Why did Spexter piss on Response this evening?
category: residue [glöplog]
Spexter was watering his feet, and Response walked by closely ... :-X
or maybe Spexter was bying his clothes and Response watered closely on the LAH LHA LAH LAH
you piss on the dog who doesnt respect your authority.
response was getting pissed most soonish anyway ;)
i was pissed, and spexzter was pissing, and when he was pissing i was so pissed when i walked by him that he pissed on my leg because i was so pissed.
Wait. That did NOT happen.
sure it did :)
christ....what the fuck did i miss...
Exactly that part of Solskogen, I'm sure you're glad you missed ;-)
response were you pissed off that spexter pissed on you while you were pissed? Don't answer that I am just taking the piss.

It was years later we discovered this song