Future Crew documentary
category: general [glöplog]
I meant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxjcU9x-nAw, but what has been done cannot be undone...
Styx, yeah, my part on Second Reality was minimal. I was very lucky to be involved and owe a lot of what my life has become to the good fortune of being part of FC. A lot of what made FC tick was team chemistry which came from everybody and organizing especially by Gore. You can really hear and see that in the doc.
baah: http://www.archive.org/details/Demographics_BehindtheScene is higher quality (grab the mpeg-2).
[Future Crew] Episode of the #demoscene documentary now available, with English subs: http://bit.ly/af3uoc
@trixter: thanks, grabbed!
great documentary, thanks guys!
would be nice to see such things for other old groups.
would be nice to see such things for other old groups.
nice documentary, to bad the one question I wanted asked never was asked.
Did they get inspired from Desert Dream. :)
Did they get inspired from Desert Dream. :)
Even if they'd deny that it's very obvious they were :)
Really nice and well done. Who's behind that?
Thomas "riot / Orange^TPOLM" Puha and Arttu "g-spot" Silvast.
More please!
BTW, old http://demoscenedoc.com/ is gone. :(
BTW, old http://demoscenedoc.com/ is gone. :(