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@party news!

category: parties [glöplog]
+++++There are 11 days left to get your remote entries ready!+++++

*We have planned a LIVE STREAM of Saturday and possibly Friday events, operated by Inspired Chaos.

*We have an IRC channel, #atparty on irc.freenode.org!

*There will be an Italian dinner Saturday night for all attendees generously sponsored by the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab.

*We'll have live music from Animalstyle, C-Trix, Coda, and Oxygenstar and live visuals from NO CARRIER!

*The deadline for remote entries (and registration, as there will be no registration onsite) is June 7. Compos include Demo, Intro, Oldschool, Freestyle Music, 8-Bit Music, Freestyle Graphics, Interactive Fiction, Wild; for more info see http://atparty-demoscene.net/compos.html. Please email atparty dot demoscene09 at g mail dot com for remote entry information.

*We will be holding a contest for the design of @party's 2011 logo, open to onsite attendees only. Details to come.

*Thanks again to Northern Dragons for producing our invite, which took 9th place in the pc demo compo at Breakpoint 2010: http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=54616!
From where I'm standing, the demoscene tends to be focused mostly on IRCNet, I think you may get more response to the IRC channel if people didn't have to go about opening up (yet another) IRC server connection to a different network. Just a thought.

added on the 2010-05-27 19:26:24 by m0d m0d
indeed, freenode is about as useless as esper.net! \o/

/me runs for his life
added on the 2010-05-27 19:39:59 by havoc havoc
Trust me, i'm not always that happy to be handling 3000 furry RPG gamers and a bunch of trackerfiends with demoscene tendancies either.
added on the 2010-05-27 22:09:24 by m0d m0d
dang... ok then there's only one thing left for me to say i guess...

added on the 2010-05-27 22:39:42 by havoc havoc
iam both wannabe furry and wannabe demoscene =(
You know the max resolution for the graphic compo yet?
added on the 2010-05-28 23:39:01 by sigflup sigflup
@rowley: jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
added on the 2010-05-29 00:26:48 by m0d m0d
IRC is not reachable for me, no answer to my email. Any party-organizer around to help me out here?
added on the 2010-06-02 09:19:09 by CONS CONS
Organizer here.

@CONS: what do you need to know? The IRC setup isn't working?

@sigflup: We're still working that out, need to hear back from the person lending us a projector.
Also, for anyone else reading this thread, there are now five and a half days left to submit remote entries (fine to just send them to atparty.demoscene09 at gmail.com, no reason to mess around with FTP) or register for the event!

Registration and entry submissions close midnight on June 7, 2010. Any questions, just email me.
Exactly. all i get is : Failed to connect to irc.freenode.org

for two days now...
I tried several ports, but still nothing Then i saw the other thread stating it may be irc.freenode.net so i tried that, too. Same result.

I sent you an email two days ago asking how to submit my remote entry, but i still got no answer. So if you ask to send the entry to the same address, i would like to know first, that it works ;)
added on the 2010-06-02 19:13:22 by CONS CONS
<supportmode ON>
irc.freenode.org and irc.freenode.net should work both. youve tried it with an IRC-Client and not your web-browser, right?
if you did there should be a little more in your status window than "connection failed". try resolving/pinging irc.freenode.net from your commandline and see if theres a reaction. if it resolves but you still can't connect it may be that your firewalled as hell or your ip doesnt resolve too good (but i actually have no idea how freenode reacts to IPs without dns-resolution).
if all is failing and you seem completely lost (and only then! ;) there are still *yuck* web-irc-gateways.
google gave me http://webchat.freenode.net/ for freenode but there are many alternatives around if you dont like it.
<supportmode OFF>

youre not able to connect to irc?? hahaha noob! ;)
added on the 2010-06-02 19:23:26 by wysiwtf wysiwtf

youre not able to connect to irc?? hahaha noob! ;)

Hehe, that's what i asked in #bitfellas at irc.fu-berlin.de, too, but all they gave me were strange looks ;)
Must be this strange Miranda-IM IRC plugin, then.
Webchat works so far *bookmark*
added on the 2010-06-02 19:50:28 by CONS CONS
it was just brought to my attention (i hate u gargaj! ;) that cons is founder/op of #bitfellas/ircnet so i guess he aint a noob after all.
pls dont feel insulted, just trying to help here :)
added on the 2010-06-02 19:50:58 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Just op. No worries :) (i thank you gargaj!)
added on the 2010-06-02 20:00:55 by CONS CONS
you're both noobs!
added on the 2010-06-02 20:25:45 by el mal el mal
and you're the peanut gallery
added on the 2010-06-02 21:02:43 by sigflup sigflup
Dr Claw is on IRC with CONS right now dealing with remote entry stuff. If anyone else has trouble with the email poke us there or on here. Dr Claw is now on IRC duty during waking hours EST until the party.
bump map! two days left for registration or remote entries! i should probably join the irc channel at some point. :)

added on the 2010-06-05 18:57:11 by phoenix phoenix
Am on IRC, not just our channel but also trax, modshrine, and SLAYRadio, and should be most of the day except when in transit to and from friend's house where am doing projects.

We've had a number of remote entries and more registrations (I *really* need to update the website). Yay!

<b>approx 37 hours left to register or submit your remote entry! </b>
24 hours from now -- midnight on the 7th -- your @party registrations will need to have been made and remote entries will need to have been submitted to us via email at atparty dot demoscene09 at g mail dot com

News for folks with graphics entries: our projector will be an Epson 8100, 1920x1080 max res, 3 lcd, 1800 lumens.

We may have another musical guest or two not noted on the website joining us and will publicize this if so. As noted, there will be free dinner sponsored by Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab Saturday night and we are live streaming concerts and compos.

We thank all those who have already made their remote submissions or registrations. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

See you @ the party!
metoikos: did you get my email? :)
added on the 2010-06-07 09:34:29 by prost prost
Pro: what was the subject?
pro: yes I got your email, thought I replied, checking


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