with pouet, and tons of stuff it doesn't do. Find something cool to attract us, and tell us all about it :)
added on the 2010-11-04 19:52:01 by psonice psonice
take a look at this thread to see how unnessary forums are welcomed here.

i remember quite well this incident since i had opened this thread. the people there were right. the truth may hurt sometimes, especially when we do not want to see it. if you want to contribute to the scene create sth that deserves to be created, sth that has not yet been implemented. also what gloom said.
added on the 2010-11-04 20:05:01 by Defiance Defiance
Wow, major deja vu reading that!
added on the 2010-11-04 21:06:11 by psonice psonice
It is important to know that Pouet is nothing compared to a new and fresh started community like mine, therefor I accept any debate going on about what is acceptable to have on my forum that Pouet has not. Despite the fact that I have started some categories symbolising what the forum is about, and that is yet in fact the phenomenon of demo-coding and other major interests in the programming area.

There is a new category just there for Game-Development and Reverse Engineering. That is an example of what I haven't seen here on Pouet. Thus keep in mind, im not to compare with great sites or communities, I am just to start a good community for new people to know how to get into the scene, where to start and how to do what they want to develop into an interest.
It is important to know that Pouet is nothing compared to a new and fresh started community like mine


Just for your knowledge:

pouët.net 0.9.903 © 2000-2010 mandarine - hosted on scene.org


some stats -24h
54780 prods + 3
10302 groups + 0
1089 parties + 0
870 boards + 0
15535 users + 3
530467 comments + 61

now go figure.
added on the 2010-11-04 21:45:28 by Defiance Defiance
HAHAHA, oops, I meant the other way. My mistake.
can you continue this boring discussion on your own forum? thank you!
added on the 2010-11-04 22:14:41 by el mal el mal
Yeah, if there is someone to talk with, that is, my reason posting here. If there is someone who flame better than Maali, try me, or have a constructive discussion with this purpose of creating the topic and sticking to it.


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