recent gags on my part
category: general [glöplog]
Hey all,
I was responsible for some recent asshat gags under the pseudonym "Fyorder", in which I posted two fake prods. Each contained binaries that would not run on any system, an associated README which outlined some esoteric hardware requirements, and a link to a youtube video. The actual contents of the binary files were as follows:
My intention was to see how many people would thumb up a prod after only having watched a youtube video without actually taking the time to analyze it. The videos were of the prods Grog and mythosis. It was never my intention to promote myself through any of this.
This was pretty poorly thought out, and in the end was disruptive for the gloperators and irritating to other members of this site. I just wanted to take a second to apologize for my asshat behavior.
I love you pouet!
I was responsible for some recent asshat gags under the pseudonym "Fyorder", in which I posted two fake prods. Each contained binaries that would not run on any system, an associated README which outlined some esoteric hardware requirements, and a link to a youtube video. The actual contents of the binary files were as follows:
“Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking”, Albert Einstein
All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer -
says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness. ~Mark Kennedy
My intention was to see how many people would thumb up a prod after only having watched a youtube video without actually taking the time to analyze it. The videos were of the prods Grog and mythosis. It was never my intention to promote myself through any of this.
This was pretty poorly thought out, and in the end was disruptive for the gloperators and irritating to other members of this site. I just wanted to take a second to apologize for my asshat behavior.
I love you pouet!
My intention was to see how many people would thumb up a prod after only having watched a youtube video without actually taking the time to analyze it
The test was obviously quite interesting and successful ;)
To quote Gargaj:

hehe, i, this night, hated you all, because of decaying oribitals ! [/joke]
got it after your 2nd addition and almost wanted to post what i today added into my own prod ;)
was a nice try, 2nd one came too fast and was too unbelievable at all !
but you made atleast ME think !
( shaders are very uncommon in 256b-codes :p )
realtime should get swallowed in realtime plus a bit of vodka+ahoi_brause ;)
got it after your 2nd addition and almost wanted to post what i today added into my own prod ;)
was a nice try, 2nd one came too fast and was too unbelievable at all !
but you made atleast ME think !
( shaders are very uncommon in 256b-codes :p )
realtime should get swallowed in realtime plus a bit of vodka+ahoi_brause ;)
Bins working on ati or it didnt happen.
if the demos weren't that good, would that make them trash bins? HA HA HA!

One should disallow those strange download pages. It took me >2 minutes to get the fake release archives - so watching the damn youtube video is way faster... So guess what happens...
Fuck you too!
I love you pouet!
Fuck you too!
And everyone was very offended and didn't believe me when I said two years ago that most people just watch the youtube video and don't bother running the binary.
what okkie said.
Interesting experiment, should have been done with a wait-free hosting...
Also, this was way too good to be 128b :)
Also, this was way too good to be 128b :)
pouet needs a "social engineering" category
Quite a good experiment really. Maybe it could have been more fun to start with a regular 4k, using a video of some cool high end effect and an exe that just outputs "failed to create shader", then work down to a totally unbelievable 64b with strange hardware reqs to see when people realise.
The funny thing is, I thought it looked fake looking at the prod page.. but then I thought that a LOT of tiny demos would look fake unless I know it's from one of the top sceners for this category, or I've seen it realtime. There's been a lot of pretty unbelievable but actually real 256Bs. Then the weird hardware reqs.. it COULD be real, and would be pretty awesome if it was, but again unlikely. Not hardware I have, so couldn't try it, decided to wait for somebody else to try :)
Btw, the screenshot was the real givaway, it looks like dos, not shader output. Not that I noticed at the time :)
The funny thing is, I thought it looked fake looking at the prod page.. but then I thought that a LOT of tiny demos would look fake unless I know it's from one of the top sceners for this category, or I've seen it realtime. There's been a lot of pretty unbelievable but actually real 256Bs. Then the weird hardware reqs.. it COULD be real, and would be pretty awesome if it was, but again unlikely. Not hardware I have, so couldn't try it, decided to wait for somebody else to try :)
Btw, the screenshot was the real givaway, it looks like dos, not shader output. Not that I noticed at the time :)
I second Okkie!
Good! This has opened some people's eyes.
Bad! This has reopened Adok on Pouet !
Are there more psychological tests yet to come? :)
maybe we need an IQ test before ppl can post comments/on the bbs?
well, if adok gets how easy mensa-tests are in the end and how stupid/mad that other austrian dude in that last millenium was, we maybe could inject some restart()-function including a method named restart.adok ;)
maybe we need an IQ test before ppl can post comments/on the bbs?
Indeed... this would have solved half of the world's problems...
half of the world's problems
in the end adok is just a matter of a boolean ;)
maybe true, maybe false !
lets try the true-route first then ;)
nah, lets try to accept him, atleast you try to accept me aswell by now ;) and i am the concrete opposite of what adok seems to be ;) i would live in Hafenstrasse if i wouldnt live somewhere else ! OI !
maybe true, maybe false !
lets try the true-route first then ;)
nah, lets try to accept him, atleast you try to accept me aswell by now ;) and i am the concrete opposite of what adok seems to be ;) i would live in Hafenstrasse if i wouldnt live somewhere else ! OI !
guess whos drunk ?!!
nah, not implying of Sir ;)
nah, not implying of Sir ;)
is it adok?