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category: general [glöplog]
long time no see!
we are back again, working on our demo 7 years. we told you several years ago that this demo will kill the demoscene. maybe it is true, maybe not!!!

dr.sverker learned to code opengl and i got stuck in the customs in colombia... but i escaped from the prison. so no problems!
then i went to the U$A and did a collab with my mate little wayne.
but then he got jail... fuck.
but now we are back and working on the demos again!!!

so... do we still hate titan? the answer is yes. ofcourse.

nice to see you all.

yours truely
demoman / speedfisters

added on the 2010-10-18 23:39:15 by demoman demoman
Seeing your group's name instantly brought one name back to my mind : raggardata !

I quickly checked my demos folder, found it, ran it, and... well... uh... Welcome back, maybe ? :D

Fire at will !
added on the 2010-10-19 00:04:35 by Korguiq Korguiq
WHAT!!! NO!!!! RUN!!!
added on the 2010-10-19 00:21:22 by jaw jaw
Oh, great.
added on the 2010-10-19 00:22:26 by mdx mdx
World domination!
Fist your eyes!
added on the 2010-10-19 02:55:52 by Frost Frost
fist og løgsovs - ren råhygge på en lørdag aften!
added on the 2010-10-19 07:31:04 by booster booster
This was long overdue!
added on the 2010-10-19 07:31:42 by Radiant Radiant
I, personally, didn't miss your demos much...
added on the 2010-10-19 11:17:29 by raer raer
nobody really cares hth
added on the 2010-10-19 11:38:44 by okkie okkie
finally quality comes back!
added on the 2010-10-19 11:44:39 by 4kum4 4kum4
ah, plenty of good news today
demoman how is musicman doing?
cool avatar, seems that you have some respect for Titan :)
added on the 2010-10-19 12:06:12 by SoDa7 SoDa7
Anyway, I will see something of old from your group demoman, I have just to search it!
added on the 2010-10-19 12:07:19 by SoDa7 SoDa7
\o/ fuckings to titan \o/
added on the 2010-10-19 17:36:27 by psenough psenough
cool story!!
added on the 2010-10-19 18:45:52 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
welcome back demoman, nice to see you and that you still hate us ;)

added on the 2010-10-19 20:04:09 by alk alk
fijn dat je er weer bent.. nederscene rulez :D
added on the 2010-10-19 20:48:45 by magic magic
added on the 2010-10-19 21:22:23 by NoahR NoahR
I'm curious to see why you and dubmood hate Titan and Rebels.
added on the 2010-10-19 22:50:08 by SoDa7 SoDa7
Rebels? wich one, New rebels, new new rebels or new new new rebels? I dont recall hating rebels, just having an argument with lator of new new rebels...
Finally some real elites to bring fuckings to Titan back. I feel great again. That actually kinda was missing in my life.
Thanks demoman, you made my day.

Yours truely,

added on the 2010-10-20 00:45:40 by iks iks
added on the 2010-10-20 01:28:46 by linde linde


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