What? Evoke already?
category: parties [glöplog]
response: tFt never answers my phonecalls, he only answers sms. Kids nowadays. :)
Thank you for the great compos and the stream.
Also, the graphic design of the party is particulary great, congratulations.
Also, the graphic design of the party is particulary great, congratulations.
What wullon said. You guys are great in every ways, never forget that. You made me live a bit of that missed Evoke (which I'm actually really missing, watching live stream and talking on irc (as always). Your twitter posts didn't manage to get me happy, knowing you guys even miss me. I miss you too. And thanks for making Evoke a fantastic place to wait for everytime one is over the second before. Thanks.
are the results up anywhere yet ?
<evoke type="ceremony" lchange="3004-08-27 12:11:48">
<item type="text" template="result">
<text font="Helvetica Condensed" size="45" color="0xFFFFFF" x="75" y="80" width="1024" align="center">ansi / ascii</text>
<item type="result" template="result_entries">
<entry points="21" place="9" artist="Mme Groteske">Cubozoa</entry>
<entry points="54" place="3" artist="Yop / Shrimps Design">Amiga Since 1993</entry>
<entry points="14" place="10" artist="abho / flo">messed as always!</entry>
<entry points="29" place="6" artist="mog / trbl">Schinken bei Nacht</entry>
<entry points="42" place="5" artist="Ne7 / DCS">Evoke 2010</entry>
<entry points="22" place="8" artist="DiamonDie">eau de ascii</entry>
<entry points="51" place="4" artist="zANEr / dIVINE sTYLERS!">Dhalsim - Yoga Shangri La</entry>
<entry points="233" place="1" artist="Projekt Carnival">Welcome to the party</entry>
<entry points="180" place="2" artist="urs / mercury">Siegfried 2.0</entry>
<entry points="29" place="6" artist="spiny / torment">ascii for evoke</entry>
<item type="text" template="result">
<text font="Helvetica Condensed" size="45" color="0xFFFFFF" x="75" y="80" width="1024" align="center">mp3 / ogg</text>
<item type="result" template="result_entries">
<entry points="106" place="2" artist="Ultrasyd / Nectarine">Party Hard @ Evoke</entry>
<entry points="42" place="8" artist="keith303 / brainstorm / tonaroma rec.">devil in disguise</entry>
<entry points="67" place="4" artist="Drumhead / NoSYS / STILL">State Of Flux</entry>
<entry points="41" place="9" artist="cosmiq / inque / fmc">encrypted</entry>
<entry points="49" place="6" artist="Teis / TRSi">P. Patt3rns</entry>
<entry points="52" place="5" artist="Saga Musix / Gravity">Ethereal Voices</entry>
<entry points="136" place="1" artist="glxblt">Abell 2029</entry>
<entry points="96" place="3" artist="wayfinder / farbrausch">When It Rains, It Pours</entry>
<entry points="47" place="7" artist="Byproduct / SceneSat">Bonus Stage</entry>
<entry points="40" place="10" artist="Konsumer">4 Wände</entry>
<item type="text" template="result">
<text font="Helvetica Condensed" size="45" color="0xFFFFFF" x="75" y="80" width="1024" align="center">freestyle graphics</text>
<item type="result" template="result_entries">
<entry points="56" place="6" artist="Medo">Stormy night</entry>
<entry points="51" place="7" artist="Kabuto">Partyhack</entry>
<entry points="11" place="8" artist="The Compiler">planets</entry>
<entry points="122" place="4" artist="Newline / Shining 8">Eine Unze Adrenochrom</entry>
<entry points="79" place="5" artist="Felidae / Reflex">Random Female</entry>
<entry points="225" place="1" artist="Acryl / Haujobb">Ein Zombie findet Noppen geil</entry>
<entry points="181" place="3" artist="Streetcreatures">Jurassic Evoke</entry>
<entry points="218" place="2" artist="tomic / unik+affiliates">4 color monkey island doodle</entry>
<item type="text" template="result">
<text font="Helvetica Condensed" size="45" color="0xFFFFFF" x="75" y="80" width="1024" align="center">tiny tracking music</text>
<item type="result" template="result_entries">
<entry points="151" place="2" artist="Saga Musix / Gravity">Secret Wish</entry>
<entry points="120" place="3" artist="cosmiq / inque / fmc">maaloot</entry>
<entry points="39" place="7" artist="Ne7 / DCS">Happy Joy</entry>
<entry points="51" place="6" artist="Alpha C">Electric Bunny</entry>
<entry points="23" place="8" artist="jeenio / Accession">skidding</entry>
<entry points="112" place="4" artist="malmen / satanic kids enterprise">Good Morning Ziphoid</entry>
<entry points="99" place="5" artist="alk + zalza / titan">Evoke - love is here!</entry>
<entry points="152" place="1" artist="Teis / TRSi">U Need Me Luvin'</entry>
<item type="text" template="result">
<text font="Helvetica Condensed" size="45" color="0xFFFFFF" x="75" y="80" width="1024" align="center">pixel graphics</text>
<item type="result" template="result_entries">
<entry points="243" place="3" artist="phunck / titan">titan sux</entry>
<entry points="33" place="5" artist="scnclr / scnclr">happymachine will get you</entry>
<entry points="102" place="4" artist="Raven / Nuance">Right way to heaven?</entry>
<entry points="300" place="1" artist="tomic / bypass+affiliates">(urgent!)</entry>
<entry points="276" place="2" artist="Acryl / Haujobb">Fischsuppe 2010</entry>
<item type="text" template="result">
<text font="Helvetica Condensed" size="45" color="0xFFFFFF" x="75" y="80" width="1024" align="center">pc 4k-intro</text>
<item type="result" template="result_entries">
<entry points="134" place="3" artist="NoSound / 0x80">Stachelfish</entry>
<entry points="446" place="1" artist="Alcatraz & Rebels">Light Rythm</entry>
<entry points="412" place="2" artist="hardy / teis / trsi">Large Hedron Collider</entry>
<item type="text" template="result">
<text font="Helvetica Condensed" size="45" color="0xFFFFFF" x="75" y="80" width="1024" align="center">alternative platforms</text>
<item type="result" template="result_entries">
<entry points="152" place="3" artist="prince / the Obsessed Maniacs / dienstagstreff / neoplasia">buttRfly</entry>
<entry points="51" place="6" artist="Chimera Music">Bits 'n' Pieces 2</entry>
<entry points="120" place="5" artist="K2">Death Chimp</entry>
<entry points="130" place="4" artist="scnclr/020200 and cie / I am why">This is our first demo</entry>
<entry points="263" place="2" artist="SVatG">
It\'s 1975 and this man is about to show you the future
<entry points="382" place="1" artist="Fuzzel / Haujobb">Payback</entry>
<item type="text" template="result">
<text font="Helvetica Condensed" size="45" color="0xFFFFFF" x="75" y="80" width="1024" align="center">animation</text>
<item type="result" template="result_entries">
<entry points="214" place="2" artist="jeenio / Accession">Drifting</entry>
<entry points="169" place="3" artist="bartrausch">schnuffelmonster</entry>
<entry points="486" place="1" artist="Gaspode">Noodles</entry>
<item type="text" template="result">
<text font="Helvetica Condensed" size="45" color="0xFFFFFF" x="75" y="80" width="1024" align="center">pc 64k-intro</text>
<item type="result" template="result_entries">
<entry points="29" place="5" artist="BeRo^Farbrausch + cyraxx ^Sd">Lines</entry>
<entry points="46" place="4" artist="Unmanaged">No Concept</entry>
<entry points="414" place="1" artist="LLB, Nicuvëo, Zavie, and Cyborg Jeff / Ctrl-Alt-Test">B - Incubation</entry>
<entry points="321" place="2" artist="rebels">spark</entry>
<entry points="284" place="3" artist="Bluflame">Liquidiced</entry>
<item type="text" template="result">
<text font="Helvetica Condensed" size="45" color="0xFFFFFF" x="75" y="80" width="1024" align="center">pc demo</text>
<item type="result" template="result_entries">
<entry points="27" place="7" artist="spacepigs / spacepigs">
schatz komma wann komme eigentlich dem neue spacepigs demo raus
<entry points="71" place="5" artist="Stroboholics">ENGAGE THE FRESSE</entry>
<entry points="116" place="4" artist="FRequency">Hall of Frames</entry>
<entry points="239" place="2" artist="Brainstorm">2019</entry>
<entry points="61" place="6" artist="TGGC / CodingCat / Bluflame">Head Eating Bow</entry>
<entry points="118" place="3" artist="raytrayza, pandur / holon">noodlesoup</entry>
<entry points="580" place="1" artist="cynic, drumhead, pirx, pixtur / still">Finally Inside</entry>
i think i was forced to post that.
Epic fail is epic.
Yay, demosceneleaks! \o/
hmm... then... CONGRATZ TO CTLR ALT TEST \o/
Results before Prizegiving? If they are for real, then it sucks badly....
I almost can feel "the force" that "forced" you... bah. Patience young Padawan is what you must learn.
As las said, FAIL.
I almost can feel "the force" that "forced" you... bah. Patience young Padawan is what you must learn.
As las said, FAIL.
OR red- plays just "PAUL THE OCTOPUS" :)
But true if its really the results then : MEGA FAIL !
But true if its really the results then : MEGA FAIL !
thanks to viprinet for supporting us
lchange="3004-08-27 12:11:48"
Wait, what ? :D
Wait, what ? :D
Relax, it's just the predicted delay of the ceremony.
oh right then, i'll just grab a few dozens pizzas and go back to sleep on the hall floor. :D

I'd like the thank the Evoke crew and Demoscene.tv big time.
I had heaps of fun watching demoscene.tv's live stream throughout evoke. Way over here in Australia it helped me get a bit of a demoparty fix.. (I setup a projector on the wall to watch heaps of it).
Finally Inside was pretty sweet too.
The pauses in the stream got pretty frustrating.. but I was still stoked to be able to remotely experience heaps of the party.. Thanks guys.
I had heaps of fun watching demoscene.tv's live stream throughout evoke. Way over here in Australia it helped me get a bit of a demoparty fix.. (I setup a projector on the wall to watch heaps of it).
Finally Inside was pretty sweet too.
The pauses in the stream got pretty frustrating.. but I was still stoked to be able to remotely experience heaps of the party.. Thanks guys.
hm...i guess the better way would have been to inform the organizers about this fail.
publishing in this case sucks a bit sorry.
its like beeing told whos the murder while still reading the first chapter of a criminalstory.
publishing in this case sucks a bit sorry.
its like beeing told whos the murder while still reading the first chapter of a criminalstory.
Just before I forget... awesome party guys, the organisation in particular impresses me at Evoke and I will definately visit again next year. Keep it going guys!
+1 docd
ahrgh...stream sucks so much. buffer buffer buffer arghg
next time, please dedicate some upstream bandwidth for the demoscene.tv - it was chunky.
besides that, we loved that there actually was a stream - kudos and thanks!
besides that, we loved that there actually was a stream - kudos and thanks!

saling, what's the deal with posting random stream pics?